SQL Server Count data with 2 conditions on same query

3qpi33ja  于 2023-03-11  发布在  其他

Here is my sample table:

owner        file_type       status
John            doc_1           1  
John            doc_2           1   
John            doc_3           0
Mike            doc_1           1
Mike            doc_2           0
Mike            doc_3           1   
Dona            doc_1           0   
Dona            doc_2           0
Dona            doc_3           0  
Jane            doc_1           1   
Jane            doc_2           1
Jane            doc_3           1

Result I need to see from my query is this:

owner        uploaded       remaining
John            2               1  
Mike            2               1  
Dona            0               3   
Jane            3               0

Here is the code I tried.

SELECT owner AS 'Name', COUNT(file_type) AS 'uploaded'
FROM sampleTable
WHERE [status] = 1
GROUP BY owner

Based on my code I get the count of uploaded documents,but how do I also get the remaining count in the same query the other condition is [status] = 0 ?



We can use conditional aggregation here:

    owner AS Name,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN status = 1 THEN 1 END) AS uploaded,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 1 END) AS remaining
FROM sampleTable
GROUP BY owner

Each of the above CASE expressions conditionally counts the number of times the status be 0 or 1.



Just use a CASE expression:

SELECT  owner [Name], 
        SUM(CASE WHEN file_type = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) uploaded,
        SUM(CASE WHEN file_type = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) remaining
FROM sampleTable 
GROUP BY owner;


Assuming that status is always 0 or 1 , I would recommend arithmetics rather than case expressions. I would assume this solution to be a little more efficient than the case approach (and it also neater):

SELECT owner AS name, SUM(status) uploaded, SUM(1 - status) remaining
FROM sampleTable
GROUP BY owner
