ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/j4/t1rwqcnx7cn64bpmnmjyywkm0000gr/T/ipykernel_58154/643982438.py in <module>
167 # Apply gradients
--> 168 optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, poly_coefficients))
~/anaconda3/envs/oslpy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/optimizer_v2/optimizer_v2.py in apply_gradients(self, grads_and_vars, name, experimental_aggregate_gradients)
628 RuntimeError: If called in a cross-replica context.
629 """
--> 630 grads_and_vars = optimizer_utils.filter_empty_gradients(grads_and_vars)
631 var_list = [v for (_, v) in grads_and_vars]
~/anaconda3/envs/oslpy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/optimizer_v2/utils.py in filter_empty_gradients(grads_and_vars)
74 if not filtered:
---> 75 raise ValueError("No gradients provided for any variable: %s." %
76 ([v.name for _, v in grads_and_vars],))
77 if vars_with_empty_grads:
ValueError: No gradients provided for any variable: ['Variable:0', 'Variable:0', 'Variable:0', 'Variable:0', 'Variable:0'].
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tensorflow.python.ops.numpy_ops import np_config
# Simulated data
num_sources = 50
num_channels_x = 5
num_channels_y = 5
# Define the ground truth positions of the sources in 3D space (x, y, z coordinates)
source_positions_x = tf.cast(np.linspace(-1, 1, num_sources), dtype=tf.float32)
source_positions_y = tf.zeros_like(source_positions_x) # All sources at y=0
source_positions_z = tf.cast(-(source_positions_x ** 2) + source_positions_x -1.0, dtype=tf.float32)
# Specify the coefficients as constants
coefficients_values = [0.01, -1.2, 1.1, 0.0, 2.0]
# Create TensorFlow variables with these specific values
initial_poly_coefficients = [tf.Variable([value], dtype=tf.float32,trainable=True) for value in coefficients_values]
# Define the initial guess positions of the sources
initial_source_positions_x = tf.cast(np.linspace(-1, 1, num_sources), dtype=tf.float32)
initial_source_positions_y = tf.zeros_like(initial_source_positions_x) # Initial guess: all sources at z=0
initial_source_positions_z = tf.math.polyval(initial_poly_coefficients, initial_source_positions_x)
# Define the positions of the channels (on a 2D grid in the xy-plane above the sources)
channel_positions_x = np.linspace(-1, 1, num_channels_x)
channel_positions_y = np.linspace(-1, 1, num_channels_y)
channel_positions_z = tf.zeros((num_channels_x * num_channels_y,), dtype=tf.float32) # All channels at z=0
# Create 3D arrays for positions and orientations (in this example, orientations are along the z-axis)
source_positions = tf.stack([source_positions_x, source_positions_y, source_positions_z], axis=1)
source_orientations = tf.constant([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] * num_sources, dtype=tf.float32)
# Create the channel positions on the grid
channel_positions_x, channel_positions_y = np.meshgrid(channel_positions_x, channel_positions_y)
channel_positions_x = channel_positions_x.flatten()
channel_positions_y = channel_positions_y.flatten()
channel_positions = tf.stack([channel_positions_x, channel_positions_y, channel_positions_z], axis=1)
def magnetic_dipole_fast_tf(R, pos, ori):
Calculate the leadfield for a magnetic dipole in an infinite medium using TensorFlow operations.
R (Tensor): Position of the magnetic dipole (1x3 Tensor).
pos (Tensor): Positions of magnetometers (Nx3 Tensor).
ori (Tensor): Orientations of magnetometers (Nx3 Tensor).
lf (Tensor): Leadfield matrix (Nx3 Tensor).
# Example usage:
R = tf.constant([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype=tf.float32)
pos = tf.constant([[4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]], dtype=tf.float32) # Example positions of magnetometers
ori = tf.constant([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], dtype=tf.float32) # Example orientations of magnetometers
leadfield = magnetic_dipole_fast_tf(R, pos, ori)
mu_0 = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7 # Permeability of free space
# Modify the shape of R to be a 2D tensor with one row
R = tf.reshape(R, (1, 3))
# Modify the shape of pos to be a 2D tensor with one row per magnetometer
pos = tf.reshape(pos, (-1, 3))
# Calculate the distance vectors between the dipole and all magnetometers
r = pos - R
# Calculate the distance from the dipole to each magnetometer
distance = tf.norm(r, axis=1)
# Calculate the magnetic field contribution for all magnetometers
dot_product = tf.reduce_sum(ori * r, axis=1)
r_squared = distance**2
lf = (mu_0 / (4 * np.pi)) * (3 * dot_product[:, tf.newaxis] * r / r_squared[:, tf.newaxis]**(5/2) - ori / distance[:, tf.newaxis]**3)
return lf
def generate_H(channel_positions, source_positions, source_orientations):
num_channels = channel_positions.shape[0]
num_sources = source_positions.shape[0]
H = np.zeros((num_channels, num_sources, 3), dtype=np.float32) # Initialize the leadfield matrix
for i in range(num_channels):
for j in range(num_sources):
channel_position = channel_positions[i]
source_position = source_positions[j]
source_orientation = source_orientations[j]
# Calculate the leadfield for the current source and channel
lf = magnetic_dipole_fast_tf(source_position, channel_position, source_orientation)
# Store the leadfield in the matrix
H[i, j, :] = lf
H = tf.convert_to_tensor(H, dtype=tf.float32)
return H
# Generating the true H matrix based on initial source positions
H_true = generate_H(channel_positions, source_positions, source_orientations)
# Just take the first axis - assume the source orientation is known
H_true = H_true[:,:,0]
num_channels = channel_positions.shape[0]
C_X = np.eye(num_sources)
C_n = np.eye(num_channels) * 0.01
C_Y = np.dot(np.dot(H_true, C_X), tf.transpose(H_true)) + C_n
# Convert matrices to TensorFlow constants
C_X_tf = tf.constant(C_X, dtype=tf.float32)
C_n_tf = tf.constant(C_n, dtype=tf.float32)
C_Y_tf = tf.constant(C_Y, dtype=tf.float32)
# Define the optimization process
learning_rate = 0.1
optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate)
poly_coefficients = initial_poly_coefficients
# Optimization loop
num_iterations = 1800
tolerance = 1e-9
for iteration in range(num_iterations):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# Generate H matrix based on fixed x-coordinates and make an estimate for the z coordinate. The
# y coordinate remains fixed, too.
source_positions_z_tf = tf.math.polyval(poly_coefficients, source_positions_x)
# Now we need to stack the source positions into a tensor:
source_positions = tf.stack([source_positions_x, source_positions_y, source_positions_z_tf], axis=1)
# Update the estimate for H, and take just the last dimension
H_guess = generate_H(channel_positions, source_positions, source_orientations)[:,:,0]
# Calculate the difference between the two sides of the equation
difference = C_Y_tf - tf.matmul(tf.matmul(H_guess, C_X_tf), tf.transpose(H_guess)) - C_n_tf
# Calculate the cost
total_cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(difference))
# Calculate gradients
gradients = tape.gradient(total_cost, poly_coefficients)
# Apply gradients
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, poly_coefficients))