fp2.scala:144: error: not enough arguments for method foldRight: (xs: List[A], e: B, f: (A, B) => B)B.
Unspecified value parameter f.
foldRight (xs, "")((a, b) => a + term + b)
fp2.scala:161: error: not enough arguments for method foldLeft: (xs: List[A], e: B, f: (B, A) => B)B.
Unspecified value parameter f.
foldLeft (xs, "")((a, b) => a + b + term)
two errors found
// SCALA 2.13.0
* Complete the exercises below. For each "EXERCISE" comment, add
* code immediately below the comment.
* Please see README.md for instructions, including compilation and testing.
* 1. Submissions MUST compile using SBT with UNCHANGED configuration and
* tests with no compilation errors. Submissions with compilation errors
* will receive 0 points. Note that refactoring the code will cause the
* tests to fail.
* 2. You MUST NOT edit the SBT configuration and tests. Altering it in your
* submission will result in 0 points for this assignment.
* 3. You MUST NOT use while loops or (re)assignment to variables (you can
* use "val" declarations, but not "var" declarations). You must use
* recursion instead.
* 4. You may declare auxiliary functions if you like.
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
object fp2 {
// EXERCISE 1: complete the following recursive definition of a "map"
// function for Scala's builtin List type. You must not use the builtin
// "map" method.
// Your implementation of "map" MUST be recursive.
def map[A, B](xs: List[A], f: A => B): List[B] = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case y :: ys => f (y) :: map (ys, f)
// EXERCISE 2: complete the following recursive definition of a "filter"
// function for Scala's builtin List type. You must not use the builtin
// "filter" method.
// Your implementation of "filter" MUST be recursive.
def filter[A](xs: List[A], f: A => Boolean): List[A] = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case y :: ys => if (f (y)) y :: filter (ys, f) else filter (ys, f)
// EXERCISE 3: complete the following recursive definition of an "append"
// function for Scala's builtin List type. You must not use the builtin
// ":::" method.
// Your implementation of "append" MUST be recursive.
// HINT: use "::" in the body of the cons-cell case.
def append[A](xs: List[A], ys: List[A]): List[A] = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
xs match {
case Nil => ys
case z :: zs => z :: append (zs, ys)
// EXERCISE 4: complete the following recursive definition of a "flatten"
// function for Scala's builtin List type. You must not use the builtin
// "flatten" method.
// Your implementation of "flatten" MUST be recursive.
// HINT: use either ":::" or your definition of "append" in the body of the
// cons-cell case.
// - flatten (List ((1 to 5).toList, (6 to 10).toList, (11 to 15).toList)) == (1 to 15).toList
def flatten[A](xss: List[List[A]]): List[A] = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
xss match {
case Nil => Nil
case xs :: xss1 => append (xs, flatten(xss1))
// EXERCISE 5: complete the following recursive definition of a "foldLeft"
// function for Scala's builtin list type. You must not use the builtin
// "foldLeft" method.
// Your implementation of "foldLeft" MUST be recursive.
// HINT: foldLeft ( Nil, e, f) == e
// foldLeft (y::ys, e, f) == foldLeft (ys, f (e, y), f)
def foldLeft [A, B] (xs: List[A], e: B, f: ((B, A) => B)): B = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
xs match {
case Nil => e
case y :: ys => foldLeft (ys, f(e, y), f)
// EXERCISE 6: complete the following recursive definition of a "foldRight"
// function for Scala's builtin list type. You must not use the builtin
// "foldRight" method.
// Your implementation of "foldRight" MUST be recursive.
// HINT: foldRight ( Nil, e, f) == e
// foldRight (y::ys, e, f) == f (y, foldRight (ys, e, f))
def foldRight [A, B] (xs: List[A], e: B, f: ((A, B) => B)): B = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
xs match {
case Nil => e
case y :: ys => f (y, foldRight (ys, e, f))
// EXERCISE 7: complete the following definition of a "joinTerminateRight"
// function to take a list of strings "xs" and concatenate all strings
// using a string "term" as a terminator (not delimiter) between strings.
// You MUST use your foldRight defined above.
// You MAY NOT use recursion.
// - joinTerminateRight (Nil, ";") == ""
// - joinTerminateRight (List ("a"), ";") == "a;"
// - joinTerminateRight (List ("a","b","c","d"), ";") == "a;b;c;d;"
def joinTerminateRight(xs: List[String], term: String): String = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
foldRight (xs, "")((a, b) => a + term + b)
// EXERCISE 8: complete the following definition of a "joinTerminateLeft"
// function to take a list of strings "xs" and concatenate all strings
// using a string "term" as a terminator (not delimiter) between strings.
// You MUST use your foldLeft defined above.
// You MAY NOT use recursion.
// - joinTerminateLeft (Nil, ";") == ""
// - joinTerminateLeft (List ("a"), ";") == "a;"
// - joinTerminateLeft (List ("a","b","c","d"), ";") == "a;b;c;d;"
def joinTerminateLeft(xs: List[String], term: String): String = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
foldLeft (xs, "")((a, b) => a + b + term)
// EXERCISE 9: complete the following recursive definition of a
// "firstNumGreaterOrEqual" function to find the first number greater than or
// equal to "a" in a list of integers "xs".
// If the list is empty or there is no number greater than or equal to "a",
// throw a java.util.NoSuchElementException (with no argument).
// Your implementation of "firstNumGreaterOrEqual" MUST be recursive.
// - firstNumGreaterOrEqual (5, List (4, 6, 8, 5)) == 6
def firstNumGreaterOrEqual(a: Int, xs: List[Int]): Int = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
xs match {
case Nil => throw new NoSuchElementException
case y :: ys => if (y >= a) y else firstNumGreaterOrEqual (a, ys)
// EXERCISE 10: complete the following recursive definition of a
// "firstIndexNumGreaterOrEqual" function to find the index (position) of the
// first number greater than or equal to "a" in a list of integers "xs".
// The first index should be zero (not one).
// If the list is empty or there is no number greater than or equal to "a",
// throw a java.util.NoSuchElementException (with no argument).
// Your implementation of "firstIndexNumGreaterOrEqual" MUST be recursive.
// - firstIndexNumGreaterOrEqual (5, List (4, 6, 8, 5)) == 1
// HINT: this is a bit easier to write if you use an auxiliary function.
def firstIndexNumGreaterOrEqual(a: Int, xs: List[Int]): Int = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
def aux(count: Int, list: List[Int]): Int = list match {
case Nil => throw new NoSuchElementException
case y :: ys => if (y >= a) count else aux (count + 1, ys)
aux (0, xs)
的签名更改为具有两个参数列表(例如,def foldLeft [A, B] (xs: List[A], e: B)(f: ((B, A) => B)): B