excel 自动筛选已经自动筛选的Autofilterd列

pjngdqdw  于 2023-05-19  发布在  其他

例如第一自动滤波器的结果是(“ID 20 , Name30 , Color 35 , ID39”),
我需要在第二个单独的步骤中完成它,我的意思是,在以我尝试的方式放置第一个过滤器之后,然后我完全关闭了工作簿(为了雄辩),然后我需要在已经过滤的范围内应用第二个过滤器,通过包含 30 的单元格。或意味着仅对可见单元格上发现的数据应用过滤器。



Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

Sub Filter_the_Filtered_Column()

    Const filter_Column As Long = 2
    Dim filter_Criteria() As Variant
    filter_Criteria = Array("*Id*", "*Name*", "*Color*")
    Dim ws As Worksheet:    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    If ws.AutoFilterMode Then ws.AutoFilterMode = False
    Dim rg As Range
    Set rg = ws.UsedRange.Resize(ws.UsedRange.Rows.count - 1).Offset(1)  '(UsedRange except the first Row)
    Dim rCount As Long, arr() As Variant, dict As Object, el, r As Long
    rCount = rg.Rows.count - 1
    arr = rg.Columns(filter_Column).Resize(rCount).Offset(1).value         'Write the values from criteria column to an array.
    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")                        'Write the matching strings to the keys (a 1D array) of a dictionary.
    For r = 1 To UBound(arr)                                                'Loop through the elements of the array.
        For Each el In filter_Criteria
            If arr(r, 1) Like el Then dict(arr(r, 1)) = vbNullString: Exit For
        Next el
    Next r
    If dict.count > 0 Then
        rg.AutoFilter Field:=filter_Column, Criteria1:=dict.Keys, Operator:=xlFilterValues   'use the keys of the dictionary (a 1D array) as a Criteria
    End If

End Sub



For r = 1 To UBound(arr)                                                'Loop through the elements of the array.
        For Each el In filter_Criteria
            If arr(r, 1) Like el Then dict(arr(r, 1)) = vbNullString: Exit For
        Next el
    Next r


For r = 1 To UBound(arr)                                                
        For Each El In filter_Criteria
            If arr(r, 1) Like El And arr(r, 1) Like Second_filter Then dict(arr(r, 1)) = vbNullString: Exit For
        Next El
    Next r


Sub Filter_the_Filtered_Column_After()
    Const filter_Column As Long = 2
    Dim Second_filter As String: Second_filter = "*30*"
    Dim ws As Worksheet:    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    If ws.AutoFilterMode Then ws.AutoFilterMode = False
    Dim rg As Range
    Set rg = ws.UsedRange.Resize(ws.UsedRange.rows.count - 1).Offset(1)  '(UsedRange except the first Row)
    Dim r As Long, dict2 As Object
    Set dict2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")                        'Write the matching strings to the keys (a 1D array) of a dictionary.
    For r = 0 To UBound(dict.keys)                                         'Loop through the elements of the array.
        If dict.keys()(r) Like Second_filter Then dict2(dict.keys()(r)) = vbNullString
    Next r

    If dict.count > 0 Then
        rg.AutoFilter field:=filter_Column, Criteria1:=dict2.keys, Operator:=xlFilterValues   'use the keys of the dictionary (a 1D array) as a Criteria
    End If

End Sub

当然,你应该初步检查是否not dict is nothing,在没有加载字典的情况下运行上述代码,或者在同时运行的中间过程中出现错误,你不得不关闭它。



Function extractFiltCriteria(sht As Worksheet, filtCol As Long) As Variant
    Dim arrFilt(), i As Long, fltRange As String
    With sht.AutoFilter
        fltRange = .Range.address
        With .Filters
            With .Item(filtCol)
                If .On Then
                    If IsArray(.Criteria1) Then
                        If .Operator = xlFilterValues Then
                            If IsArray(.Criteria1) Then extractFiltCriteria = Array(fltRange, .Criteria1, .Operator): Exit Function
                        End If
                        ReDim arrFilt(1)
                        If .Criteria1 <> "" Then arrFilt(0) = .Criteria1
                        If .Criteria2 <> "" Then
                            arrFilt(1) = .Criteria2
                            ReDim Preserve arrFilt(0)
                        End If
                            extractFiltCriteria = Array(fltRange, arrFilt, xlFilterValues): Exit Function
                    End If
                End If
            End With
        End With
    End With
    extractFiltCriteria = Array("") 'no any filter...
End Function


Sub Filter_the_Filtered_Column2()
   Dim filter_Criteria(), ws As Worksheet
   Const col As Long = 2, Second_filter As String = "*30*"
   Set ws = ActiveSheet
   If ws.AutoFilterMode = False Then MsgBox "No filter applied...": Exit Sub
   filter_Criteria = extractFiltCriteria(ws, col) 'extract filtered range, filter array and filter Operator
   If filter_Criteria(0) = "" Then MsgBox "No filter applied...": Exit Sub 

    Dim dict As Object, arr, El, mtch, r As Long
    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    arr = ws.Range(filter_Criteria(0)).Value2 'place in the array the extracted range which was previously filtered
    For r = 2 To UBound(arr)
        mtch = Application.match("=" & arr(r, col), filter_Criteria(1), 0)            'check if the array element matches the extracted filtering array
        If Not IsError(mtch) Then
            If arr(r, col) Like Second_filter Then dict(arr(r, col)) = vbNullString 'if a match exists and the array element contains Second_filter string
        End If
    Next r
     'refilter by the new dict.keys array:
    ws.Range(filter_Criteria(0)).AutoFilter col, dict.keys, Operator:=filter_Criteria(2)
End Sub





Sub filteredRangeToArray()
    Const filter_Column As Long = 2
    Dim ws As Worksheet, arr(), rng As Range, newSh As Worksheet
    Dim lRow As Long, r As Long
    Dim nFilter As String: nFilter = "30"
    Dim dict As Object
    Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    lRow = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & lRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Set newSh = Worksheets.Add
    rng.Copy newSh.Range("A1")
    arr = newSh.Range("A1:A" & rng.Count).Value
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For r = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
        If arr(r, 1) Like nFilter Then dict(arr(r, 1)) = vbNullString
    Next r
    If dict.Count > 0 Then
        rg.AutoFilter Field:=filter_Column, Criteria1:=dict.Keys, Operator:=xlFilterValues   'use the keys of the dictionary (a 1D array) as a Criteria
    End If
End Sub



Sub filteredRangeToArray_V2()
    Const filter_Column As Long = 2
    Dim ws As Worksheet, arr(), rng As Range, newSh As Worksheet
    Dim lRow As Long, r As Long
    Dim nFilter As String: nFilter = "*30*"
    Dim dict As Object
    Dim ccell As Range
    Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    lRow = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & lRow).Offset(0, filter_Column - 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    ReDim arr(1 To rng.Count)
    r = 1
    For Each ccell In rng.Cells
        arr(r) = ccell.Value
        r = r + 1
    Next ccell
    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For r = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
        If arr(r) Like nFilter Then dict(arr(r)) = vbNullString
    Next r
    Set rng = ws.UsedRange.Resize(ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count)
    If ws.AutoFilterMode Then ws.AutoFilterMode = False
    If dict.Count > 0 Then
        rng.AutoFilter Field:=filter_Column, Criteria1:=dict.Keys, Operator:=xlFilterValues   'use the keys of the dictionary (a 1D array) as a Criteria
    End If
End Sub

