我目前有一个prod和test数据库,分别位于两个服务器azure postgres服务器上。我想做一个晚上的prod数据库备份到测试,这样每天早上两者是相同的。我的数据表有约束和键,所以我不能只复制数据本身,还要复制模式,所以一个简单的pandas df.to_sql不会涵盖它。
我目前的计划是每晚运行Azure Functions python脚本来完成复制。我尝试了sqlalchemy,但在正确复制元数据时遇到了重大问题。现在我尝试通过子进程使用postgres的pg_dump和pg_restore/psql命令,代码如下:
def backup_database(location, database, password, username, backup_file):
# Use pg_dump command to create a backup of the specified database
cmd = [
'-f', backup_file,
'-h', location,
'-d', database,
'-U', username,
'-p', '5432',
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, input=password.encode())
def clear_database(engine, metadata):
# Drop all tables in the database
metadata.drop_all(bind=engine, checkfirst=False)
def restore_database(location, database, password, username, backup_file):
# Use pg_restore command to restore the backup onto the database
# cmd = ['pg_restore', '-Fc', '-d', engine.url.database, backup_file]
cmd = [
'-f', backup_file,
'-h', location,
#'-d', database,
'-U', username,
'-p', '5432',
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
print("Backup restored onto the test server.")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print("Error occurred while restoring the backup:")
print(e.stdout) # Print the output from the command
print(e.stderr) # Print the error message, if available
# Define backup file path
backup_file = '/pathtofile/backup_file.dump' # Update with the desired backup file path
backup_file2 = 'backup_file.dump' # Update with the desired backup file path
# Backup the production database
backup_database(input_host, input_database, input_password, input_user, backup_file)
print("Backup of the production database created.")
# Create metadata object for test server
output_metadata = MetaData(bind=output_engine)
clear_database(output_engine, output_metadata)
print("Test server cleared.")
restore_database(output_host, output_datebase, output_password, output_user, backup_file2)
print("Backup restored onto the test server.")
此代码似乎正在创建转储文件,但没有成功还原到测试数据库。如果我让此代码工作,如何在Azure Functions中指定文件路径,这是从Azure Functions运行的合适解决方案吗?如果没有,如何让sqlalchemy成功地清除测试数据/元数据,然后每天晚上从prod复制数据?
我已经提到了MSDOC Psycopg和PostgreSQL。