我正在尝试在TiDB解析器(https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/tree/master/parser)中添加“FULL JOIN”支持。我对parser. y做了两个不同的修改。尝试一:我修改了“JoinTable”的定义如下:
| TableRef "FULL" "JOIN" TableRef "ON" Expression
on := &ast.OnCondition{Expr: $6}
$$ = &ast.Join{Left: $1.(ast.ResultSetNode), Right: $4.(ast.ResultSetNode), Tp: ast.FullJoin, On: on}
$$ = ast.LeftJoin
$$ = ast.RightJoin
| "FULL"
$$ = ast.FullJoin
// JoinType is join type, including cross/left/right/full.
type JoinType int
const (
// CrossJoin is cross join type.
CrossJoin JoinType = iota + 1
// LeftJoin is left Join type.
// RightJoin is right Join type.
// FullJoin is full Join type.
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *Join) Restore(ctx *format.RestoreCtx) error {
switch n.Tp {
case LeftJoin:
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" LEFT")
case RightJoin:
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" RIGHT")
case FullJoin:
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" FULL")
在这两种情况下我都得到了“冲突:2 shift/reduce”in make.In y.output我发现了以下行:
state 1810 // update '(' selectKwd '*' ')'
1474 TableFactor: '(' SetOprStmt1 ')' . TableAsNameOpt // assoc %precedence, prec 56
1478 TableAsNameOpt: . [$end, ')', ',', ';', '}', cross, except, fetch, forKwd, full, group, having, inner, intersect, into, join, left, limit, lock, natural, on, order, right, set, straightJoin, union, using, where, window, with]
$end reduce using rule 1478 (TableAsNameOpt)
')' reduce using rule 1478 (TableAsNameOpt)
',' reduce using rule 1478 (TableAsNameOpt)
';' reduce using rule 1478 (TableAsNameOpt)
'}' reduce using rule 1478 (TableAsNameOpt)
account shift, and goto state 387
format shift, and goto state 236
full shift, and goto state 237
function shift, and goto state 331
jobs shift, and goto state 521
join reduce using rule 1478 (TableAsNameOpt)
jsonArrayagg shift, and goto state 603
Identifier goto state 1813
NotKeywordToken goto state 180
TableAsName goto state 1812
TableAsNameOpt goto state 1811
TiDBKeyword goto state 181
UnReservedKeyword goto state 179
conflict on full, shift, and goto state 237, reduce using rule 1478 // full: assoc %left, prec 33
现在我明白了问题出在“FULL”上,下一步可能是“shift,后藤state 237”,或者“reduce using rule 1478”,但我不知道如何解决这个问题。我尝试在优先级列表的末尾添加一个新的“% precision full”,并重复使用“%prec tableRefPriority”,但错误仍然存在。任何帮助将不胜感激!
我是TiDB的维护者之一。我已经试过你的第二种方法,它在我这边起作用了。我没有遇到任何shift/reduce错误。此外,我成功地运行了新构建的TiDB,并测试了解析完整的连接语句,这也是成功的。你是否使用了'make parser'来构建parser.go文件?
顺便说一下,由于MySQL不支持Full Join,如果你想在TiDB中实现它,请先在github.com/pingcap/tidb上创建一个问题,这将允许我们讨论是否接受此功能。