wordpress 根据ACF字段的更新时间管理scss文件的创建

8yoxcaq7  于 2023-06-21  发布在  WordPress


add_filter('acf/update_field', 'create_css_files', 10, 1);

 * When ACF Fields are saved, check to see if it was the page builder,
 * if it was, attempt to create a new scss file for any new elements within our page builder.
 * Note that get_stylesheet_directory gets the root of the current theme.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @return void
function create_css_files($field)
    if ($field['name'] == 'page_builder_elements') {
        foreach ($field['layouts'] as $layout) {
            $name = $layout['name'];

            // Only allow letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores
            $clean_name = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/', '', $name);

            // Replace underscores with hyphens in the layout name
            $clean_name = str_replace('_', '-', $clean_name);

            $file_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/resources/styles/scss/_' . $clean_name . '.scss';

            $directory = dirname($file_path);

            if (!file_exists($directory)) {
                mkdir($directory, 0755, true);

            if (!file_exists($file_path)) {
                $file_handle = fopen($file_path, 'w');

            $import_directive = "@import 'scss/$clean_name';" . "\n";

            $base_stylesheet_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/resources/styles/app.scss';

            file_put_contents($base_stylesheet_path, $import_directive, FILE_APPEND);

    return $field;







add_filter('acf/load_field', 'my_acf_load_field');

function my_acf_load_field($field)
    if ($field['type'] === 'flexible_content') {
        foreach ($field['layouts'] as $key => $layout) {
            // Store the original layout name as post meta
                'acf_layout_original_name_' . $key,

    return $field;

add_filter('acf/update_field', 'create_css_files', 10, 1);

 * When ACF Fields are saved, check to see if it was the page builder,
 * if it was, attempt to create a new scss file for any new elements within our page builder.
 * Note that get_stylesheet_directory gets the root of the current theme.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @return void
function create_css_files($field)
    $base_stylesheet_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/resources/styles/app.scss';
    $base_scss_component_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/resources/styles/scss/';

    // If we're not in the page builder, I don't care
    if ($field['name'] !== 'page_builder_elements') {
        return $field;

    // Store
    $layout_names = [];

    // Create the base scss component directory
    if (!file_exists($base_scss_component_path)) {
        mkdir($base_scss_component_path, 0755, true);

    // Loop through the layouts array and create scss files according to the names
    foreach ($field['layouts'] as $key => $layout) {
        $previous_name = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'acf_layout_original_name_' . $layout['key']);
        $current_name = $layout['name'];

        // If a component was renamed, rename the related scss file
        if ($current_name !== $previous_name) {
            if ($previous_name !== '') {
                $previous_clean_name = sanitize_name($previous_name[0]);
                $previous_file_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/resources/styles/scss/_' . $previous_clean_name . '.scss';

                $new_clean_name = sanitize_name($current_name);
                $new_file_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/resources/styles/scss/_' . $new_clean_name . '.scss';

                if (file_exists($previous_file_path)) {
                    rename($previous_file_path, $new_file_path);
                } else {
                    file_put_contents($new_file_path, '');

                $layout_names[] = $new_clean_name;
        } else {
            $layout_names[] = sanitize_name($current_name);

    // Get the contents of our main scss file
    $contents = file_get_contents($base_stylesheet_path);

    // Search for import statements
    $search_pattern = "/@import\s+'scss\/[^\s;]+?';/";

    // Remove lines that match the pattern
    $modified_contents = preg_replace($search_pattern, '', $contents);

    // Remove blank lines
    $modified_contents = preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", $modified_contents);

    // Write the modified contents back to the file
    file_put_contents($base_stylesheet_path, $modified_contents);

    $importStatements = '';

    $importStatements .= "\n";

    foreach ($layout_names as $import_name) {
        $importStatements .= "@import 'scss/" . $import_name . "';\n";

    file_put_contents($base_stylesheet_path, $importStatements, FILE_APPEND);

    return $field;

 * Simple helper to clean name given.
 * @param [type] $name
 * @return void
function sanitize_name($name)
    $clean_name = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/', '', $name);
    $clean_name = str_replace('_', '-', $clean_name);

    return $clean_name;




 * When ACF Fields are loaded, if they are flexible content store the name of each layout as a value in the post meta.
 * This will allow us to retrieve the original name later so we can do things when fields are renamed.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @return void
function store_field_meta_data($field)
    if ($field['type'] === 'flexible_content') {
        foreach ($field['layouts'] as $key => $layout) {
            // Store the original layout name as post meta
            update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'acf_layout_original_name_' . $key, $layout['name']);

    return $field;

 * When an ACF Field is updated perform the actions defined in this method.
 * Currently this is responsible for creating scss and blade files.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @return void
function handle_field_update($field)
    // If we're not in the page builder, return early
    if ($field['name'] !== 'page_builder_elements' && !is_array($field['layouts'])) {
        return $field;


    return $field;

 * Create Blade files based on the names of the layouts in our flexible content field.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @return void

function create_blade_component_files($field)
    // If we're not in the page builder, return early
    if ($field['name'] !== 'page_builder_elements') {
        return $field;

    $page_builder_directory = '/resources/views/layouts/page-builder/';

    $base_blade_component_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . $page_builder_directory;

    if (!file_exists($base_blade_component_path)) {
        mkdir($base_blade_component_path, 0755, true);

    create_blade_files_from_layouts($field, $base_blade_component_path);
    delete_unused_blade_files($field, $base_blade_component_path);

 * Loop through the layouts array of a given flexible content field and create template files.
 * These files will relate to the component name so that when building each component can be worked on in isolation.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @param [type] $scss_component_path
 * @return void
function create_blade_files_from_layouts($field, $blade_component_path)
    $layout_names = [];

    foreach ($field['layouts'] as $key => $layout) {
        $previous_name = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'acf_layout_original_name_' . $layout['key'], true);
        $current_name = $layout['name'];

        // If the file was renamed
        if ($current_name !== $previous_name && !empty($previous_name)) {
            $previous_clean_name = sanitize_name($previous_name);
            $previous_file_path = $blade_component_path . $previous_clean_name . '.blade.php';
            $new_clean_name = sanitize_name($current_name);
            $new_file_path = $blade_component_path . $new_clean_name . '.blade.php';

            if (file_exists($previous_file_path)) {
                rename($previous_file_path, $new_file_path);
            } else {


        // If the file was not renamed
        $new_clean_name = sanitize_name($current_name);
        $new_file_path = $blade_component_path . $new_clean_name . '.blade.php';


        $layout_names[] = $new_clean_name;

 * Scan our blade directory and see if any files should be deleted as they no longer exist as a layout.
 * Note that the layout names use underscores so we've used str_replace.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @param [type] $blade_component_path
 * @return void
function delete_unused_blade_files($field, $blade_component_path)
    $existing_files = get_existing_files_from_directory($blade_component_path);

    $existing_files = array_map(function ($file) {
        return basename($file);
    }, $existing_files);

    $layout_names = [];

    foreach ($field['layouts'] as $layout) {
        $layout_names[] = str_replace('_', '-', $layout['name']);

    foreach ($existing_files as $file) {
        $filename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
        $filename = str_replace('.blade', '', $filename);

        if (!in_array($filename, $layout_names)) {
            $file_path = $blade_component_path . $filename . '.blade.php';

            if (file_exists($file_path)) {

 * Create SCSS files based on the names of the layouts in our flexible content field.
 * It also appends the necessary import statements to the main scss file.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @return void
function create_css_files($field)
    $base_stylesheet_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/resources/styles/app.scss';
    $base_scss_component_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/resources/styles/components/page-builder/';

    // Create the base scss component directory if it doesn't exist
    if (!file_exists($base_scss_component_path)) {
        mkdir($base_scss_component_path, 0755, true);

    $layout_names = create_scss_files_from_layouts($field, $base_scss_component_path);

    delete_unused_css_files($field, $base_scss_component_path);

    update_main_stylesheet($base_stylesheet_path, $layout_names);

 * Loop through the layouts array of a given flexible content field and create scss files.
 * These files will relate to the component name so that when building each component can be worked on in isolation.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @param [type] $scss_component_path
 * @return void
function create_scss_files_from_layouts($field, $scss_component_path)
    $layout_names = [];

    foreach ($field['layouts'] as $key => $layout) {
        $previous_name = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'acf_layout_original_name_' . $layout['key'], true);
        $current_name = $layout['name'];

        if ($current_name !== $previous_name && !empty($previous_name)) {
            $previous_clean_name = sanitize_name($previous_name);
            $previous_file_path = $scss_component_path . '_' . $previous_clean_name . '.scss';
            $new_clean_name = sanitize_name($current_name);
            $new_file_path = $scss_component_path . '_' . $new_clean_name . '.scss';

            if (file_exists($previous_file_path)) {
                rename($previous_file_path, $new_file_path);
            } else {
                file_put_contents($new_file_path, '');

            $layout_names[] = $new_clean_name;


        // If the file was not renamed
        $new_clean_name = sanitize_name($current_name);
        $new_file_path = $scss_component_path . '_' . $new_clean_name . '.scss';


        $layout_names[] = $new_clean_name;

    return $layout_names;

 * Remove unused SCSS files.
 * @param [type] $field
 * @param [type] $base_scss_component_path
 * @return void
function delete_unused_css_files($field, $base_scss_component_path)
    $existing_files = get_existing_files_from_directory($base_scss_component_path);

    $existing_files = array_map(function ($file) {
        return basename($file);
    }, $existing_files);

    $layout_names_with_underscore = [];

    foreach ($field['layouts'] as $layout) {
        $layout_names_with_underscore[] = '_' . str_replace('_', '-', $layout['name']);

    foreach ($existing_files as $file) {
        $filename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);

        if (!in_array($filename, $layout_names_with_underscore)) {
            $file_path = $base_scss_component_path . $filename . '.scss';

            if (file_exists($file_path)) {

 * Add the import statements to our main scss file, in this case app.scss
 * This function removes all page builder imports and then re-adds them,
 * this allows us to keep our imports up to date.
 * @param [type] $base_stylesheet_path
 * @param [type] $layout_names
 * @return void
function update_main_stylesheet($base_stylesheet_path, $layout_names)
    $contents = file_get_contents($base_stylesheet_path);

    $contents = preg_replace("/@import\s+'(components\/page-builder[^']+?)';\n?/", '', $contents);

    $importStatements = '';

    foreach ($layout_names as $import_name) {
        $importStatements .= "@import 'components/page-builder/" . $import_name . "';\n";

    $contents .= $importStatements;

    file_put_contents($base_stylesheet_path, $contents);

 * Simple helper to clean name given.
 * @param [type] $name
 * @return string $clean_name
function sanitize_name($name)
    $clean_name = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/', '', $name);
    $clean_name = str_replace('_', '-', $clean_name);

    return $clean_name;

 * Creates an empty file if it does not exist.
 * @param [type] $file_path
 * @return void
function create_file($file_path)
    if (!file_exists($file_path)) {
        file_put_contents($file_path, '');

 * Retrieves all the files from a given directory and stores the full path in an array.
 * We store the full path in case we need to do anything at a system level, rather than relative paths.
 * @param string $path
 * @return array $files
function get_existing_files_from_directory($path, $fullPath = true)
    if (!is_dir($path)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid directory path: $path");

    $files = [];

    $directory = scandir($path);
    $directory = array_diff($directory, ['.', '..']);

    foreach ($directory as $file) {
        if (is_file($path . $file)) {
            $files[] = $fullPath ? $path . $file : $file;

    return $files;

add_filter('acf/load_field', 'store_field_meta_data');
add_filter('acf/update_field', 'handle_field_update', 10, 1);

