I'm trying to do a count on all of the data from last week (Monday - Sunday). But it seems like it's ignoring Sunday for some reason and this way I'm not getting the correct count:
Select *
FROM Products a
inner join Locations b
on a.Location = b.LocID
where b.LocID = 12 AND
a.Created >= DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF(week,0,GETDATE())-1,-1)
AND a.Created < DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF(week,0,GETDATE()),-1)
Try using day of week instead. I think you might have trouble with using WEEK as you actually need to calculate:
where a.Created >= (last week Monday) and a.Created < (this week Monday)
Here is the query using DW:
Assuming that you have a dateTime column in your table, you can make use of the DATE_SUB() and NOW() functions to get all the data from the last week.