javascript 使用switch和if语句检查号码状态[关闭]

h7appiyu  于 2023-10-14  发布在  Java

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faultRegister ="Fault Register")

switch(faultRegister) {
  case 40321.00: 
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n SHORT CIRCUIT DETECTED\n Please remove power, \n check wiring before resuming.")
  case 40321.01:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n DRIVE OVER TEMPERATURE \n Please remove power, \n increase air flow, add heatsink, \n or reduce duty cycle.")
  case 40321.02:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n OVER VOLTAGE \n Please remove power, \n DC bus above drive rating, \n Output shutdown.")
  case 40321.03:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n  UNDER VOLTAGE \n Please remove power, \n DC bus below minimum rating, \n check for drooping or collapsing, \n improve power source, reduce acceleration.")
  case 40321.04:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSOR \n ACTIVE \n Please remove power, \n check wiring and input voltage, \n reset and retry.")
  case 40321.05:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n FEEDBACK ERROR OR ENCODER \n POWER ERROR \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down, \n reset and retry.")
  case 40321.06:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n MOTOR PHASING ERROR \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down, \n reset and retry.")
  case 40321.07:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n CURRENT OUTPUT LIMITED \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down \n reset and retry.")
  case 40321.08:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n VOLTAGE OUTPUT LIMITED \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down \n reset and retry.")
  case 40321.09:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n POSITIVE LIMIT SWITCH ACTIVE \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down \n reset and retry.")
  case 40321.10:
    tag.write("Fault Description", "The fault that has occured is: \n NEGATIVE LIMIT SWITCH ACTIVE \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down \n reset and retry.")
    tag.write("Fault Description", "Drive is operating without fault")



function getIndividualBits(value) {
    //convert the number to a binary string representation
    let binaryStr = value.toString(2);
    // Convert the binary string to an array of integers, starting from the least significant bit
    let bitArray = Array.from(binaryStr).reverse().map(bit => parseInt(bit, 10));
    return bitArray;

//register value as number literal in binary
let register = 0b1111110001010101010000;
//get an array where at each index contains the value of the n-th bit (LSB is index zero)
let result = getIndividualBits(register);
//Expected output: [0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1]

//for example check if bit 22 (most significant) is zero => false
console.log( result[22] == 0 )


function getIndividualBits(value) {        
    let binaryStr = value.toString(2);    
    return Array.from(binaryStr).reverse().map(bit => parseInt(bit, 10));    

function checkFaults(value){

  const faultDescriptions = [
      //index: 0
      "The fault that has occured is: \n SHORT CIRCUIT DETECTED\n Please remove power, \n check wiring before resuming.",
      //index: 1
      "The fault that has occured is: \n DRIVE OVER TEMPERATURE \n Please remove power, \n increase air flow, add heatsink, \n or reduce duty cycle.",
      //index: 2
      "The fault that has occured is: \n OVER VOLTAGE \n Please remove power, \n DC bus above drive rating, \n Output shutdown.",
      //index: 3
      "The fault that has occured is: \n  UNDER VOLTAGE \n Please remove power, \n DC bus below minimum rating, \n check for drooping or collapsing, \n improve power source, reduce acceleration.",
      //index: 4
      "The fault that has occured is: \n MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSOR \n ACTIVE \n Please remove power, \n check wiring and input voltage, \n reset and retry.",
      //index: 5
      "The fault that has occured is: \n FEEDBACK ERROR OR ENCODER \n POWER ERROR \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down, \n reset and retry.",
      //index: 6
      "The fault that has occured is: \n MOTOR PHASING ERROR \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down, \n reset and retry.",
      //index: 7
      "The fault that has occured is: \n CURRENT OUTPUT LIMITED \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down \n reset and retry.",
      //index: 8
      "The fault that has occured is: \n VOLTAGE OUTPUT LIMITED \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down \n reset and retry.",
      //index: 9
      "The fault that has occured is: \n POSITIVE LIMIT SWITCH ACTIVE \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down \n reset and retry.",
      //index: 10
      "The fault that has occured is: \n NEGATIVE LIMIT SWITCH ACTIVE \n Please remove power, \n allow drive to cool down \n reset and retry."
  const defaultMsg = "Drive is operating without fault";
  const bits = getIndividualBits(value);
  //for each fault descriptions
  for(let i=0;i<faultDescriptions.length;i++){
    //if the bits value at that position is == 1
    if(bits[i] == 1)
      //return the corresponding description
      return faultDescriptions[i];
  //if no faults where found, return the default case message
  return defaultMsg;

let register = 0b1111110001010101010000;
let msg = checkFaults(register);

//=> "MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSOR" - index 4 corresponding to 4th LSB (zero based)
