
oiopk7p5  于 2023-06-28  发布在  其他




   /     \
 ce$      tic$


typedef struct no no; // declaration of the struct no

typedef struct no {
    char *str; // pointer to store a string
    struct no *child[26]; // Array of pointers to all possible children of the tree
    int isword; // Flag to know if its a full word
    int isroot; // Flag to know if its the root of the tree
} tree;


no* InsertWord(no *r, char *str){
    printf("checkpoint 5 %s\n", str);
    //caso 1, we are at the root
        r->child[r->str[0] - 'a'] = InsertWord(r->str[r->str[0] - 'a'], str);
        return r;
    //caso 2, found an empty node
    if(r->str == NULL){
        strcpy(r->str, str);
        r->isword = 1;
        printf("word %s inserted\n", str);
        return r;
    //caso 3, word is a perfect fit for the prefix
    if(strcmp(r->str, str)){
        r->isword = 1;
        printf("word %s inserted\n", str);
        return r;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; str[i] == r->str[i]; i++);
    //caso 4, the prefix fits the first part of the word, but there is still more to be inserted
    if(i == strlen(r->str)){
        r->child[str[i] - 'a'] = InsertWord(r->child[str[i] - 'a'], str + i);
        return r;
    //caso 5, the word fits the prefix, but there is still more prefix
    if(i == strlen(str)){
        char *aux1;
        char *aux2;
        strncpy(aux1, r->str, i);
        strcpy(aux2, r->str + i);
        no *aux = r;
        for(int j = 0; j < 26; j++){
        r->child[aux2[0] - 'a'] = aux;
        strcpy(r->str, aux1);
        strcpy(r->child[aux2[0] - 'a'], aux2);
        return r;
    //caso 6, the first part of the word fits with the first part of the preix, but then they differ
    if(i < strlen(str) && i < strlen(r->str)){
        char *aux1;
        char *aux2;
        strncpy(aux1, r->str, i);
        strcpy(aux2, r->str + i);
        no *aux = r;
        for(int j = 0; j < 26; j++){
        r->child[aux2[0] - 'a'] = aux;
        strcpy(r->str, aux1);
        strcpy(r->child[aux2[0] - 'a'], aux2);
        r->child[str[i] - 'a'] = InsertWord(r->child[str[i] - 'a'], str + i);
        return r;


checkpoint 1
checkpoint 2
checkpoint 3 roman
checkpoint 4 roman
checkpoint 5
checkpoint 5


no *ValidateWord(no *r, char *str) {
    int i;
    printf("checkpoint 3 %s\n", str);
    for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        if (str[i] < 'A' || (str[i] > 'Z' && str[i] < 'a') || str[i] > 'z') {
            return r;
        } else if (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') {
            str[i] = str[i] + 32;
    printf("checkpoint 4 %s\n", str);
    return InsertWord(r, str);

no *LoadFile(no *r) {
    printf("checkpoint 1");
    printf("Insert the name of the chosen file: ");
    char namefile[100];
    scanf("%s", namefile);
    FILE *fp1;
    fp1 = fopen(namefile, "r");
    if (fp1 == NULL) {
        printf("couldnt open the file.\n");
        return r;
    char str[100];
    while (fgets(str, sizeof(str), fp1)) {
        printf("checkpoint 2 %s\n", str);
        str[strcspn(str, "\n")] = '\0';
        r = ValidateWord(r, str);
    return r;


void menu(no* r) {
    int c = 0;
    printf("choose an operation:\n");
    printf("Load File - 1\nCheck Words - 2\nPrint Dictionary - 3\nLoad Stopwords File - 4\nExit - 0\n\n");
    scanf("%d", &c);
    while (c != 0) {
        if (c == 1)
            r = LoadFile(r); // Calls the LoadFile function
        else if (c == 2)
            CheckWords(r); // calls the function CheckWords
        else if (c == 3)
            PrintDictionary(r); // Calls the fucntion PrintDictionary
        else if (c == 4)
            r = LoadStopwordsFile(r); // calls the LoadStopwordsFile function
        printf("choose an operation:\n");
    printf("Load File - 1\nCheck Words - 2\nPrint Dictionary - 3\nLoad Stopwords File - 4\nExit - 0\n\n");
        scanf("%d", &c);

int main() {
    no* r = (no*) malloc(sizeof(no)); // alocates memory for the root
    if (r == NULL) {
        printf("Error alocating memory.\n");
        return 1; // closes the aplication
    r->isroot = 1; // defines the isroot flag to true
    menu(&r); // calls the menu function
    free(r); // frees the memory alocated for the root
    return 0;


Morin, Patrick. "Data Structures for Strings"
编辑:在您跟踪的Java code in the tutorial中,它使用带外isword并复制子字符串。这看起来像是在分配节点,而不是字符串的副本,Java会自动处理这些副本。
我认为以下是一个很好的类比:子串存储在struct末尾的flexible array member中;这样,节点和串的副本处于连续的存储器分配中,这减少了碎片和对malloc的调用。

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>

// A flexible array member for the substring.
struct node {
    struct node *child[26];
    int isword;
    char str[];
struct trie { struct node *root; };

// graph helper
static void graph_logic(const struct node *const node,
    const struct node *const parent, FILE *const fp) {
        "\tnode%p [label = \"%s\"];\n"
        "\tnode%p -> node%p [label=\"%s\"];\n",
        (const void *)node, node->isword ? "word" : "not",
        (const void *)parent, (const void *)node, node->str);
    for(struct node *const*i = node->child,
        *const*end = i + sizeof node->child / sizeof *node->child;
        i < end; i++) if(*i) graph_logic(*i, node, fp);
// graphs a trie in GraphViz format: https://graphviz.org/
static void graph(const struct trie *const trie, const char *const fn) {
    FILE *fp;
    assert(trie && fn);
    if(!(fp = fopen(fn, "w"))) { perror(fn); return; }
    fprintf(fp, "digraph {\n"
        "\tgraph [truecolor=true, bgcolor=transparent, fontname=modern];\n"
        "\tnode [shape=none, fontname=modern];\n"
        "\tnode%p [label=\"root\"];\n", (void *)0);
    if(trie->root) graph_logic(trie->root, 0, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "}\n");

static int InsertWord(struct trie *t, char *str){
    // The tree is empty.
    if(t->root == NULL){
        struct node *r;
        const size_t len = strlen(str);
        if(!(r = malloc(sizeof t->root + len + 1))) return 0; // FAM
        *r = (struct node){0};
        r->isword = 1;
        memcpy(r->str, str, len + 1);
        t->root = r;
        printf("word %s inserted as the first word\n", str);
        return 1;
    assert(0); // continue this function . . .
    /* (For each edge.)
        (For each character, check that it's a match for the edge, if it's
        not, create two nodes from the split. Free the original.)
        (Or if it's the empty string, the word is already there.)
        (May be helpful to port `getFirstMismatchLetter`.) */
    return 0;
static int ValidateWord(struct trie *t, char *str) {
    int i;
    assert(t && str);
    printf("ValidateWord checkpoint: %s\n", str);
    // simplified
    for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) if(!islower(str[i])) return 0;
    return InsertWord(t, str);

// this inputs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_tree
static int test(const char *const fn) {
    FILE *fp = 0;
    int success = 1;
    if(!(fp = fopen(fn, "w"))) goto catch;
    fclose(fp), fp = 0;
    if(!freopen(fn, "r", stdin)) goto catch;
    goto finally;
    success = 0;
    if(fp) fclose(fp), fp = 0;
    return success;

int main(void) {
    char str[100];
    struct trie t = {0};
    struct { int no; char fn[100]; } debug = { 0, { 0 } };

    // ideally, tests should be automatic
    if(!test("trie.txt")) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

    while(fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin)) {
        str[strcspn(str, "\n")] = '\0';
        // Print a graph so we can see what's going on.
        sprintf(debug.fn, "trie%d.gv", debug.no++), graph(&t, debug.fn);
        int is_insert = ValidateWord(&t, str);
    // memory leak: all the nodes need to be freed from the bottom.
    return 0;
