I have the following table in SQL Server:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
[ID] [int] NULL,
[Created] [datetime] NULL,
[TXML] [ntext] NULL
I have the following data in this table. I have around 1000 rows.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Test]
,'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Transaction ItemId="12345" Type="CopyRequest" RequestType="TesType" Description="8" NameOnRecord="test" Paid="false" Printed="false" Status="test1" VoidReason="" ProcessedLocationId="" ProcessedBy="" ProcessedDate="" ><Parameters><Parameter Name="DocumentId" Value="999" Type="1"/><Parameter Name="ActionDefId" Value="11222" Type="1"/><Parameter Name="UseRequestForm" Value="true" Type="4"/><Parameter Name="RequestedDocumentTitle" Value="77777" Type="1"/><Parameter Name="test1" Value="false" Type="4"/><Parameter Name="Type" Value="IN_OFFICE" Type="1"/><Parameter Name="test" Value="false" Type="1"/></Parameters></Transaction>')
This is what I tried:
, [type] =Node.[XML].value('RequestType', 'varchar(100)')
FROM [db_Nitu].[dbo].[Test]
I want to parse the XML above in a query and extract RequestType from XML and put the value of "RequestType" as a separate column in the "Test" table. How can I achieve this in SQL Server. This is how the XML looks like :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction ItemId="12345" Type="CopyRequest" RequestType="TesType" Description="8" NameOnRecord="test" Paid="false" Printed="false" Status="test1" VoidReason="" ProcessedLocationId="" ProcessedBy="" ProcessedDate="">
<Parameter Name="DocumentId" Value="999" Type="1" />
<Parameter Name="ActionDefId" Value="11222" Type="1" />
<Parameter Name="UseRequestForm" Value="true" Type="4" />
<Parameter Name="RequestedDocumentTitle" Value="77777" Type="1" />
<Parameter Name="test1" Value="false" Type="4" />
<Parameter Name="Type" Value="IN_OFFICE" Type="1" />
<Parameter Name="test" Value="false" Type="1" />
I want the requestType from the XML as a separate column in the table. The data type of TXML is nvarchar(max). If I try to convert nvarcharmax) to type XML then I get an error saying "Unable to switch encoding"
One way to do it is:
One has to remove the encoding declaration and then you just get the requestType by using XPATH.
You could also create a computed column that calculates the value on the fly, but one problem is that XML methods don't seem to be allowed, so you need to wrap the above logic into a function
It would behoove you to change the datatype of xml column to
, or at least toNVARCHAR(MAX)
is very 90s.fdbelqdn2#
This is called "promoting properties" from the XML. And you can do it with a persisted, computed column, like this: