mysql 在生产数据库上部署应用程序时无法加载文件或程序集“System.Data”错误

3hvapo4f  于 2023-03-22  发布在  Mysql

The problem: When deploying my applications to the production database i get the following error:

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. at ConsoleApplication2.Database.DBConnect.Initialize(String username, String password, String IP) at ConsoleApplication2.Database.DBConnect..ctor(String username, String password, String IP) in C:\Users\Vincent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\ConsoleApplication2\ConsoleApplication2\DBConnect.cs:line 26 at ConsoleApplication2.Database..ctor() in C:\Users\Vincent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\ConsoleApplication2\ConsoleApplication2\Database.cs:line 20 at ConsoleApplication2.Main..ctor() in C:\Users\Vincent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\ConsoleApplication2\ConsoleApplication2\Main.cs:line 16

What i know: it isn't actually the System.Data.dll that has a problem.

Since I've started making a clean console application. First just using Console.write(). when that worked i made a new class and did some general computations (also without problems) than I decided to create a MySQL connection using the; from the this is when the error occured again. I got the dll from the mysql site .

the strange part: this dll has always worked on my computer (on which I created the applications) and on 2 different servers (1 of which I set up just for testing these applications to see if i would get the same problem)
some specs: my computer runs windows 7 32 bit. the production database runs windows 2003 service pack 2 as do the test server and the other server I've tried it on.
Some other stuff I've done: I have created an installer (.msi and .exe) both install .net 3.5 service pack 1 and .net 2.0 service pack 2.0 and .net 3.0 service pack 2. i found it strange that it would install all those .net frameworks but to install 3.5 you need 2.0 so that made sense (not sure about why it installed 3.0 though)

I've also tried running the application without the MySQL connector installed (so just place the in the application folder) and I've tried with the MySQL connector installed (so no dll's in the application folder)
I've tried copying my .net framework to the production database (this was before i knew it was about the and not the system.dll or
I've tried everything i could think of yet nothing works, it works fine on all other computers/databases just not on the 1 we want to deploy the application...

The code where the error occurs:

public DBConnect(string username, string password, string IP)
            Console.WriteLine("dbconnect contsrutctor");
            Initialize(username, password, IP);

        private void Initialize(string username, string password, string IP)
            Console.WriteLine("initializing strings");
            string server = IP;
            string database = "";
            string connectionString;
            connectionString = "SERVER=" + server + ";" + "DATABASE=" +
            database + ";" + "UID=" + username + ";" + "PASSWORD=" + password + ";";
            Console.WriteLine("initializing mysqlconnection");
            //MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

i have commented the line:

MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

and the applications runs without errors, when I un-comment it the error occurs again.


I have noticed a strange thing: when ever it gets to the method (not the line) of where the MySqlConnection is created the error is thrown. If you would look at the above code sample the first Console.WriteLine("initializing strings"); does not even show in my console. I find this quite strange since you would expect the error to be thrown on the MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString); line and not at the start of the method.

EDIT 2 I thought i found an answer so i posted it:

"Though i have checked the and system.dll versions and file paths (which were exactly the same on all 3 machines I did find the problem to be with these files.
In my application I've set the "copy local" to true and after this it worked.
I find this extremely odd since I've tried replacing the dll's on the production server with my own and this did not work. also just placing the dll's in the application folder did not help either. I had to specifically specify the application to copy the dll's it self.
anyway it's working properly now although I'm not quite convinced i like this solution...
I definitely do not like this because i need to do this to half of the dll's (yes half not all just about half of them).
any better options are still welcome."
however I failed to mention it worked on my test application, the real application can't find system.transactions this time. so it's still not the right solution though it did clear the error about the i still can't run the program because of a similar error for a different file.
So since i'm still having the same error but on a different file (which i can't change the "copy local" setting to true since it's not referenced by me) i've deleted the answer and placed it here as an edit since the problem still isn't solved.

EDIT 3 I've run Fuslogvw.exe and this is the result:
*** Assembly Binder Log Entry (12/5/2013 @ 8:43:13 AM) ***

The operation failed. Bind result: hr = 0x80070002. The system cannot find the file specified.
Assembly manager loaded from: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorwks.dll Running under executable C:\Program Files\Custommate\email sorteer service\EmailSorteerService.exe --- A detailed error log follows.

===预绑定状态信息===日志:用户= NAVMATE\管理员日志:DisplayName = System,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken= b77 a5 c561934 e089(完全指定)日志:Appbase = file:///C:/Program Files/Custommate/email sorteer service/ LOG:初始私有路径= NULL日志:动态基=空日志:缓存库=空日志:AppName = NULL调用程序集:EmailSorteerService,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null. === LOG:此绑定在默认加载上下文中启动。日志:未找到应用程序配置文件。日志:使用C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\config\machine.config.LOG中的计算机配置文件:政策后参考:系统,版本=,文化=中性,PublicKeyToken= b77 a5 c561934 e089日志:GAC查找失败。日志:正在尝试下载新的URL file:///C:/Program Files/Custommate/email sorteer service/System.DLL。日志:正在尝试下载新的URL file:///C:/Program Files/Custommate/email sorteer service/System/System.DLL。日志:正在尝试下载新的URL file:///C:/Program Files/Custommate/email sorteer service/System.EXE。日志:正在尝试下载新的URL文件:///C:/Program Files/Custommate/email sorteer service/System/System.EXE。日志:尝试了所有探测URL,但均失败。



至于调试问题,它看起来像是在目标机器上安装了不正确的.NET框架。你应该尝试How to enable assembly bind failure logging (Fusion) in .NET来看看.NET实际上在哪里试图找到库,以及为什么它会丢弃它找到的任何库。
如果它不能引导您解决问题,我会尝试卸载并重新安装.NET Framework 2.0,然后是3.5。



每当我看到这样的问题,这是因为我没有部署正确的 * 版本 * 的库的问题,或者因为我实际上错过了一个库。我想其他人已经提到了这一点,但我想重复强调,这是主要问题。

  • 查看全局程序集缓存(GAC)
  • 搜索运行程序的文件夹
  • 搜索当前目录
  • 搜索系统文件夹(System32或SysWow 64)
  • 在环境%PATH%变量中搜索任何其他文件夹




要查找最终未能找到的.dll(错误消息中的“或其依赖项之一”)以及它试图加载它的位置,您可以从SysInternals套件中尝试Process Monitor
这是一个简单的下载,解压缩,然后在适当的位置运行。我建议你为你的应用程序的名称添加一个过滤器(或任何其他您可以用来唯一标识它的东西),然后只要观察它是否尝试加载.dll并失败即可。(查找文件时尝试的第一个事件)。请注意,对于许多. dll文件,在最终找到副本之前,它会尝试几个位置,因此您正在寻找引用相同文件名的一系列事件,最后没有成功结果。



当Windows更新安装.Net 4.5.2时,我在4.5.1中调试代码时遇到了这个错误。



