SQL Server Why is this query blocking other queries from running?

ojsjcaue  于 2023-04-04  发布在  其他

Here's my entire script:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Products_temp') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #Products_temp


SELECT p.product_id, p.price, p.cost, i.qty
INTO #Products_temp
FROM   Warehouse_Products p WITH (NOLOCK)
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Warehouse_Inventory i WITH (NOLOCK)
                ON p.product_id = i.product_id


DELETE FROM cache.Products


INSERT INTO cache.Products SELECT * FROM #Products_temp

For some reason the SELECT .. INTO part was stuck in a RUNNABLE state for 3 hours when typically the entire script takes 6-7 minutes to finish. This was blocking all my other queries, which is exactly why I wrote this script in the first place. I wanted to prevent blocking any other table/script by using a temporary table, what am I doing wrong here? Any advice?



NOLOCK is never applyed on SELECT queries involved into INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs, MERGEs and SELECT ... INTOs.

Also NOLOCK won't be applyed when ENCRYPT / DECRYPT functions are used...

Imagine just what is NOLOCK... NOLOCK is not the fact that your query will not block other users, but will ignore locks that other users have sets... This conducts to read sometime twice or more the same row, or to avoid readings some rows... It is just unacceptable to guarantee data integrity when the database queries are writting data into table/indexes !
