c++ 有什么方法可以让ESP32代码更快吗?我现在没办法了

8aqjt8rx  于 2023-10-20  发布在  其他

我正在为一台老式电脑(苹果丽莎)开发一个基于ESP 32的硬盘模拟器,我的代码的性能一直存在一些问题。我的模拟器在一个型号的丽莎上工作得很好,但另一个丽莎型号执行硬盘操作的速度要快得多,模拟器就是跟不上。代码中速度太慢的部分可以在下面找到:

#define busOffset 12 // The parallel bus starts on ESP32 pin 12.
#define CMDPin 21 // CMD is on ESP32 pin 21.
#define STRBPin 25 // STRB is on ESP32 pin 25.

uint32_t IRAM_ATTR prevState = 1; // Variables used for falling-edge detection on the strobe signal.
uint32_t IRAM_ATTR currentState = 1;
uint8_t blockData[532]; // The 532-byte hard disk block that we're currently working with.
volatile uint32_t IRAM_ATTR continueLoop = true;
byte *pointer;

void IRAM_ATTR exitLoopISR(){ // An ISR that clears the continueLoop flag when it's time to stop the data transfer.
  continueLoop = false;

void emulatorRead(){
  pointer = blockData; // Make our pointer point to the start of the blockData array.

  REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_W1TS_REG, *pointer << busOffset); // Put the first data byte on the bus and increment the value of the pointer.
  REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_W1TC_REG, ((byte)~*pointer++ << busOffset)); 

  attachInterrupt(CMDPin, exitLoopISR, FALLING); // Attach a falling-edge interrupt to CMD so that whenever the host computer lowers CMD, exitLoopISR will be called and will make us exit the data transfer loop.

  while(continueLoop){ // Keep transferring data until the host computer lowers CMD.
    currentState = bitRead(REG_READ(GPIO_IN_REG), STRBPin); // Check the current state of the data strobe.
    if(currentState == 0 and prevState == 1){ // If we're on the falling edge of the strobe, it's time to put the next data byte on the bus.
      REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_W1TS_REG, *pointer << busOffset); // So go ahead and put it on the bus. And then increment our blockData pointer to the next byte.
      REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_W1TC_REG, ((byte)~*pointer++ << busOffset));
    prevState = currentState; // Set the previous strobe state to the current strobe state to prepare for the next iteration of the loop.

  detachInterrupt(CMDPin); // Detach the CMD pin interrupt now that we're done.




切换到中断服务例程并返回 * 需要时间 *。这是一种使用PIN码根本帮不上忙的情况--无论如何,您一直在检查PIN码的状态。

  • 根本不要使用那个中断,反正你是在轮询那个引脚的状态,所以如果不在循环中检查它,,你什么也得不到
  • 根本不使用循环,而是在ISR中执行两个寄存器写操作。

