const axios = require('axios');
require('dotenv').config(); // Load environment variables
// Pipedrive API credentials
const pipedriveApiKey = process.env.PIPEDRIVE_API_TOKEN; // Use dotenv for secret management
const pipedriveApiUrl = 'https://Rian-Sandbox.pipedrive.com/v1';
// HubSpot API credentials
const hubspotApiKey = process.env.HUBSPOT_API_KEY; // Use dotenv for secret management
const hubspotApiUrl = 'https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts';
// Axios configurations for headers
const pipedriveConfig = {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${pipedriveApiKey}`,
const hubspotConfig = {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${hubspotApiKey}`,
// Function to get contacts from HubSpot
async function getHubSpotContacts() {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`${hubspotApiUrl}`, {
params: {
limit: 100, // Adjust the limit as needed
headers: hubspotConfig.headers,
const hubSpotContacts = response.data.results; // Adjust the property based on the actual response structure
if (!Array.isArray(hubSpotContacts)) {
console.error('HubSpot contacts response is not an array:', hubSpotContacts);
return; // Exit the function or handle the error as needed
return hubSpotContacts;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching HubSpot contacts:', error.message);
throw error;
// Function to create or update a contact in Pipedrive
async function createOrUpdatePipedriveContact(contact) {
try {
// Check if the contact already exists in Pipedrive based on email
const response = await axios.get(`${pipedriveApiUrl}/persons/find`, {
params: {
term: contact.email,
headers: pipedriveConfig.headers,
const existingPerson = response.data.data[0];
if (existingPerson) {
// Update the existing person
const updatedResponse = await axios.put(`${pipedriveApiUrl}/persons/${existingPerson.id}`, contact, {
headers: pipedriveConfig.headers,
console.log('Contact updated in Pipedrive:', contact.firstname, contact.lastname);
return updatedResponse.data.data;
} else {
// Create a new person in Pipedrive
const createdResponse = await axios.post(`${pipedriveApiUrl}/persons`, contact, {
headers: pipedriveConfig.headers,
console.log('Contact created in Pipedrive:', contact.firstname, contact.lastname);
return createdResponse.data.data;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating/updating Pipedrive contact:', error.message);
throw error;
// Function to sync contacts from HubSpot to Pipedrive
async function syncHubSpotToPipedrive() {
try {
const hubSpotContacts = await getHubSpotContacts();
if (!Array.isArray(hubSpotContacts)) {
console.error('HubSpot contacts response is not an array:', hubSpotContacts);
return; // Exit the function or handle the error as needed
for (const contact of hubSpotContacts) {
if (
contact.properties &&
contact.properties.firstname &&
contact.properties.lastname &&
) {
// Customize the contact mapping according to your needs
const pipedriveContact = {
name: contact.properties.firstname.value + ' ' + contact.properties.lastname.value,
email: contact.properties.email.value,
phone: contact.properties.phone ? contact.properties.phone.value : '',
await createOrUpdatePipedriveContact(pipedriveContact);
} else {
console.error('Contact data is incomplete or missing:', contact);
console.log('HubSpot to Pipedrive sync completed.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error during HubSpot to Pipedrive sync:', error.message);
// Function to start the synchronization
async function startSync() {
await syncHubSpotToPipedrive();
// Call the function to start the synchronization
HubSpot to Pipedrive sync completed.
rianc@Rians-MacBook-Pro hubspot % node synchro
Contact data is incomplete or missing: {
id: '1',
properties: {
createdate: '2020-11-29T18:27:35.318Z',
email: '[email protected]',
firstname: 'Maria',
hs_object_id: '1',
lastmodifieddate: '2022-04-26T19:31:14.645Z',
lastname: 'Johnson (Sample Contact)'
createdAt: '2020-11-29T18:27:35.318Z',
updatedAt: '2022-04-26T19:31:14.645Z',
archived: false
我也在尝试同样的问题。您正在使用电子邮件将Hubspot联系人与Pipedrive进行匹配,因为电子邮件地址可能会更改,因此电子邮件并不是唯一的标识符。为了解决这个问题,我在Pipedrive中创建了一个名为hubspotID的属性,我已经有了一个脚本,可以在Pipedrive中从Hubspot创建联系人。所以Pipedrive接收hubSpot ID并将其插入该属性。你怎么知道你的脚本同步两个标准物质?