// Using a primitive as a default value:
const myMap1 = new DefaultMap<string, number>(123);
const myMap1Value = myMap1.getAndSetDefault("some_key"); // Value is 123
// Using a factory function to generate a default value:
const myMap2 = new DefaultMap<string, number, [foo: Foo]>(
(foo) => foo.bar
const foo = new Foo();
const myMap2Value = myMap2.getAndSetDefault("some_key", foo); // Value is foo.bar
import { isFunction, isPrimitive } from "../functions/types";
* `DefaultMap` is a data structure that makes working with default values easier. It extends a
* `Map` and adds additional methods.
* It is a common pattern to look up a value in a `Map`, and then, if the value does not exist, set
* a default value for the key, and then return the default value. `DefaultMap` abstracts this
* operation away by providing the `getAndSetDefault` method.
* Using a `DefaultMap` is nice because it makes code more declarative, since you specify what the
* default value is alongside the types of the keys/values.
* When instantiating a new `DefaultMap`, you must specify default value as the first argument. (The
* default value is the initial value that will be assigned to every new entry in the
* `getAndSetDefault` method.) For example:
* ```ts
* // Initializes a new empty DefaultMap with a default value of "foo".
* const defaultMapWithString = new DefaultMap<string, string>("foo");
* const value = defaultMapWithString.getAndSetDefault("bar");
* // value is now "foo" and an entry for "bar" is now set.
* ```
* Sometimes, instead of having a static initial value for every entry in the map, you will want a
* dynamic initial value that is contingent upon the key or some other variable. In these cases, you
* can instead specify that the `DefaultMap` should run a function that will return the initial
* value. (This is referred to as a "factory function".) For example:
* ```ts
* // Initializes a new empty DefaultMap with a default value based on "someGlobalVariable".
* const factoryFunction = () => someGlobalVariable ? 0 : 1;
* const defaultMapWithFactoryFunction = new DefaultMap<string, string>(factoryFunction);
* ```
* Note that in TypeScript and Lua, booleans, numbers, and strings are "passed by value". This means
* that when the `DefaultMap` creates a new entry, if the default value is one of these 3 types, the
* values will be copied. On the other hand, arrays and maps and other complex data structures are
* "passed by reference". This means that when the `DefaultMap` creates a new entry, if the default
* value is an array, then it would not be copied. Instead, the same shared array would be assigned
* to every entry. Thus, to solve this problem, any variable that is passed by reference must be
* created using a factory function to ensure that each copy is unique. For example:
* ```ts
* // Initializes a new empty DefaultMap with a default value of a new empty array.
* const factoryFunction = () => [];
* const defaultMapWithArray = new DefaultMap<string, string[]>(factoryFunction);
* ```
* In the previous two examples, the factory functions did not have any arguments. But you can also
* specify a factory function that takes one or more arguments:
* ```ts
* const factoryFunction = (arg: boolean) => arg ? 0 : 1;
* const defaultMapWithArg = new DefaultMap<string, string, [arg: boolean]>(factoryFunction);
* ```
* Similar to a normal `Map`, you can also include an initializer list in the constructor as the
* second argument:
* ```ts
* // Initializes a DefaultMap with a default value of "foo" and some initial values.
* const defaultMapWithInitialValues = new DefaultMap<string, string>("foo", [
* ["a1", "a2"],
* ["b1", "b2"],
* ], );
* ```
* Finally, note that `DefaultMap` has the following additional utility methods:
* - `getAndSetDefault` - The method that is called inside the overridden `get` method. In most
* cases, you can use the overridden `get` method instead of calling this function directly.
* However, if a factory function was provided during instantiation, and the factory function has
* one or more arguments, then you must call this method instead (and provide the corresponding
* arguments).
* - `getDefaultValue` - Returns the default value to be used for a new key. (If a factory function
* was provided during instantiation, this will execute the factory function.)
* - `getConstructorArg` - Helper method for cloning the map. Returns either the default value or
* the reference to the factory function.
export class DefaultMap<Key, Value, Args extends unknown[] = []> extends Map<
> {
private defaultValue: Value | undefined;
private defaultValueFactory: FactoryFunction<Value, Args> | undefined;
* See the main `DefaultMap` documentation:
* https://isaacscript.github.io/isaacscript-common/other/classes/DefaultMap
defaultValueOrFactoryFunction: Value | FactoryFunction<Value, Args>,
initializerArray?: Iterable<[Key, Value]>,
) {
const argIsPrimitive = isPrimitive(defaultValueOrFactoryFunction);
const argIsFunction = isFunction(defaultValueOrFactoryFunction);
if (!argIsPrimitive && !argIsFunction) {
`Failed to instantiate a DefaultMap since the provided default value was of type "${typeof defaultValueOrFactoryFunction}". This error usually means that you are trying to use an array (or some other non-primitive data structure that is passed by reference) as the default value. Instead, return the data structure in a factory function, like "() => []". See the DefaultMap documentation for more details.`,
if (argIsFunction) {
this.defaultValue = undefined;
this.defaultValueFactory = defaultValueOrFactoryFunction;
} else {
this.defaultValue = defaultValueOrFactoryFunction;
this.defaultValueFactory = undefined;
* If the key exists, this will return the same thing as the normal `Map.get` method. Otherwise,
* it will set a default value for the provided key, and then return the default value.
public getAndSetDefault(key: Key, ...args: Args): Value {
const value = super.get(key);
if (value !== undefined) {
return value;
const defaultValue = this.getDefaultValue(...args);
this.set(key, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
* Returns the default value to be used for a new key. (If a factory function was provided during
* instantiation, this will execute the factory function.)
public getDefaultValue(...args: Args): Value {
if (this.defaultValue !== undefined) {
return this.defaultValue;
if (this.defaultValueFactory !== undefined) {
return this.defaultValueFactory(...args);
error("A DefaultMap was incorrectly instantiated.");
* Helper method for cloning the map. Returns either the default value or a reference to the
* factory function.
public getConstructorArg(): Value | FactoryFunction<Value, Args> {
if (this.defaultValue !== undefined) {
return this.defaultValue;
if (this.defaultValueFactory !== undefined) {
return this.defaultValueFactory;
error("A DefaultMap was incorrectly instantiated.");
// eslint-disable-next-line isaacscript/complete-sentences-jsdoc
* A function that creates the default value for your `DefaultMap`. For example, if it was a
* `DefaultMap` containing maps, the factory function would be: `() => new Map()`
export type FactoryFunction<V, Args extends unknown[]> = (...args: Args) => V;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
function test() {
// Boolean
const myDefaultMapBoolean = new DefaultMap<string, boolean>(false);
const myDefaultMapBooleanFactory = new DefaultMap<string, boolean>(
() => false,
const myDefaultMapBooleanWithoutParams = new DefaultMap(false);
// Number
const myDefaultMapNumber = new DefaultMap<string, number>(123);
const myDefaultMapNumberFactory = new DefaultMap<string, number>(() => 123);
const myDefaultMapNumberWithoutParams = new DefaultMap(123);
// String
const myDefaultMapString = new DefaultMap<string, string>("foo");
const myDefaultMapStringFactory = new DefaultMap<string, string>(() => "foo");
const myDefaultMapStringWithoutParams = new DefaultMap("foo");
// Array
const myDefaultMapArray = new DefaultMap<string, string[]>(() => []);
const myDefaultMapArrayWithoutParams = new DefaultMap(() => []);
// Map
const myDefaultMapMap = new DefaultMap<string, Map<string, string>>(
() => new Map(),
const myDefaultMapMapWithoutParams = new DefaultMap(() => new Map());
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
的问题:ECMAScript 2015中提出的JavascriptMap
console.log(m.get('whatever') || []);
已达到stage 2。正如提案页面上所说,core-js库中提供了polyfill。
的小扩展(链接here),也包括在下面。使用 function 作为defaultValue允许您计算默认值。
上执行类似获取默认值 * 和 *set()