ios Swift在位置服务的getter中崩溃

ryoqjall  于 2023-03-05  发布在  iOS



// most recent location received
var _mostRecentLocationReceived : CLLocation = CLLocation(latitude: 0, longitude: 0)
var mostRecentLocationReceived : CLLocation {
    set (newValue) {
        _mostRecentLocationReceived = newValue
    get {
        // check if someone already set the variable
        if ((_mostRecentLocationReceived.coordinate.latitude != 0.0)
            && (_mostRecentLocationReceived.coordinate.longitude != 0.0))
            // yes, so return it
            return _mostRecentLocationReceived
        } else {
            // not set so far, provide a helper value
            // first atempt, the current location from location manager
            if WTS.unique.WTS_LocationManager != nil {
                if WTS.unique.WTS_LocationManager!.location != nil {
                    return WTS.unique.WTS_LocationManager!.location!
            // second atempt the last stored center of the map
            return CLLocation(latitude: WaysMapOnScreenLastCenter.latitude,
                              longitude: WaysMapOnScreenLastCenter.longitude)


if ((_mostRecentLocationReceived.coordinate.latitude != 0.0)
            && (_mostRecentLocationReceived.coordinate.longitude != 0.0))





// queue to handle the getter and setter of _mostRecentLocationReceivedQueue
let _mostRecentLocationReceivedQueue : DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(
    label: "org.hobrink.WayAndSee.mostRecentLocationReceivedQueue",
    qos: .default, attributes: .concurrent)

var _mostRecentLocationReceived : CLLocation? = nil
var mostRecentLocationReceived : CLLocation {
    set (newValue) {
        _mostRecentLocationReceivedQueue.async (flags: .barrier, execute: {
            _mostRecentLocationReceived = newValue
    get {
        return _mostRecentLocationReceivedQueue.sync {
            // check if someone already set the variable
            if (_mostRecentLocationReceived != nil) {
                // yes, so return it
                return _mostRecentLocationReceived!
            } else {
                // not set so far, provide a helper value
                // first atempt, the current location from location manager
                if WTS.unique.WTS_LocationManager != nil {
                    if WTS.unique.WTS_LocationManager!.location != nil {
                        return WTS.unique.WTS_LocationManager!.location!
                // second atempt the last stored center of the map
                return CLLocation(latitude: WaysMapOnScreenLastCenter.latitude,
                                  longitude: WaysMapOnScreenLastCenter.longitude)
