
yv5phkfx  于 2023-03-09  发布在  Perl


sub compare{
    my ($v1,$v2) = @_;
    if ($v1 < $v2){
        return $v1;
        return $v2;

sub check{
    my $v = $_[0];
    if ($v > 0){
        return "ckeck done\n";

sub printok{
    return "ok\n";

print printok(pop(@stack),pop(@stack)),"\n";
print check(pop(@stack),pop(@stack)),"\n";
print compare(pop(@stack),pop(@stack)),"\n";

print join(" ",@stack), "\n";




use strict;
use warnings;

#regex for numbers
my $regN = qr/[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/;
#creating the stack
my @stack;
#creating the hash table for the opcodes
my %opcodes = (
    '+'    => \&add,
    '-'    => \&subtract,
    '*'    => \&multi,
    '/'    => \&divide,
    'neg'  => \&negate,
    'conj' => \&conjugate,
    'abs'  => \&absolute,
    'sqrt' => \&squarert,
    'drop' => \&drop,
    'dup'  => \&dup,
    'swap' => \&swap,
    'rot'  => \&rot,

#declaration of the n variable used in the rot N function
my $n;

#realisation of the + function
sub add{
    die "Error: The + function requires at least 2 elements in the stack" 
    if 2 > scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my ($q2, $q1) = (pop(@stack),pop(@stack));

    #adding the elements of the quaternions
    @q[0] = @$q1[0] + @$q2[0];
    @q[1] = @$q1[1] + @$q2[1];
    @q[2] = @$q1[2] + @$q2[2];
    @q[3] = @$q1[3] + @$q2[3];
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the - function
sub subtract{
    die "Error: The - function requires at least 2 elements in the stack" 
    if 2 > scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my ($q2, $q1) = (pop(@stack),pop(@stack));

    #subtracting the elements of the quaternions
    @q[0] = @$q1[0] - @$q2[0];
    @q[1] = @$q1[1] - @$q2[1];
    @q[2] = @$q1[2] - @$q2[2];
    @q[3] = @$q1[3] - @$q2[3];
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the * function
sub multi{
    die "Error: The * function requires at least 2 elements in the stack" 
    if 2 > scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my ($q2, $q1) = (pop(@stack),pop(@stack));

    @q[0] = (@$q1[0] * @$q2[0] - @$q1[1] * @$q2[1] - 
    @$q1[2] * @$q2[2] - @$q1[3] * @$q2[3]);
    @q[1] = (@$q1[1] * @$q2[0] + @$q1[0] * @$q2[1] + 
    @$q1[2] * @$q2[3] - @$q1[3] * @$q2[2]);
    @q[2] = (@$q1[0] * @$q2[2] - @$q1[1] * @$q2[3] + 
    @$q1[2] * @$q2[0] + @$q1[3] * @$q2[1]);
    @q[3] = (@$q1[0] * @$q2[3] + @$q1[1] * @$q2[2] - 
    @$q1[2] * @$q2[1] + @$q1[3] * @$q2[0]);
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the / function
sub divide{
    die "Error: The / function requires at least 2 elements in the stack" 
    if 2 > scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my ($q2, $q1) = (pop(@stack),pop(@stack));

    @q[0] = (@$q1[0] * @$q2[0] + @$q1[1] * @$q2[1] + 
    @$q1[2] * @$q2[2] + @$q1[3] * @$q2[3])/
    (@$q1[0]**2 + @$q1[1]**2 + @$q1[2]**2 + @$q1[3]**2);
    @q[1] = (@$q1[0] * @$q2[1] - @$q1[1] * @$q2[0] - 
    @$q1[2] * @$q2[3] + @$q1[3] * @$q2[2])/
    (@$q1[0]**2 + @$q1[1]**2 + @$q1[2]**2 + @$q1[3]**2);
    @q[2] = (@$q1[0] * @$q2[2] + @$q1[1] * @$q2[3] - 
    @$q1[2] * @$q2[0] - @$q1[3] * @$q2[1])/
    (@$q1[0]**2 + @$q1[1]**2 + @$q1[2]**2 + @$q1[3]**2);
    @q[3] = (@$q1[0] * @$q2[3] - @$q1[1] * @$q2[2] + 
    @$q1[2] * @$q2[1] - @$q1[3] * @$q2[0])/
    (@$q1[0]**2 + @$q1[1]**2 + @$q1[2]**2 + @$q1[3]**2);
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the neg function
sub negate{
    die "Error: The neg function requires at least 1 elements in the stack" 
    if 0 == scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my $q1 = pop(@stack);

    @q[0] = @$q1[0] * -1;
    @q[1] = @$q1[1] * -1;
    @q[2] = @$q1[2] * -1;
    @q[3] = @$q1[3] * -1;
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the conj function
sub conjugate{
    die "Error: The conj function requires at least 1 element in the stack" 
    if 0 == scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my $q1 = pop(@stack);
    @q[0] = @$q1[0];
    @q[1] = @$q1[1] * -1;
    @q[2] = @$q1[2] * -1;
    @q[3] = @$q1[3] * -1;
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the abs function
sub absolute{
    die "Error: The abs function requires at least 1 element in the stack" 
    if 0 == scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my $q1 = pop(@stack);
    #finding absolute values of each individual component
    @q[0] = abs(@$q1[0]);
    @q[1] = abs(@$q1[1]);
    @q[2] = abs(@$q1[2]);
    @q[3] = abs(@$q1[3]);
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the sqrt function
sub squarert{
    die "Error: The sqrt function requires at least 1 element in the stack" 
    if 0 == scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my $q1 = pop(@stack);
    #finding the magnitude of the quaternion
    my $magnitude = sqrt(@$q1[0]**2 + @$q1[1]**2 + @$q1[2]**2 + @$q1[3]**2);
    my $theta = atan2(sqrt(1 - (@$q1[0] / $magnitude)**2), @$q1[0] / $magnitude);
    @q[0] = cos($theta/2);
    @q[1] = sin($theta/2) * (@$q1[1] / $magnitude);
    @q[2] = sin($theta/2) * (@$q1[2] / $magnitude);
    @q[3] = sin($theta/2) * (@$q1[3] / $magnitude);
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the exp function
sub drop{
    die "Error: The drop function requires at least 1 element in the stack" 
    if 0 == scalar @stack;

#realisation of the dup function
sub dup{
    die "Error: The dup function requires at least 1 element in the stack" 
    if 0 == scalar @stack;
    my @q;
    my $q1 = pop(@stack);
    @q = @$q1;
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);
    push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

#realisation of the swap function
sub swap{
    die "Error: The swap function requires at least 2 elements in the stack" 
    if 2 > scalar @stack;
    my @q1 = @{pop(@stack)};
    my @q2 = @{pop(@stack)};
    push(@stack,[$q1[0], $q1[1], $q1[2], $q1[3]]);
    push(@stack,[$q2[0], $q2[1], $q2[2], $q2[3]]);

#realisation of the rot function
sub rot{
    die "Error: N (in rot N) cannot be 0" if $n == 0;
    die "Error: N (in rot N) cannot be greater than 
    the amount of elements in the stack"
    if abs($n) > scalar @stack;
    my @q ;
    if ($n > 0) {
        print "positive\n";
        @q = @{pop(@stack)};
        splice (@stack, $n-1, 0, [$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);
    elsif ($n < 0) {
        print "negative\n";
        @q = @{$stack[$n-1]};
        splice (@stack, $n-1, 1);
        push(@stack,[$q[0], $q[1], $q[2], $q[3]]);

    next if /^\s*$/;
    if (/^\s*#@/){
        die "Error: The column line is not of the right format" 
        unless (/^\s*#@\s*1\s*i\s*j\s*k\s*$/);
    next if /^\s*#/;
    if (/^\s*($regN)\s+($regN)\s+($regN)\s+($regN)\s*$/){
        my $quat = [$1,$2,$3,$4];
        #print join("; ",@{$stack[0]}),"\n";
    elsif (/^\s*$regN(\s+$regN)*\s*$/){
        die "Error: Number of input number components is not 4";
    elsif (/^\s*(\S+)([\s,[\d,-]*]?)\s*$/){
        my $op = $1 ;
        $n = $2 ;
        die "Error: Unknown operation '$op'" 
        unless exists $opcodes{$op};
        #print pop(@stack), "\n" ;
        #print pop(@stack), "\n"
        # foreach my $qr(@stack){
        #   print join("; ",@{$qr}),"\n";
        # }
        # print "\n";   

warn "Warning: Extra values left in the stack at the end of the",
" program" 
if scalar @stack > 1;

die "Error: Not enough values on the stack 
for printing at the end of the program"
if scalar @stack == 0;

print "#@ 1 i j k\n";
my @ans = @{pop(@stack)};

if (grep {$_ eq "NaN"} @ans){
    print "NaN\n";
elsif (grep {$_ eq "Inf"} @ans){
    print "+Inf\n";
elsif (grep {$_ eq "-Inf"} @ans){
    print "-Inf\n";
    print join ("; ",@ans);





use v5.10;

sub compare {
    my $v1 = pop @{ $_[0] };
    my $v2 = pop @{ $_[0] };
    if ( $v1 < $v2 ) {
        return $v1;
    else {
        return $v2;

sub check {
    my $v = pop @{ $_[0] };
    if ( $v > 0 ) {
        return "check done";
    else {

sub printok {
    return "ok";

say printok( \@stack );
say check( \@stack );
say compare( \@stack );

say join( " ", @stack );




use v5.10;
use Sub::Talisman qw( ArgCount );

sub compare :ArgCount(2) {
    my ( $v1, $v2 ) = @_;
    if ( $v1 < $v2 ) {
        return $v1;
    else {
        return $v2;

sub check :ArgCount(1) {
    my $v = shift;
    if ( $v > 0 ) {
        return "check done";
    else {

sub printok :ArgCount(0) {
    return "ok";

sub call_with_stack {
    my ( $function, $stack, @extra_args ) = @_;
    my $coderef = ref( $function )
        ? $function
        : __PACKAGE__->can( $function );
    my $count = Sub::Talisman
        ->get_attribute_parameters( $coderef, 'ArgCount' )
    $count -= scalar @extra_args;
    my @args = ();
    if ( $count > 0 ) {
        push @args, pop @$stack for 1 .. $count;
    $coderef->( @args, @extra_args );

say call_with_stack printok => \@stack;
say call_with_stack check => \@stack;
say call_with_stack compare => \@stack;

say join( " ", @stack );

这允许函数体不知道堆栈,但要求函数的调用方将调用 Package 在call_with_stack中。
第二种解决方案似乎是一种最好的解决方案,它可以满足额外的要求,即可以传递一个不是来自堆栈的额外$n,尽管在本例中,它硬编码了这样一个假设,即任何额外的非堆栈参数将始终位于参数列表的 end
