matplotlib 如何在python geodatrame中给点添加箭头标签?

oxalkeyp  于 2023-03-19  发布在  Python




  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3. from shapely.geometry import Point
  4. import geopandas as gpd
  5. from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
  6. import json
  7. #This function creates the pandas dataframe where each row is the (latitude, longitude) of a location. The first column is latitude, and the second column is longitude
  8. def createLatitudeLongitudeDataFrame(inputJsonFolder, inputJsonFilename):
  9. data = json.load(open(inputJsonFolder + "\\" + inputJsonFilename))
  10. latitudes = []
  11. longitudes = []
  12. for location in data["locations"]:
  13. latitudes.append(location["coordinates"]["latitude"])
  14. longitudes.append(location["coordinates"]["longitude"])
  15. data_tuples = list(zip(latitudes, longitudes))
  16. df = pd.DataFrame(data_tuples, columns=["Latitudes", "Longitudes"])
  17. return df
  18. #This function creates the map of the locations based on the dataframe.
  19. def createMapOfLocations(df):
  20. geometry = [Point(yx) for yx in zip(df['Longitudes'], df['Latitudes'])]
  21. gdf = GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=geometry)
  22. #This is a simple map that goes with geopandas
  23. world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
  24. gdf.plot(ax=world.plot(figsize=(10, 6)), marker='o', color='red', markersize=15)
  26. def main():
  27. inputJsonFolder = "\\inputFolder"
  28. inputJsonFilename = "testing.json"
  29. df = createLatitudeLongitudeDataFrame(inputJsonFolder, inputJsonFilename)
  30. createMapOfLocations(df)
  31. main()



  1. Content of "testing.json"
  2. The `locations` data should contain:
  3. - (long, lat) of the location
  4. - name, i.e. "City_A"
  5. - (shift_long, shift_lat) for positioning of the `name` away from the location to avoid clashing
  6. {"locations": [
  7. {"coordinates": {"latitude": 12, "longitude": 99, "name": "City_A", "shift": [-19,-16]}},
  8. {"coordinates": {"latitude": 55, "longitude": 68, "name": "City_B", "shift": [15,15]}},
  9. {"coordinates": {"latitude": 36, "longitude": 35, "name": "City_C", "shift": [-17,18]}} ]}


  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3. from shapely.geometry import Point
  4. import geopandas as gpd
  5. from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
  6. import json
  7. def createLatitudeLongitudeDataFrame(inputJsonFolder, inputJsonFilename):
  8. data = json.load(open(inputJsonFolder + "/" + inputJsonFilename))
  9. latitudes = []
  10. longitudes = []
  11. names = [] # annotation name
  12. shifts = [] # annotation shift(dlong, dlat)
  13. for location in data["locations"]:
  14. latitudes.append(location["coordinates"]["latitude"])
  15. longitudes.append(location["coordinates"]["longitude"])
  16. names.append(location["coordinates"]["name"])
  17. shifts.append(location["coordinates"]["shift"])
  18. data_tuples = list(zip(latitudes, longitudes, names, shifts))
  19. df = pd.DataFrame(data_tuples, columns=["Latitudes", "Longitudes", "Names", "Shifts"])
  20. return df
  21. #This function creates the map of the locations based on the dataframe.
  22. def createMapOfLocations(df):
  23. geometry = [Point(yx) for yx in zip(df['Longitudes'], df['Latitudes'])]
  24. gdf1 = GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=geometry)
  25. #This is a simple map that goes with geopandas
  26. world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
  27. # Need ax1 for reuse
  28. fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
  29. world.plot(ax=ax1, alpha=0.5)
  30. gdf1.plot(ax=ax1, marker='o', color='red', markersize=15)
  31. # ---------------
  32. # Plot annotation
  33. # Note the values of xytext, it needs good offset to avoid clashes
  34. # ---------------
  35. gdf1.apply(lambda ro:
  36. ax1.annotate(
  37. text=ro['Names'],
  38. xy=ro.geometry.centroid.coords[0],
  39. xytext=[ro.geometry.centroid.coords[0][0]+ro['Shifts'][0],
  40. ro.geometry.centroid.coords[0][1]+ro['Shifts'][1]],
  41. xycoords='data',
  42. size="small", color="k",
  43. ha="center", va="center",
  44. arrowprops=dict(
  45. arrowstyle='->',
  46. connectionstyle="arc3,rad=-0.05",
  47. color="k"
  48. )
  49. ), axis=1)
  50. # Set extent of the required map
  51. ax1.set_xlim(-25,120)
  52. ax1.set_ylim(-15,75)
  54. def main():
  55. inputJsonFolder = "./inputFolder"
  56. inputJsonFilename = "testing.json"
  57. df = createLatitudeLongitudeDataFrame(inputJsonFolder, inputJsonFilename)
  58. createMapOfLocations(df)
  59. print(df)
  60. main()

