Declare @SQL varchar(max) = 'YourTable' -- Set Your Table/View Name Here
Select @SQL = 'Select ' +string_agg(concat(quotename(name),' = avg(case when ',QUOTENAME(name),' is null then 1.0 else 0 end) '),',') + ' From '+ @SQL
From sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set('Select top 1 * From '+@SQL,null,null ) A
Let's assume your table looks like this:
The Generated SQL will look something like this
Select [ID] = avg(case when [ID] is null then 1.0 else 0 end)
,[Col1] = avg(case when [Col1] is null then 1.0 else 0 end)
,[Col2] = avg(case when [Col2] is null then 1.0 else 0 end)
,[Col3] = avg(case when [Col3] is null then 1.0 else 0 end)
From YourTable
The Result would look like this
If by chance you wanted to UNPIVOT the results
Declare @SQL varchar(max) = 'YourTable' -- Set Your Table/View Name Here
Select @SQL = '
Select ColName = [Key]
,PctNULL = format(try_convert(float,[Value]),''P2'')
From OPENJSON( (Select ' + (Select string_agg(concat(quotename(name),' = avg(case when ',QUOTENAME(name),' is null then 1.0 else 0 end) '),char(13)+',')
From sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set('Select top 1 * From '+@SQL,null,null ) ) + '
From ' + @SQL + '
For JSON Path,Without_Array_Wrapper
SELECT col_name,
FORMAT(AVG(null_flag ), 'P2') AS NullPct
FROM master..spt_values t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT t.* FOR xml path('row'), elements xsinil, type ) ca(x)
CROSS APPLY (SELECT n.value('local-name(.)', 'sysname'),
IIF(n.value('@xsi:nil', 'varchar(5)') = 'true', 1e, 0)
FROM x.nodes('row/*') n(n) ) ca2(col_name, null_flag)
GROUP BY col_name
There is not an easy way to do this. You will need to write code that manually checks each item. This in turn can be not only tedious, but tricky because it some contexts there are character limits on the length of your SQL statements, and hundreds of columns could easily push you past that limit.
Typically, hundreds of similar columns is a sign you've made a serious mistake with the schema design, and should instead have an additional table which includes the key from the original table, a column for the sequential/ordinal value relative to the key, and a column for the value. Then add a new row for a repeated column every time you would have set a value in the old table.
If you are not able to change the broken schema, you might instead look at using sparse columns .
There isn't a great way to do this, however you can ask the engine for some help:
'COUNT(' + QUOTENAME( +') AS [''cnt], 1-(.0+COUNT(' + QUOTENAME( +'))/(COUNT(*)+.0) AS [''pctNull]
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.columns c
ON t.object_id = c.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas s
ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id
WHERE = 'MyTable'
AND = 'MySchema'
This does not give you your answer, but it does give you some TSQL which gives you a count of all the columns in the table, and a count of each NON NULL value for each column. Be aware that STRING_AGG is a 2019 function.
Here is an option that uses a little Dynamic SQL
Let's assume your table looks like this:
The Generated SQL will look something like this
The Result would look like this
If by chance you wanted to UNPIVOT the results
The Results would look like this
"hundreds of columns" is not going to be a good idea. Hopefully this analysis is a step towards restructuring things.
The best way to do this will be to simply generate a query that aggregates all the columns by name.
One more option though is to use XML functionality ( demonstrated with
below )juud5qan3#
There is not an easy way to do this. You will need to write code that manually checks each item. This in turn can be not only tedious, but tricky because it some contexts there are character limits on the length of your SQL statements, and hundreds of columns could easily push you past that limit.
Typically, hundreds of similar columns is a sign you've made a serious mistake with the schema design, and should instead have an additional table which includes the key from the original table, a column for the sequential/ordinal value relative to the key, and a column for the value. Then add a new row for a repeated column every time you would have set a value in the old table.
If you are not able to change the broken schema, you might instead look at using sparse columns .
There isn't a great way to do this, however you can ask the engine for some help:
This does not give you your answer, but it does give you some TSQL which gives you a count of all the columns in the table, and a count of each
value for each column. Be aware thatSTRING_AGG
is a 2019 function.