Python稀疏矩阵C,其元素c_ij = sum_j min(a_ij,B_ji)来自稀疏矩阵A和B

xtfmy6hx  于 2023-03-07  发布在  Python

我有两个稀疏矩阵AB,其中AB的列数相同(但行数可能不同),我试图得到一个稀疏矩阵C,其元素c_ij = sum_j min(a_ij,b_ji),其中a_ij和b_ij分别是AB的元素。

    • 详细信息:**类似于标准(数学)矩阵乘法,但不是对元素的乘积求和,而是对元素的最小值求和。

举一个例子,使用标准的矩阵乘法A*B给出元素c_ij = sum_ja_ij * b_ji,其中i和j分别作为行和列索引。

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

A = csr_matrix([[1, 2, 0], 
                [0, 0, 3], 
                [4, 0, 5]])

B = csr_matrix([[2, 0, 0], 
                [0, 0, 3], 
                [6, 0, 0]])

C = A * B
print(f"\nC = A * B = \n{C}")


C = A * B = 
  (0, 2)    6
  (0, 0)    2
  (1, 0)    18
  (2, 0)    38

c_(31)= 38 = j和(a_(3j)* b_(j1))= 4 * 2 + 0 * 0 + 5 * 6 = 38。
对于C中的每个元素,我需要最小值的和min(a_ij * b_ji),而不是乘积a_ij * b_ji的和:
c_31 =和_j最小(a_3j,b_j1)=最小(4,2)+最小(0,0)+最小(5,6)= 7。




import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_array, coo_array

# If you're able to start in COO format instead of CSR format, it will make the code below simpler
A = csr_array([
    [1, 2, 0],
    [0, 0, 3],
    [4, 0, 5],
    [4, 0, 5],
    [1, 1, 6],
B = csr_array([
    [2, 0, 0, 8],
    [0, 0, 3, 2],
    [6, 0, 0, 4],
m, n = A.shape
n, p = B.shape

# first min argument based on A
a_coo = A.tocoo(copy=False)
a_row_idx = ((a_coo.col + a_coo.row*(n*p))[None, :] + np.arange(0, n*p, n)[:, None]).ravel()
a_min = coo_array((
    np.broadcast_to(, (p, A.size)).ravel(),  # data: row-major repeat
        a_row_idx,                 # row indices
        np.zeros_like(a_row_idx),  # column indices
), shape=(m*n*p, 2))

# test; deleteme
a_min_dense = np.zeros((m*n*p, 2), dtype=int)
a_min_dense[:, 0] = np.repeat(A.toarray(), p, axis=0).ravel()
assert np.allclose(a_min_dense, a_min.toarray())

# second min argument based on B
b_coo = B.tocoo(copy=False)
b_row_idx = ((b_coo.row + b_coo.col*n)[None, :] + np.arange(0, m*n*p, n*p)[:, None]).ravel()
b_min = coo_array((
    np.broadcast_to(, (m, B.size)).ravel(),  # data: row-major repeat
        b_row_idx,                # row indices
        np.ones_like(b_row_idx),  # column indices
), shape=(m*n*p, 2))

# test; deleteme
b_min_dense = np.zeros((m*n*p, 2), dtype=int)
b_min_dense[:, 1] = np.tile(B.T.toarray().ravel(), (1, m)).ravel()
assert np.allclose(b_min_dense, b_min.toarray())

# Alternative to this: use two one-dimensional columns and hstack
ab = (a_min + b_min).min(axis=1)
addend = ab.reshape((-1, n))

# scipy sparse summation input is sparse, but output is NOT SPARSE. It's an np.matrix.
# If that matters, you need to run a more complex operation on 'ab' that manipulates indices.
# deleteme
total = addend.sum(axis=1).reshape((m, p))

# Example true sparse sum
separators = np.insert(
    np.nonzero(np.diff(addend.row))[0] + 1,
    0, 0,
sparse_total = coo_array((
    np.add.reduceat(, separators),
), shape=(m*p, 1)).reshape((m, p))

# test; deleteme
ab_dense = (a_min_dense + b_min_dense).min(axis=1)
sum_dense = ab_dense.reshape((-1, n)).sum(axis=1).reshape((m, p))
assert np.allclose(ab.toarray().ravel(), ab_dense)
assert np.allclose(sum_dense, total)
assert np.allclose(sum_dense, sparse_total.toarray())



[[1 0 2]
 [3 0 0]
 [7 0 0]]
