我已经使用同步融合软件包,它允许设置开始Angular ,但只为主要的圆圈,而不是forevery弧我尝试了许多软件包作为fl图表,饼图,同步融合,但我没有得到我所寻找的
import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:angles/angles.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp( const MyApp(), ); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { const title = 'Pie Chart'; return MaterialApp( title: title, home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text(title), ), body: const Center( child: SizedBox.square( dimension: 200, child: PieChart( // data could be list of num data: [64, 128, 73, 15, 72], // color: Colors.green, dividerColor: Colors.white, minOpacity: 0.2, startAngle: 65, // dividerWidth: 5, ), ), ), ), ); } } class PieChart<T extends num> extends StatelessWidget { final double? startAngle; final int? dividerWidth; final Color? dividerColor; final Color? color; final double? minOpacity; final List<T> data; const PieChart({ super.key, required this.data, this.startAngle, this.dividerWidth, this.dividerColor, this.color, this.minOpacity, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final inheritedTheme = Theme.of(context).extension<PieChartTheme>() ?? PieChartTheme( color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, ); final pieChartTheme = PieChartTheme( color: color ?? inheritedTheme.color, dividerColor: dividerColor ?? inheritedTheme.dividerColor, dividerWidth: dividerWidth ?? inheritedTheme.dividerWidth, startAngle: startAngle ?? inheritedTheme.startAngle, minOpacity: minOpacity ?? inheritedTheme.minOpacity, ); return CustomPaint( painter: _PieChartPainter( data: data, pieChartTheme: pieChartTheme, ), ); } } class _PieChartPainter<T extends num> extends CustomPainter { final PieChartTheme pieChartTheme; final List<T> data; const _PieChartPainter({required this.data, required this.pieChartTheme}); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { final total = data.fold(0.0, (p, e) => p + e); final rect = Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, size.width, size.height); final radius = rect.center.dx; double startAngle = Angle.degrees(pieChartTheme.startAngle).radians; double sweepAngle = 0; final paint = Paint() ..style = PaintingStyle.fill ..strokeWidth = pieChartTheme.dividerWidth.toDouble(); final dividerColor = pieChartTheme.dividerColor; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { startAngle += sweepAngle; sweepAngle = data[i] / total * 2 * pi; double opacity = 1.0 - i / data.length * (1 - pieChartTheme.minOpacity); final color = pieChartTheme.color!.withOpacity(opacity); paint ..color = color ..style = PaintingStyle.fill; final path = Path() ..moveTo(rect.center.dx, rect.center.dy) ..lineTo(radius * cos(startAngle + sweepAngle), radius * sin(startAngle + sweepAngle)) ..addArc(Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, size.width, size.height), startAngle, sweepAngle) ..lineTo(rect.center.dx, rect.center.dy) ..close(); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); if (dividerColor != null) { paint.style = PaintingStyle.stroke; paint.color = dividerColor; canvas.save(); canvas.translate(rect.center.dx, rect.center.dy); Path path = Path() ..moveTo(0, 0) ..lineTo(radius * cos(startAngle), radius * sin(startAngle)) ..moveTo(radius * cos(startAngle + sweepAngle), radius * sin(startAngle + sweepAngle)) ..lineTo(0, 0) ..close(); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); canvas.restore(); } } } @override bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) => true; } class PieChartTheme extends ThemeExtension<PieChartTheme> { final double startAngle; final int dividerWidth; final Color? dividerColor; final Color? color; final double minOpacity; PieChartTheme( {this.startAngle = 0, this.dividerWidth = 2, this.dividerColor, this.color, this.minOpacity = 0.5}); @override ThemeExtension<PieChartTheme> lerp(covariant PieChartTheme? other, double t) { if (other == null) { return this; } return PieChartTheme( startAngle: lerpDouble(startAngle, other.startAngle, t)!, color: Color.lerp(color, other.color, t), dividerColor: Color.lerp(color, other.color, t), dividerWidth: (dividerWidth + (other.dividerWidth - dividerWidth) * t).round(), minOpacity: lerpDouble(minOpacity, other.minOpacity, t)!, ); } @override ThemeExtension<PieChartTheme> copyWith({ double? startAngle, int? dividerWidth, Color? dividerColor, Color? color, double? minOpacity, }) { return PieChartTheme( startAngle: startAngle ?? this.startAngle, dividerWidth: dividerWidth ?? this.dividerWidth, dividerColor: dividerColor ?? this.dividerColor, color: color ?? this.color, minOpacity: minOpacity ?? this.minOpacity, ); } }