启动pgAdmin 4服务器的总生成时间:0.017 Sec 2023-07-26 18:16:20,262:WARNING Werkzeug:WebSocket传输不可用。安装simple-websocket以提高性能。
- 服务Flask应用程序'pgadmin'
- 调试模式:关闭
2023-07-26 18:16:20,262:WARNING Werkzeug:Werkzeug似乎用于生产部署。考虑改用生产Web服务器。试图以访问套接字的权限禁止的方式访问套接字
It says PgAdmin 4 server could not be contacted. I tried deleting, uninstalling still nothing. I'm using windows 11. PosgtreSQL 15. I used the pgAdmin 4 that comes with it. I then deleted the pgAdmin 4 and downloaded pgAdmin 4 7v4. It started but it doesn't connect. As for the installation process, I installed directly from the postgreSQL app with the installer and followed all the right steps.
所以我设法解决了它。我去删除pgAdmin 4,它提示你选择应用程序和unistall,然后它问你是要卸载整个应用程序还是个别应用程序。我选择了单独的应用程序,只卸载了pgAdmin4。然后我在网上搜索了pgAdmin 4,下载了它,它就工作了。