* Svelte does not give a load indication if you hit a link that leads to a page with slow load() function.
* Svelte uses internal router, not server-side loading.
* Thus, we need to manually give some indication in the user interface if the loading takes more than a blink of an eye.
* The component is originally made for https://tradingstrategy.ai
* Based on the original implementation https://github.com/shajidhasan/sveltekit-page-progress-demo by Shajid Hasan.
* As this component is absolutely position, you can put it at any part of your __layout.svelte.
import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte';
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import { tweened } from 'svelte/motion';
import { cubicOut } from 'svelte/easing';
const navigationState = writable();
const progress = tweened(0, {
duration: 3500,
easing: cubicOut
const unsubscribe = navigationState.subscribe((state) => {
// You will always get state=undefined
// event on the server-side rendering, so
// safely ignore it
//console.log("The loading state is", state);
if (state === 'loading-with-progress-bar') {
progress.set(0, { duration: 0 });
progress.set(0.8, { duration: 5000 });
} else if (state === 'loaded') {
progress.set(1, { duration: 1000 });
onMount(() => {
// progress.set(0.7);
onDestroy(() => {
<!-- See the (little) documentation of special SvelteKit events here https://kit.svelte.dev/docs#events -->
on:sveltekit:navigation-start={() => {
// If the page loads fast enough in the preloading state,
// never display the progress bar
$navigationState = 'preloading';
// Delay the progress bar to become visible an eyeblink... only show if the page load takes too long
setTimeout(function() {
// After 250ms switch preloading to loading-with-progress-bar
if($navigationState === 'preloading') {
$navigationState = 'loading-with-progress-bar';
}, 500);
on:sveltekit:navigation-end={() => {
$navigationState = 'loaded';
Make sure the container component is always in the DOM structure.
If we make changes to the page structure during the navigation, we get a page double render error:
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature.
Thus, make sure any progress animation is done using CSS only.
<div class="page-progress-bar" class:loaded={$navigationState === 'loaded'} class:preloading={$navigationState === 'preloading'} class:loading={$navigationState === 'loading-with-progress-bar'}>
<div class="progress-sliver" style={`--width: ${$progress * 100}%`} />
/* Always stay fixed at the top, but stay transparent if no activity is going on */
.page-progress-bar {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
height: 0.5rem;
background: transparent;
z-index: 100;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.5s;
/* After transitioning from preloading to loading state, make the progress bar visible with CSS transition on opacity */
.page-progress-bar.loading {
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 0.5s;
.progress-sliver {
width: var(--width);
background-color: var(--price-up-green);
height: 100%;
Here is my loading indicator code和Here is my documentation regarding the issue。我不确定这是否是SvelteKit的内部错误,所以我没有提交任何错误报告,因为我没有一个干净的可重复的例子。