
a11xaf1n  于 12个月前  发布在  其他

对于一个家庭作业问题,我们被要求数值找到一个二次方程ax ^2 + bx + c的估计根(其中a,b,c是由用户给定的),我们不能使用-b公式,我们必须使用一个简单的基于搜索的算法来分配。因此,我们必须在x的大范围内找到f(x),然后打印x的值,使f(x)最接近零。
例如,如果a、B和c的值分别为1、-1和-6,我希望输出显示x = 3作为估计根。现在显示的输出是= 0。(f(x)的值,my中最接近零的元素)

* Systems header files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * Constant definitions
#define SIZE 50

 * Function definitions
float array_roots(const float [], int); /*my function where i will search for my root value*/

int main(void)
    float table[SIZE];   /* array to store the function values f(x) */
    float a, b, c, x;
    int i;

    printf("Welcome to the quadratic root estimator.\n");
    printf("This estimates the value of one root of\n");
    printf("Enter the coefficients in the form \"a b c\"\n: ");
    scanf("%f %f %f",&a, &b, &c);

 /*populating array and calling function */
    for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
        x = 0 + i*(0.5); /* the range of values of x im using are between 1 and 50*/
        table[i] = a*x*x + b*x + c;           /* to store the value of f(x) at the correct point in the array */

    /* Prints out value from the array which is closest to zero
       But i want it to print out the root of the function, x which gave the value of f(x) closest to zero*/
      printf("There is a root at: x = %.3f\n", array_roots(table, SIZE));

/*function outside of  main to find element in array closest to zero */

float array_roots(const float table[], int length)
    int i;           /* index for loop over array*/
    float root;       /* 'running' root. This will eventually be the root element of the array */

    root = table[0];  /* At the beginning, assume that the first element is the root */

    /* Next, loop through the array. For each element encountered,
       if this element is closer to zero, then
       set the running root equal to this value */
    for(i=1; i<length; i++)
        if(table[i] == 0 || abs(0-table[i]) < abs(0-root))
            root = table[i];

    /* At this point, variable 'root' holds the correct root element */


有一个表达式将数组索引i转换为x值:x = 0 + i*(0.5)

// Returns the x value used for the index
float index_to_x(int i) {
    return i * (0.5);


/*populating array and calling function */
    for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
        x = index_to_x(i); /* the range of values of x im using are between 1 and 50*/
        table[i] = a*x*x + b*x + c;           /* to store the value of f(x) at the correct point in the array */


float array_roots(const float table[], int length)
    int i;           /* index for loop over array*/
    float root;       /* 'running' root. This will eventually be the root element of the array */
    int min_i = 0;   /* index of the minimum root */

    root = table[0];  /* At the beginning, assume that the first element is the root */

    /* Next, loop through the array. For each element encountered,
       if this element is closer to zero, then
       set the running root equal to this value */
    for(i=1; i<length; i++) {
        if(table[i] == 0 || abs(0-table[i]) < abs(0-root)) {
            root = table[i];
            min_i = i;

    printf("The x coordinate for the minimum root is %f\n", index_to_x(min_i));

    /* At this point, variable 'root' holds the correct root element */

