srs Is it possible to support OBS publish HEVC stream over rtmp ?

ogq8wdun  于 2023-03-19  发布在  其他


Please description your issue here

  1. SRS Version: 6.0.10
  2. SRS Log:
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.025][INFO][4274][52f90744] RTMP client ip=, fd=83
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.028][INFO][4274][52f90744] simple handshake success.
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.029][INFO][4274][52f90744] connect app, tcUrl=rtmp://, pageUrl=, swfUrl=rtmp://, schema=rtmp, vhost=, port=1935, app=live, args=null
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.029][INFO][4274][52f90744] protocol in.buffer=0, in.ack=0, out.ack=0, in.chunk=4096, out.chunk=128
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.103][INFO][4274][52f90744] client identified, type=fmle-publish, vhost=, app=live, stream=test, param=, duration=0ms
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.103][INFO][4274][52f90744] connected stream, tcUrl=rtmp://, pageUrl=, swfUrl=rtmp://, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=live, stream=test, param=, args=null
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.103][INFO][4274][52f90744] source url=/live/test, ip=, cache=1/2500, is_edge=0, source_id=/im03rm66
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.161][INFO][4274][52f90744] RTC bridge from RTMP, rtmp2rtc=0, keep_bframe=0, merge_nalus=0
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.162][INFO][4274][52f90744] hls: win=60000ms, frag=10000ms, prefix=, path=./objs/nginx/html, m3u8=[app]/[stream].m3u8, ts=[app]/[stream]-[seq].ts, aof=2.00, floor=0, clean=1, waitk=1, dispose=0ms, dts_directly=1
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.162][INFO][4274][52f90744] ignore disabled exec for vhost=__defaultVhost__
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.162][INFO][4274][52f90744] start publish mr=0/350, p1stpt=20000, pnt=5000, tcp_nodelay=0
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.208][INFO][4274][52f90744] got metadata, width=800, height=450, vcodec=7, acodec=10
[2023-03-13 19:13:35.530][INFO][4274][52f90744] 7B audio sh, codec(10, profile=LC, 2channels, 0kbps, 48000HZ), flv(16bits, 2channels, 44100HZ)
  1. SRS Config:

same as hevc.flv.conf


Step 1: Publish stream from OBS v29.0.2, and select encoder QuickSync HEVC

Step 2: Start Streaming to SRS server

Step 3: SRS console can see this stream but can not get stream type, and can not play


I can see HEVC format video in srs v6.0.10 from publish stream by ffmpeg, but can not see stream if publish from OBS, and I can publish HEVC format by OBS to youtube, and it is normal.
I expect to use OBS to stream in SRS should also be able to play.



Make sense! Could you please join the discord and we need some help from you, about the environment setup.



Encountered the same problem recently with SRS 6.0.34.

It seems like SRS currently only supports push HEVC stream with OBS through SRT(ref). SRT protocol is supported by VLC, ffplay and ffmpeg. Tested yesterday with OBS and ffplay through SRT and it works(config file: srt.conf ). Not tested with other players yet but it should works.

Strangely, the cofig flies hevc.flv.conf or hevc.ts.conf won't work. In the summary we get no video stream but only audio stream. At the same time, I also get many warning messages from SRS as below:

It seems like the server did not get correct sequence header, and for ffplay of the client, it just stucks as it didn't receive correct stream information.
