SQL Server Return only the row with positive amount if all other columns are the same

368yc8dk  于 2023-06-04  发布在  其他

I have a query that returns several columns, Date, settle, acctNum, name, TCode, Amount.
The problem is that, there are records that are identical except for the Amount, which has the same absolute value on both records except that it is positive in one and negative in the other. I need to return only the row with the positive value for Amount. Would anyone have any suggestion? Please, see the below example. I need only the row with the positive amount 23450. I can't just filter out negatives because only negative that meet the conditions of the provided example are of interest. SQL Server 15.0.41

| Date | Settle | AcctNum | Name | TCode | Amount |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| Jan 1 | Y | 123456 | Mark | tabcd | 23450 |
| Jan 1 | Y | 123456 | Mark | tabcd | -23450 |
| Jan 7 | Y | 111111 | Vic | tabcd | 446623 |
| Mar 20 | Y | 999999 | Yas | tvfeh | 7778 |
| Jan 1 | Y | 123456 | Mark | tabcd | 987123 |
| Aug 9 | Y | 123456 | Mark | tabcd | 678599 |
| Dec 2 | Y | 564432 | Ali | tgghy | -987699 |

Expected result:

Jan 1Y123456Marktabcd23450
Jan 7Y111111Victccwe446623
Mar 20Y999999Yastvfeh7778
Jan 1Y123456Marktabcd987123
Aug 9Y123456Marktabcd678599
Dec 2Y564432Alitgghy-987699


Something like :

select * from <tableName> A where A.Amount >= 0 
or not exists(select * from <tableName> B where B.Amount = -A.Amount
    and B.Date = A.Date and B.settle = A.settle and B.acctNum = A.acctNum 
    and B.name = A.name and B.TCode = A.TCode )


You can use NOT EXISTS to skip the "duplicate" rows:

select *
from tablename t1
where not exists
  (select 1 from tablename t2
   where t2.Date = t1.Date
     and t2.Settle = t1.Settle
     and t2.AcctNum = t1.AcctNum
     and t2.Name = t1.Name
     and t2.TCode = t1.Tcode
     and t2.Amount = -t1.Amount and t1.Amount > 0)

Or use EXCEPT :

select Date, Settle, AcctNum, Name, TCode, Amount
from tablename
select Date, Settle, AcctNum, Name, TCode, -Amount
from tablename
where Amount > 0


You could make use of a window count, such as:

select *
from (
  select *, 
    Iif(Amount > 0, 1, 
      Count(*) over(partition by Settle, AcctNum, Name, TCode, Abs(amount))
    ) Valid
  from t
where Valid = 1;
