R语言 通过将多个框架中的某些列乘以单个列来创建新列

yvt65v4c  于 2023-10-13  发布在  其他


ID  amount  supplier_1  supplier_2   supplier_3 ... supplier_100
1   10       0               1            0             0
1   15       1               0            0             0
1   20       1               0            0             0
2    5       0               0            0             1
2    8       0               1            0             0
2   10       0               0            0             1

#I have more than 100 suppliers in this df.


ID  amount  supplier_1  supplier_2   supplier_3 ... supplier_100  
1   10       0               1            0             0                 
1   15       1               0            0             0                 
1   20       1               0            0             0                 
2    5       0               0            0             1                 
2    8       0               1            0             0                 
2   10       0               0            0             1                 

amt*supplier_1   amt*supplier_2  amt*supplier_3 ..... amt*supplier_100   Total_amt 
 0               10               0                      0                 45 
15                0               0                      0                 45
20                0               0                      0                 45
 0                0               0                      5                 23
 0                8               0                      0                 23
 0                0               0                     10                 23

#total_amt is the sum of amount conditional on ID.

Multiply all columns in dataframe by single column




dd %>% mutate(across(starts_with("supplier"), ~amount * .x))
#   ID amount supplier_1 supplier_2 supplier_3 supplier_100
# 1  1     10          0         10          0            0
# 2  1     15         15          0          0            0
# 3  1     20         20          0          0            0
# 4  2      5          0          0          0            5
# 5  2      8          0          8          0            0
# 6  2     10          0          0          0           10


dd %>% 
  mutate(across(starts_with("supplier"), ~amount * .x)) %>% 
  mutate(Total_amt = sum(amount), .by=ID)


dd <- read.table(text="
ID  amount  supplier_1  supplier_2   supplier_3  supplier_100
1   10       0               1            0             0
1   15       1               0            0             0
1   20       1               0            0             0
2    5       0               0            0             1
2    8       0               1            0             0
2   10       0               0            0             1", header=T)


在base R中,可以使用lapply在执行操作的同时创建新列:

ccols <- names(df)[grep("supplier", names(df))]
# [1] "supplier_1"   "supplier_2"   "supplier_3"   "supplier_100"

df[paste0("amt_x_",ccols)] <- lapply(df[ccols], \(x) df$amount * x)


#   ID amount supplier_1 supplier_2 supplier_3 supplier_100 amt_x_supplier_1 amt_x_supplier_2 amt_x_supplier_3 amt_x_supplier_100
# 1  1     10          0          1          0            0                0               10                0                  0
# 2  1     15          1          0          0            0               15                0                0                  0
# 3  1     20          1          0          0            0               20                0                0                  0
# 4  2      5          0          0          0            1                0                0                0                  5
# 5  2      8          0          1          0            0                0                8                0                  0
# 6  2     10          0          0          0            1                0                0                0                 10


df <- read.table(text = "ID  amount  supplier_1  supplier_2   supplier_3  supplier_100
1   10       0               1            0             0
1   15       1               0            0             0
1   20       1               0            0             0
2    5       0               0            0             1
2    8       0               1            0             0
2   10       0               0            0             1", h = TRUE)


df[ccols] <- lapply(df[ccols], \(x) df$amount * x)


#   ID amount supplier_1 supplier_2 supplier_3 supplier_100
# 1  1     10          0         10          0            0
# 2  1     15         15          0          0            0
# 3  1     20         20          0          0            0
# 4  2      5          0          0          0            5
# 5  2      8          0          8          0            0
# 6  2     10          0          0          0           10



scls <- grep('^supplier_\\d+$', names(df))
df[scls] <- df[scls]*df$amount

#   ID amount supplier_1 supplier_2 supplier_3 supplier_100
# 1  1     10          0         10          0            0
# 2  1     15         15          0          0            0
# 3  1     20         20          0          0            0
# 4  2      5          0          0          0            5
# 5  2      8          0          8          0            0
# 6  2     10          0          0          0           10
  • 数据:*
df <- structure(list(ID = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L), amount = c(10L, 
15L, 20L, 5L, 8L, 10L), supplier_1 = c(0L, 15L, 20L, 0L, 0L, 
0L), supplier_2 = c(10L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 8L, 0L), supplier_3 = c(0L, 
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), supplier_100 = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 5L, 0L, 10L
)), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame")
