python 许多小矩阵为循环加速

jgwigjjp  于 2023-08-02  发布在  Python

我有一个大的坐标网格(向量a和B),我生成并求解一个矩阵(10x10)方程。scipy.linalg.solve是否有办法接受向量输入?到目前为止,我的解决方案是在坐标数组上运行 * 次循环。

import time
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg

N = 10
a = np.linspace(0, 1, 10**3)
b = np.linspace(0, 1, 2*10**3)
A = np.random.random((N, N))      # input matrix, not static

def f(a,b,n):     # array-filling function
   return a*b*n

def sol(x,y):   # matrix solver
   D = np.arange(0,N)
   B = f(x,y,D)**2 + f(x-1, y+1, D)      # source vector
   X = scipy.linalg.solve(A,B)
   return X    # output an N-size vector

start = time.time()

answer = np.zeros(shape=(a.size, b.size)) # predefine output array

for egg in range(a.size):             # an ugly double-for cycle
   for ham in range(b.size):
       aa = a[egg]
       bb = b[ham]
       answer[egg,ham] = sol(aa,bb)[0]

print time.time() - start





import numpy as np
A = np.random.randn(4,4,10,10)
AI = np.linalg.inv(A)
#check that generalized ufuncs work as expected
I = np.einsum('xyij,xyjk->xyik', A, AI)
print np.allclose(I, np.eye(10)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :])




@yevgeniy你是对的,用scipy有效地解决多个独立的线性系统A x = B有点棘手(假设A数组在每次迭代中都发生变化)。
例如,这里有一个用于求解1000个形式为Ax = b的系统的基准,其中A是10x10矩阵,b10元素向量。令人惊讶的是,将所有这些放入一个块对角矩阵并调用scipy.linalg.solve一次的方法确实在密集和稀疏矩阵中都较慢。

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import block_diag, solve
from scipy.sparse import block_diag as sp_block_diag
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

N = 10
M = 1000 # number of coordinates 
Ai = np.random.randn(N, N) # we can compute the inverse here,
# but let's assume that Ai are different matrices in the for loop loop
bi = np.random.randn(N)

%timeit [solve(Ai, bi) for el in range(M)]
# 10 loops, best of 3: 32.1 ms per loop

Afull = sp_block_diag([Ai]*M, format='csr')
bfull = np.tile(bi, M)

%timeit Afull = sp_block_diag([Ai]*M, format='csr')
%timeit spsolve(Afull, bfull)

# 1 loops, best of 3: 303 ms per loop
# 100 loops, best of 3: 5.55 ms per loop

Afull = block_diag(*[Ai]*M) 

%timeit Afull = block_diag(*[Ai]*M)
%timeit solve(Afull, bfull)

# 100 loops, best of 3: 14.1 ms per loop
# 1 loops, best of 3: 23.6 s per loop


from scipy.linalg import get_lapack_funcs

gesv, = get_lapack_funcs(('gesv',), (Ai, bi))

def solve_opt(A, b, gesv=gesv):
    # not sure if copying A and B is necessary, but just in case (faster if arrays are not copied)
    lu, piv, x, info = gesv(A.copy(), b.copy(), overwrite_a=False, overwrite_b=False)
    if info == 0:
        return x
    if info > 0:
        raise LinAlgError("singular matrix")
    raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal gesv|posv' % -info)

%timeit [solve(Ai, bi) for el in range(M)]
%timeit [solve_opt(Ai, bi) for el in range(M)]

# 10 loops, best of 3: 30.1 ms per loop
# 100 loops, best of 3: 3.77 ms per loop

如果你需要更好的性能,你必须在Cython中移植这个for循环,并直接在C中接口gesv BLAS函数,如here所讨论的,或者更好地使用Scipy 0.16中的Cython API for BLAS/LAPACK。

编辑:正如@Eelco Hoogendoorn提到的,如果你的A矩阵是固定的,有一个更简单,更有效的方法。




def numba_solve(A, b):
    return np.linalg.solve(A, b)
#first execution to trigger compilation, otherwise compiling is included in the execution time
numba_solve(Ai[0], bi[0])

这里我们使用numba库,它通过使用即时(JIT)编译来编译所有可能的部分,从而加速Python函数。与solve_opt by rth类似,它确实大大加快了numpy.linalg.solve()周围的测试,并且是我测试过的最快的方法(见最后的表格)。
| 解算器| solver |
| --| ------------ |
| 2.4 numba_solve(A, b)个| numba_solve(A, b) |
| 3.6 solve_opt(A, b,gesv=gesv)个| solve_opt(A, b,gesv=gesv) |
| 4.8 np.linalg.solve(A, b)个| np.linalg.solve(A, b) |
| 13.5稀疏块诊断求解器(通过rth)| sparse blockdiag solver (by rth) |
| 21.3 scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, b,lapack_driver="gelsy")[0]个| scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, b,lapack_driver="gelsy")[0] |
| 22.1 numba_lstsq(A, b)| numba_lstsq(A, b) |
| 23.3 lstsq_opt(A, b,gelss=gelss)| lstsq_opt(A, b,gelss=gelss) |
| 24.2 np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=-1)[0]个| np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=-1)[0] |
| 24.2 scipy.linalg.solve(A, b)| scipy.linalg.solve(A, b) |
| 26.1 np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)[0]| np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)[0] |
| 41.3 scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, b,lapack_driver="gelss")[0]| scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, b,lapack_driver="gelss")[0] |
| 42.6 np.linalg.pinv(A) @ b| np.linalg.pinv(A) @ b |
| 43.7 scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, b,lapack_driver="gelsd")[0]| scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, b,lapack_driver="gelsd")[0] |
| 61.2 scipy.optimize.root(lambda x: A @ x - b, np.zeros(10), jac=lambda x: A, method='lm', tol=1e-1)| scipy.optimize.root(lambda x: A @ x - b, np.zeros(10), jac=lambda x: A, method='lm', tol=1e-1) |
| 64.6 scipy.linalg.pinv(A) @ b| scipy.linalg.pinv(A) @ b |
| scipy.optimize.root(lambda x: A @ x - b, np.zeros(10), jac=lambda x: A, method='hybr', tol=1e-1)| scipy.optimize.root(lambda x: A @ x - b, np.zeros(10), jac=lambda x: A, method='hybr', tol=1e-1) |
| 块诊断求解器(通过rth)| blockdiag solver (by rth) |


def loop_numba_solve(Ai, bi):
    for A, b in zip(Ai, bi):
        x = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
    return x
nb_Ai = numba.typed.List()
nb_bi = numba.typed.List()
for A, b in zip(Ai, bi):
loop_numba_solve(nb_Ai, nb_bi)

| 解算器| solver |
| --| ------------ |
| 1.4 loop_numba_solve(nb_Ai, nb_bi)| loop_numba_solve(nb_Ai, nb_bi) |
