.NET decimal value cause SqlTruncateException on SQL Server

hec6srdp  于 2023-03-28  发布在  .NET

I have a .NET app that sends a table-valued parameter to a SQL Server stored procedure.

In the SQL Server table, the column is defined as DECIMAL(20,0) .

Table-valued column on .NET defined as

Columns.Add(new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Decimal));

When sending a 20 or 19 digit long .net decimal value like this Convert.ToDecimal(81210694789319013214) , SQL Server throws an exception:

SqlTruncateException: Numeric arithmetic causes truncation

On a 18 digits long decimal, it works just fine.

There's not much documentation about this error online.




If you are using EF

Set DecimalPropertyConfiguration.HasPrecision Method as per the link Decimal precision and scale in EF Code First



You haven't showed us any code - so this is purely speculative. But just maybe, check your stored procedure parameter for the decimal value - how is it defined?

Did you just use DECIMAL without providing any precision and scale values?

If so: DECIMAL defaults to DECIMAL(18,0) - which would explain why it works with 18 digit numbers, but not with 20 digits.

You need to explicitly define the precision and scale to use - Best Practice is to do this ALWAYS anyway!

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertDecimal
    @InputDecimal DECIMAL(20,0)     -- define 20 digits, 0 after decimal point

With this - everything should work just fine ....

The official Microsoft documentation on DECIMAL will tell you more details
