
2lpgd968  于 2023-03-03  发布在  Flutter


I/flutter (28200): *** WARNING ***
I/flutter (28200): 
I/flutter (28200): Invalid argument {recipeName: Butter Chicken, recipeCategory: Indian Cuisine} with type _InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic>.
I/flutter (28200): Only num, String and Uint8List are supported. See https://github.com/tekartik/sqflite/blob/master/sqflite/doc/supported_types.md for details
I/flutter (28200): 
I/flutter (28200): This will throw an exception in the future. For now it is displayed once per type.
I/flutter (28200): 
I/flutter (28200):     
E/SQLiteLog(28200): (1) near "101": syntax error in "INSERT INTO recipeTable (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
E/flutter (28200): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: DatabaseException(near "101": syntax error (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: INSERT INTO recipeTable (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) sql 'INSERT INTO recipeTable (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' args [{recipeName: Butter Chicken, recipeCategory: India..., {recipeName: Tikka, recipeCategory: Indian Cuisine..., {recipeName: Pizza, recipeCategory: Italian Cuisin..., {recipeName: Burger, recipeCategory: Fast Food}, {recipeName: Karai, recipeCategory: Pakistani Cuis..., {recipeName: Handi, recipeCategory: Indian Cuisine..., {recipeName: Soup, recipeCategory: Starter}, {recipeName: Shawarma, recipeCategory: Eastern Cui..., {recipeName: French Fires, recipeCategory: Fast Fo...]
E/flutter (28200): #0      wrapDatabaseException (package:sqflite/src/exception_impl.dart:11:7)
E/flutter (28200): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (28200): #1      SqfliteDatabaseMixin.txnRawInsert.<anonymous closure> (package:sqflite_common/src/database_mixin.dart:548:14)
E/flutter (28200): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (28200): #2      BasicLock.synchronized (package:synchronized/src/basic_lock.dart:33:16)
E/flutter (28200): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (28200): #3      SqfliteDatabaseMixin.txnSynchronized (package:sqflite_common/src/database_mixin.dart:489:14)
E/flutter (28200): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (28200): #4      DatabaseHelper.saveRecipe (package:recipedia/Database/databaseHelper.dart:46:15)
E/flutter (28200): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (28200):


Future<void> getRecipeData() async {
    recipes = await RecipeModel().getRecipeDataList();
    count = await RecipeModel().getRecipeCount();

    //Converting List into Map
    for (int i=0; i<count;i++) {
      recipeMap[recipes[i].recipeID] = {
        'recipeName': recipes[i].recipeName,
        'recipeCategory': recipes[i].recipeCategory,
    //Storing data into database


class DatabaseHelper {
  static final DatabaseHelper _instance = DatabaseHelper.internal();

  factory DatabaseHelper() => _instance;

  final String recipeTable = 'recipeTable';
  final String recipeId = 'recipeId';
  final String recipeName = 'recipeName';
  final String recipeCategory = 'recipe_category';
  final String columnSynced = 'synced';

  static Database? _db;

  Future<Database?> get db async {
    if (_db != null) {
      return _db;
    _db = await initDb();
    return _db;


  initDb() async {
    String databasesPath = await getDatabasesPath();
    String path = join(databasesPath, 'recipe.db');

    var db = await openDatabase(path, version: 1, onCreate: _onCreate);
    return db;

  void _onCreate(Database db, int newVersion) async {
    await db.execute(
        'CREATE TABLE $recipeTable($recipeId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, $recipeName TEXT, $recipeCategory TEXT, $columnSynced INTEGER)');

  Future<int> saveRecipe(Map<String, dynamic> recipe) async {
    var dbClient = await db;
    int res = await dbClient!.insert(recipeTable, recipe);
    return res;




正如Save Hashmap Data Into SQLiteHow to Convert Hashmap to String to Save in SQLite Database post所解释的那样;您需要将recipe Map转换为字符串/ json以存储在SQLite数据库中。

Future<int> saveRecipe(Map<String, dynamic> recipe) async {
  var dbClient = await db;
  String recipeJson = jsonEncode(recipe); 
  int res = await dbClient!.insert(recipeTable, {'recipe': recipeJson});
  return res;
