NextJS Tailwind网站offcanvas菜单悬停/点击事件不在父维度之外发生

92vpleto  于 2023-06-22  发布在  其他


import { forwardRef, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
import Link from "next/link"

type ScrollDir = 'UP' | 'DOWN'

const LandingHeader = forwardRef((_, ref: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>) => {
  const [activeLink, setActiveLink] = useState('')
  const sectionsRef = useRef([])
  const { clientHeight } = (ref as React.MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement>)?.current ?? { clientHeight: 0 }
  const [navShowing, setNavShowing] = useState<boolean>(true)
  const lastScrollPos = useRef<number>(0)
  const [uBound, setUBound] = useState<number>(0)
  const [lBound, setLBound] = useState<number>(0)
  const [mobileMenuOpen, setMobileMenuOpen] = useState<boolean>(false)

  const handleMobileMenu = (shouldOpen?: boolean) => {
    setMobileMenuOpen(prev => shouldOpen ?? !prev)

  const trackScrollPos = useCallback(() => {
    const { pageYOffset, scrollY } = window
    const { clientHeight: headerHeight } = (ref as React.MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement>)?.current ?? { clientHeight: 0 }

    // Set active classes for nav links

    sectionsRef.current.forEach(section => {
      const sectionId = (section as HTMLElement).getAttribute('id')
      const sectionOffsetTop = (section as HTMLElement).offsetTop - clientHeight
      const sectionHeight = (section as HTMLElement).offsetHeight

      if (
        scrollY >= sectionOffsetTop &&
        scrollY < sectionOffsetTop + sectionHeight
      ) {
        setActiveLink(`/#${sectionId || ''}`);

    // Base case (if pageYOffset is near top, show nav)
    if ((pageYOffset <= headerHeight ?? 0) && !!!navShowing) {

    // Set Direction of scroll
    const newDir: ScrollDir = pageYOffset > lastScrollPos.current ? 'DOWN' : 'UP'

    // Check direction states
    switch(newDir) {
      case "DOWN":
        if (!mobileMenuOpen && pageYOffset >= (uBound + headerHeight) && !!navShowing) {
        case "UP":
          if (pageYOffset <= (lBound - headerHeight) && !!!navShowing) {

    // Always set lastScrollPos to current pageYOffset -- TICK
    lastScrollPos.current = pageYOffset
  }, [lBound, uBound, navShowing, mobileMenuOpen])

  const headerLinks: { name: string, href: string }[] = [
      name: "Mission",
      href: "/#mission"
      name: "Support",
      href: "/#support"
      name: "Causes",
      href: "/#causes"
      name: "Platform",
      href: "/#how-it-works"

  useEffect(() => {'scroll-padding-top', `${clientHeight - 1}px`)
  }, [clientHeight])

  useEffect(() => {
    // Cache all sections
    sectionsRef.current = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div[id]'))

    // Header scroll tracker for hide/show
    window.addEventListener('scroll', trackScrollPos)

    // Cleanup function
    return () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', trackScrollPos)
  }, [trackScrollPos, activeLink])

  return (
    <div ref={ref} style={{transform: `translateY(${navShowing ? "0" : "-100%"})` }} className="z-50 py-6 px-[calc(min(10vw,1rem))] bg-[rgba(255,255,255,.85)] backdrop-blur-md sticky top-0 border-b-2 shadow-sm translate-all duration-300 overflow-x-clip">
        <div className="flex flex-1 justify-between items-center max-w-7xl m-auto gap-6">
          <div className="max-w-[200px] flex-shrink-0 mr-5">
            <Link href="/"><img className="w-full h-auto hidden md:block object-contain" src="/images/logos/solution_logo_black.svg" alt="logo" /></Link>
            <Link href="/"><img className="w-[30px] h-auto block md:hidden object-contain" src="/images/logos/solution-circle.svg" alt="logo" /></Link>
          {/* Full-size menu */}
          <div className="hidden md:flex flex-1 ml-auto justify-around items-center max-w-2xl text-black font-normal whitespace-nowrap">
     => (
                <Link className={`${link.href == activeLink ? "!bg-neutralBlue" : ""} group relative font-bold hover:bg-neutralBlue transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out rounded-full px-3 py-3`} passHref href={link.href} key={}>
                  <span className="absolute bottom-3 left-[14px] right-0 transform w-0 h-[1px] bg-black transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out group-hover:w-8/12"></span>
            <Link href="/#get-involved">
              <button className={`${activeLink == "/#get-involved" ? "bg-transparent !text-black" : ""} btn btn-outline rounded-3xl text-white active:text-black  hover:text-black bg-black active:bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent font-normal`}>Get Involved</button>
          {/* Mobile menu */}
          <div className="md:hidden flex justify-end gap-5 items-center flex-grow">
            <Link href="#get-involved">
              <button className={`px-[calc(max(1rem,2rem))] whitespace-nowrap max-w-[40vw] text-[calc(max(12px,2vmin))]  ${activeLink == "/#get-involved" ? "bg-transparent !text-black" : ""} btn btn-outline rounded-3xl text-white active:text-black  hover:text-black bg-black active:bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent font-normal white`}>Get Involved</button>
            <button className="flex-shrink-0" onClick={() => handleMobileMenu()}>
              <img src="/images/icons/hamburger.svg" alt="hamburger menu" />
      <div className={`absolute ${ mobileMenuOpen ? "translate-x-0" : "translate-x-full" } md:hidden top-0 bottom-0 left-0 right-0 flex flex-col justify-stretch items-stretch bg-[rgba(255,255,255,0.75)] backdrop-blur-xl w-full h-screen transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out z-[9999]`}>
        <div className="flex flex-col items-stretch h-screen max-w-md ml-auto bg-white px-5 py-6 z-[9999]">
          <div className="flex justify-between items-center mb-10 w-full">
            <img className="object-contain w-full h-auto max-w-[50%]" src="/images/logos/solution_logo_black.svg" alt="solution logo" />
            <button className="btn btn-outline btn-sm btn-circle text-sm font-bold aspect-square" onClick={() => handleMobileMenu(false)}>
              <svg xmlns="" className="h-6 w-6" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2" d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" /></svg>
          <div className="flex flex-col gap-10 text-3xl font-bold [&_a:hover]:opacity-50">
     => <Link className="w-full h-full" onClick={() => handleMobileMenu(false)} href={link.href} key={}>{}</Link>)
          <div className="">Footer bottom</div>

export default LandingHeader

LandingHeader.displayName = "LandingHeader"




1.关闭时,将CSS属性pointer-events: none;添加到画布外菜单容器。这可以防止鼠标/触摸事件被注册到菜单上,从而允许它们传递到底层内容。
1.打开画布外菜单时,设置pointer-events: auto;以启用与菜单的交互。
