opencv 如何从OMR表中获得标记的答案?

a8jjtwal  于 2023-06-24  发布在  其他



for contour in questionCnts:
    # Calculate the area of the contour
    area = cv2.contourArea(contour)

    # If the area is above a certain threshold, consider it as a marked bubble
    if area > 100:  # Adjust the threshold based on your specific bubble size

        # Calculate the centroid of the contour
        moments = cv2.moments(contour)
        centroid_x = int(moments['m10'] / moments['m00'])
        centroid_y = int(moments['m01'] / moments['m00'])

        # Add the centroid coordinates to the list of marked bubbles
        marked_bubbles.append((centroid_x, centroid_y))

# Print the coordinates of the marked bubbles
for bubble in marked_bubbles:
    print(f"Marked bubble at coordinates: {bubble}")
# Draw circles at the coordinates of the marked bubbles on the image
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
for bubble in marked_bubbles:
    if(bubble == (1, 1)):
    draw.rectangle([(bubble[0] - 10, bubble[1] - 10), (bubble[0] + 10, bubble[1] + 10)], outline='green')

# Save the modified image'/content/output_image.png')

Marked bubble at coordinates: (279, 11)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (346, 11)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (13, 28)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (46, 45)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (113, 61)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (179, 78)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (413, 161)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (379, 161)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (312, 161)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (246, 161)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (213, 161)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (146, 161)
Marked bubble at coordinates: (80, 161)




box_size = 38

# Iterating over the coordinates
for x, y in marked_bubbles:
    # Determining the column based on the X value
    column = int(x / box_size) + 1  # Addding 1 because index starts from 0

    # Determine the score based on the quantized Y value of the box
    score = int(y / box_size) # Rounding off to nearest integer

    # Print the result
    print(f"Centroid: ({x}, {y}), Column: {column}, Score: {score}")


Centroid: (13, 28), Column: 1, Score: 0
Centroid: (46, 45), Column: 2, Score: 1
Centroid: (80, 161), Column: 3, Score: 4
Centroid: (113, 61), Column: 3, Score: 1
Centroid: (146, 161), Column: 4, Score: 4
Centroid: (179, 78), Column: 5, Score: 2
Centroid: (213, 161), Column: 6, Score: 4
Centroid: (246, 161), Column: 7, Score: 4
Centroid: (279, 11), Column: 8, Score: 0
Centroid: (312, 161), Column: 9, Score: 4
Centroid: (346, 11), Column: 10, Score: 0
Centroid: (379, 161), Column: 10, Score: 4
Centroid: (413, 161), Column: 11, Score: 4




给你这甚至不是几何,只是移动数字。在此功能中,进给标记的 * 中心 *,而不是其左边缘。

num_columns = 13
def columm_from_x(x):
    return int(x/image_width * num_columns + 1.0)

