SQL Server Grabbing left side of comma in returned SQL result for JOIN

w3nuxt5m  于 2023-04-19  发布在  其他

Table A joins to TABLE B on an ID. The problem I'm finding is that sometimes in table A, the returned column for ID is multiple ID's Separated by a comma. So what I'm trying to do is just to a join based on the 1st id in the CSV list.

FROM TableA a
INNER JOIN TabelB b ON b.id = a.id

Also, please note that the ID's in both tables aren't primary key's. They are just named like that.

Here's what the content looks like in table A/B

Table A
ID           Name
10023,2019   Bob
1243         Mary
29853        William

Table B
Company      ID
Kroc         10023
Espres       99378
MarcDonalds  10023

In the supplied example data, only Kroc should come up with Bob. Even though there are 2 results in table B, just ignore and return 1. Thank you.



I see there are already answers posted using left / substring , but I will note that you can probably also use a like if you prefer. Depending on your datatypes, something like the following will probably work (or it could be modified to account for your datatypes):

SELECT b.ID, name
FROM TableA a
  ON a.id = b.id OR a.id like b.id + ',%'

You can see it working in this Fiddle . The idea is that it must either match exactly or match up to the first comma.



You will need SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX for that.
Something like that ON b.id = SUBSTRING(a.id + ',', 1, CHARINDEX(',', a.id + ',') -1) . You might also need explicit datatype casts.
But your tables do not follow 1NF. Maybe it is time to think, whether this is reasonable or not.
