Source = [1,2,3]uniqueCombos 2 Source = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,3]]
Source = [1,2,3]
uniqueCombos 2 Source = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,3]]
-- Every set contains a unique empty subset.subsets 0 _ = [[]]-- Empty sets don't have any (non-empty) subsets.subsets _ [] = []-- Otherwise we're dealing with non-empty subsets of a non-empty set.-- If the first element of the set is x, we can get subsets of size n by either:-- - getting subsets of size n-1 of the remaining set xs and adding x to each of them-- (those are all subsets containing x), or-- - getting subsets of size n of the remaining set xs-- (those are all subsets not containing x)subsets n (x : xs) = map (x :) (subsets (n - 1) xs) ++ subsets n xs
-- Every set contains a unique empty subset.
subsets 0 _ = [[]]
-- Empty sets don't have any (non-empty) subsets.
subsets _ [] = []
-- Otherwise we're dealing with non-empty subsets of a non-empty set.
-- If the first element of the set is x, we can get subsets of size n by either:
-- - getting subsets of size n-1 of the remaining set xs and adding x to each of them
-- (those are all subsets containing x), or
-- - getting subsets of size n of the remaining set xs
-- (those are all subsets not containing x)
subsets n (x : xs) = map (x :) (subsets (n - 1) xs) ++ subsets n xs
import Data.Listcombinations k ns = filter ((k==).length) $ subsequences ns
import Data.List
combinations k ns = filter ((k==).length) $ subsequences ns
参考:99 Haskell Problems参考文献中有不少有趣的解决方案,我只是挑了一个简洁的。
我不清楚你对业绩有多关心。如果它有任何用处的话,早在2014年,有人发布了某种performance contest的各种Haskell组合生成算法。26项中的13项组合,执行时间从3秒到167秒不等!最快的入口是由Bergi提供的。下面是一个不明显的(至少对我来说)源代码:
subsequencesOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]subsequencesOfSize n xs = let l = length xs in if (n > l) then [] else subsequencesBySize xs !! (l-n) where subsequencesBySize [] = [[[]]] subsequencesBySize (x:xs) = let next = subsequencesBySize xs in zipWith (++) ([]:next) ( map (map (x:)) next ++ [[]] )
subsequencesOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
subsequencesOfSize n xs = let l = length xs
in if (n > l) then []
else subsequencesBySize xs !! (l-n)
subsequencesBySize [] = [[[]]]
subsequencesBySize (x:xs) = let next = subsequencesBySize xs
in zipWith (++)
( map (map (x:)) next ++ [[]] )
最近,在从一个大列表(100个中的5个)中挑选几个元素的特定上下文中,问题一直是revisited。在这种情况下,你不能使用像subsequences [1 .. 100]这样的东西,因为它引用的是一个长度为2100 1.26*1030的列表。我提交了一个基于algorithm的状态机,它并不像我所希望的那样具有Haskell的习惯性,但在这种情况下是相当有效的,每个输出项大约30个时钟周期。
subsequences [1 .. 100]
此外,还有一个Math.Combinatorics.Multiset包可用。这是documentation。我只是简单地测试了它,但它可以用来生成组合。例如,8个元素中的3个元素的所有组合的集合就像具有两个元素(存在和不存在)的multiset的“排列”,这些元素各自具有3和(8-3)=5的多重性。让我们使用这个想法来生成8个元素中3个元素的所有组合。有(876)/(321)= 336/6 = 56个。
*L M Mb T MS> import qualified Math.Combinatorics.Multiset as MS*Math.Combinatorics.Multiset L M Mb T MS> pms = MS.permutations*Math.Combinatorics.Multiset L M Mb T MS> :set prompt "λ> "λ> λ> pms38 = pms $ MS.fromCounts [(True, 3), (False,5)]λ> λ> length pms3856λ>λ> take 3 pms38[[True,True,True,False,False,False,False,False],[True,True,False,False,False,False,False,True],[True,True,False,False,False,False,True,False]]λ> λ> str = "ABCDEFGH"λ> combis38 = L.map fn pms38 where fn mask = L.map fst $ L.filter snd (zip str mask)λ> λ> sort combis38["ABC","ABD","ABE","ABF","ABG","ABH","ACD","ACE","ACF","ACG","ACH","ADE","ADF","ADG","ADH","AEF","AEG","AEH","AFG","AFH","AGH","BCD","BCE","BCF","BCG","BCH","BDE","BDF","BDG","BDH","BEF","BEG","BEH","BFG","BFH","BGH","CDE","CDF","CDG","CDH","CEF","CEG","CEH","CFG","CFH","CGH","DEF","DEG","DEH","DFG","DFH","DGH","EFG","EFH","EGH","FGH"]λ>λ> length combis3856λ>
*L M Mb T MS> import qualified Math.Combinatorics.Multiset as MS
*Math.Combinatorics.Multiset L M Mb T MS> pms = MS.permutations
*Math.Combinatorics.Multiset L M Mb T MS> :set prompt "λ> "
λ> pms38 = pms $ MS.fromCounts [(True, 3), (False,5)]
λ> length pms38
λ> take 3 pms38
λ> str = "ABCDEFGH"
λ> combis38 = L.map fn pms38 where fn mask = L.map fst $ L.filter snd (zip str mask)
λ> sort combis38
λ> length combis38
import Data.Listmain = putStrLn $ show $ myOp 2 [1, 2, 3]myOp :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]myOp 0 _ = []myOp 1 l = map (:[]) lmyOp c l = concat $ map f $ tails l where f :: [a] -> [[a]] f [] = [] f (x:xs) = map (x:) $ myOp (c - 1) xs
main = putStrLn $ show $ myOp 2 [1, 2, 3]
myOp :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
myOp 0 _ = []
myOp 1 l = map (:[]) l
myOp c l = concat $ map f $ tails l
f :: [a] -> [[a]]
f [] = []
f (x:xs) = map (x:) $ myOp (c - 1) xs
combinationsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]combinationsOf k xs = runner n k xs where n = length xs runner :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]] runner n' k' xs'@(y:ys) = if k' < n' -- k' < length of the list then if k' == 1 then map pure xs' else map (y:) (runner (n'-1) (k'-1) ys) ++ runner (n'-1) k' ys else pure xs' -- k' == length of the list.λ> length $ subsets 10 [0..19] -- taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/52602906/4543207184756(1.32 secs, 615,926,240 bytes)λ> length $ combinationsOf 10 [0..19]184756(0.45 secs, 326,960,528 bytes)
combinationsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinationsOf k xs = runner n k xs
n = length xs
runner :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
runner n' k' xs'@(y:ys) = if k' < n' -- k' < length of the list
then if k' == 1
then map pure xs'
else map (y:) (runner (n'-1) (k'-1) ys) ++ runner (n'-1) k' ys
else pure xs' -- k' == length of the list.
λ> length $ subsets 10 [0..19] -- taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/52602906/4543207
(1.32 secs, 615,926,240 bytes)
λ> length $ combinationsOf 10 [0..19]
(0.45 secs, 326,960,528 bytes)
combinationsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]combinationsOf k as@(x:xs) | k == 1 = map pure as | k == l = pure as | k > l = [] | otherwise = run (l-1) (k-1) as $ combinationsOf (k-1) xs where l = length as run :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]] run n k ys cs | n == k = map (ys ++) cs | otherwise = map (q:) cs ++ run (n-1) k qs (drop dc cs) where (q:qs) = take (n-k+1) ys dc = product [(n-k+1)..(n-1)] `div` product [1..(k-1)]λ> length $ combinationsOf 10 [0..19]184756(0.09 secs, 51,126,448 bytes)
combinationsOf k as@(x:xs) | k == 1 = map pure as
| k == l = pure as
| k > l = []
| otherwise = run (l-1) (k-1) as $ combinationsOf (k-1) xs
l = length as
run :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
run n k ys cs | n == k = map (ys ++) cs
| otherwise = map (q:) cs ++ run (n-1) k qs (drop dc cs)
(q:qs) = take (n-k+1) ys
dc = product [(n-k+1)..(n-1)] `div` product [1..(k-1)]
(0.09 secs, 51,126,448 bytes)
Monadic solution for unique combinations:
cb _ 0 = [[]]cb xs n = (nxs >>= (\(nx, x) -> (x:) <$> (cb [z | (n,z) <- nxs, n>nx] (n-1)) )) where nxs = zip [1..] xs
cb _ 0 = [[]]
cb xs n = (nxs >>= (\(nx, x) -> (x:) <$> (cb [z | (n,z) <- nxs, n>nx] (n-1)) )) where nxs = zip [1..] xs
genCombinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]genCombinations 0 _ = [[]]genCombinations n xs = genCombinations' [] xs n where -- \| Generates new combinations by replacing elements in the old combinations (the accumulator) -- \| with the first element from the list. genCombinations' :: [[a]] -> [a] -> Int -> [[a]] genCombinations' acc [] _ = acc genCombinations' acc (x : xs) n = -- replace elements in lists from accumulator, and add a combination made of the first element let newCombinations = concatMap (replaceElems x) acc ++ [replicate n x] in newCombinations ++ genCombinations' (acc ++ newCombinations) xs n replaceElems :: a -> [a] -> [[a]] replaceElems x xs = replaceElems' x (length xs) 0 xs replaceElems' :: a -> Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]] replaceElems' _ _ _ [] = [] -- count - how many elements were replaced before -- n - total length of the combination replaceElems' x n count [y] | count == n - 1 = [[y]] -- all prievous elements were replaced, don't replace now | count == 0 = [[x]] -- no elements were replaced, replace now | otherwise = [[x], [y]] replaceElems' x n count (y : ys) = -- don't replace the element, don't increment the counter map (y :) (replaceElems' x n count ys) -- replace the element, increment the counter ++ map (x :) (replaceElems' x n (count + 1) ys)
genCombinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
genCombinations 0 _ = [[]]
genCombinations n xs =
genCombinations' [] xs n
-- \| Generates new combinations by replacing elements in the old combinations (the accumulator)
-- \| with the first element from the list.
genCombinations' :: [[a]] -> [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
genCombinations' acc [] _ = acc
genCombinations' acc (x : xs) n =
-- replace elements in lists from accumulator, and add a combination made of the first element
let newCombinations = concatMap (replaceElems x) acc ++ [replicate n x]
in newCombinations ++ genCombinations' (acc ++ newCombinations) xs n
replaceElems :: a -> [a] -> [[a]]
replaceElems x xs =
replaceElems' x (length xs) 0 xs
replaceElems' :: a -> Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
replaceElems' _ _ _ [] = []
-- count - how many elements were replaced before
-- n - total length of the combination
replaceElems' x n count [y]
| count == n - 1 = [[y]] -- all prievous elements were replaced, don't replace now
| count == 0 = [[x]] -- no elements were replaced, replace now
| otherwise = [[x], [y]]
replaceElems' x n count (y : ys) =
-- don't replace the element, don't increment the counter
map (y :) (replaceElems' x n count ys)
-- replace the element, increment the counter
++ map (x :) (replaceElems' x n (count + 1) ys)
:参考:99 Haskell Problems
如果它有任何用处的话,早在2014年,有人发布了某种performance contest的各种Haskell组合生成算法。
subsequences [1 .. 100]
这样的东西,因为它引用的是一个长度为2100 1.26*1030的列表。我提交了一个基于algorithm的状态机,它并不像我所希望的那样具有Haskell的习惯性,但在这种情况下是相当有效的,每个输出项大约30个时钟周期。旁注:使用 multisets 生成组合?
让我们使用这个想法来生成8个元素中3个元素的所有组合。有(876)/(321)= 336/6 = 56个。
Monadic solution for unique combinations: