python-3.x 如何在FPDF2中解决语言方向的问题?

iyfjxgzm  于 2023-10-21  发布在  Python












  1. from fpdf import FPDF
  2. import arabic_reshaper
  3. def arabic(text):
  4. if text.isascii():
  5. return text
  6. else:
  7. reshaped_text = arabic_reshaper.reshape(text)
  8. return reshaped_text[::-1]
  9. pdf = FPDF()
  10. pdf.add_page()
  11. pdf.add_font(family='DejaVu', style='', fname="DejaVuSans.ttf")
  12. pdf.add_font(family='DejaVu', style='B', fname="DejaVuSans.ttf")
  13. pdf.set_font(family='DejaVu', style='', size=55)
  14. pdf.set_margin(5.0)
  15. with pdf.table(cell_fill_color=(200,200,200), cell_fill_mode="ALL", text_align="CENTER") as table:
  16. names_row = table.row()
  17. names_row.cell(text=arabic("الإجمالي بدون الضريبة قبل الخصم"))
  18. pdf.set_fill_color(r=255,g=255,b=255)
  19. row = table.row()
  20. row.cell(text=str(5000))
  21. pdf.output('final.pdf')













现在,我们将fuces对林斯 * 名单林**,以解决我们的问题。




  1. if not txt.isascii():
  2. text_lines.reverse()


  1. def multi_cell(
  2. self,
  3. w,
  4. h=None,
  5. txt="",
  6. border=0,
  7. align=Align.J,
  8. fill=False,
  9. split_only=False, # DEPRECATED
  10. link="",
  11. ln="DEPRECATED",
  12. max_line_height=None,
  13. markdown=False,
  14. print_sh=False,
  15. new_x=XPos.RIGHT,
  16. new_y=YPos.NEXT,
  17. wrapmode: WrapMode = WrapMode.WORD,
  18. dry_run=False,
  19. output=MethodReturnValue.PAGE_BREAK,
  20. center=False,
  21. ):
  22. """
  23. This method allows printing text with line breaks. They can be automatic
  24. (breaking at the most recent space or soft-hyphen character) as soon as the text
  25. reaches the right border of the cell, or explicit (via the `\\n` character).
  26. As many cells as necessary are stacked, one below the other.
  27. Text can be aligned, centered or justified. The cell block can be framed and
  28. the background painted.
  29. Args:
  30. w (float): cell width. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page.
  31. h (float): cell height. Default value: None, meaning to use the current font size.
  32. txt (str): string to print.
  33. border: Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell.
  34. The value can be either a number (`0`: no border ; `1`: frame)
  35. or a string containing some or all of the following characters
  36. (in any order):
  37. `L`: left ; `T`: top ; `R`: right ; `B`: bottom. Default value: 0.
  38. align (fpdf.enums.Align, str): Set text alignment inside the cell.
  39. Possible values are:
  40. `J`: justify (default value); `L` or empty string: left align;
  41. `C`: center; `X`: center around current x position; `R`: right align
  42. fill (bool): Indicates if the cell background must be painted (`True`)
  43. or transparent (`False`). Default value: False.
  44. split_only (bool): **DEPRECATED since 2.7.4**:
  45. Use `dry_run=True` and `output=("LINES",)` instead.
  46. link (str): optional link to add on the cell, internal
  47. (identifier returned by `add_link`) or external URL.
  48. new_x (fpdf.enums.XPos, str): New current position in x after the call. Default: RIGHT
  49. new_y (fpdf.enums.YPos, str): New current position in y after the call. Default: NEXT
  50. ln (int): **DEPRECATED since 2.5.1**: Use `new_x` and `new_y` instead.
  51. max_line_height (float): optional maximum height of each sub-cell generated
  52. markdown (bool): enable minimal markdown-like markup to render part
  53. of text as bold / italics / underlined. Default to False.
  54. print_sh (bool): Treat a soft-hyphen (\\u00ad) as a normal printable
  55. character, instead of a line breaking opportunity. Default value: False
  56. wrapmode (fpdf.enums.WrapMode): "WORD" for word based line wrapping (default),
  57. "CHAR" for character based line wrapping.
  58. dry_run (bool): if `True`, does not output anything in the document.
  59. Can be useful when combined with `output`.
  60. output (fpdf.enums.MethodReturnValue): defines what this method returns.
  61. If several enum values are joined, the result will be a tuple.
  62. center (bool): center the cell horizontally on the page.
  63. Using `new_x=XPos.RIGHT, new_y=XPos.TOP, maximum height=pdf.font_size` is
  64. useful to build tables with multiline text in cells.
  65. Returns: a single value or a tuple, depending on the `output` parameter value
  66. """
  67. if split_only:
  68. warnings.warn(
  69. # pylint: disable=implicit-str-concat
  70. 'The parameter "split_only" is deprecated.'
  71. ' Use instead dry_run=True and output="LINES".',
  72. DeprecationWarning,
  73. stacklevel=get_stack_level(),
  74. )
  75. if dry_run or split_only:
  76. with self._disable_writing():
  77. return self.multi_cell(
  78. w=w,
  79. h=h,
  80. txt=txt,
  81. border=border,
  82. align=align,
  83. fill=fill,
  84. link=link,
  85. ln=ln,
  86. max_line_height=max_line_height,
  87. markdown=markdown,
  88. print_sh=print_sh,
  89. new_x=new_x,
  90. new_y=new_y,
  91. wrapmode=wrapmode,
  92. dry_run=False,
  93. split_only=False,
  94. output=MethodReturnValue.LINES if split_only else output,
  95. center=center,
  96. )
  97. if not self.font_family:
  98. raise FPDFException("No font set, you need to call set_font() beforehand")
  99. wrapmode = WrapMode.coerce(wrapmode)
  100. if isinstance(w, str) or isinstance(h, str):
  101. raise ValueError(
  102. # pylint: disable=implicit-str-concat
  103. "Parameter 'w' and 'h' must be numbers, not strings."
  104. " You can omit them by passing string content with txt="
  105. )
  106. new_x = XPos.coerce(new_x)
  107. new_y = YPos.coerce(new_y)
  108. if ln != "DEPRECATED":
  109. # For backwards compatibility, if "ln" is used we overwrite "new_[xy]".
  110. if ln == 0:
  111. new_x = XPos.RIGHT
  112. new_y = YPos.NEXT
  113. elif ln == 1:
  114. new_x = XPos.LMARGIN
  115. new_y = YPos.NEXT
  116. elif ln == 2:
  117. new_x = XPos.LEFT
  118. new_y = YPos.NEXT
  119. elif ln == 3:
  120. new_x = XPos.RIGHT
  121. new_y = YPos.TOP
  122. else:
  123. raise ValueError(
  124. f'Invalid value for parameter "ln" ({ln}),'
  125. " must be an int between 0 and 3."
  126. )
  127. warnings.warn(
  128. (
  129. 'The parameter "ln" is deprecated.'
  130. f" Instead of ln={ln} use new_x=XPos.{}, new_y=YPos.{}."
  131. ),
  132. DeprecationWarning,
  133. stacklevel=get_stack_level(),
  134. )
  135. align = Align.coerce(align)
  136. page_break_triggered = False
  137. if h is None:
  138. h = self.font_size
  139. # If width is 0, set width to available width between margins
  140. if w == 0:
  141. w = self.w - self.r_margin - self.x
  142. if center:
  143. self.x = (
  144. self.w / 2 if align == Align.X else self.l_margin + (self.epw - w) / 2
  145. )
  146. maximum_allowed_width = w - 2 * self.c_margin
  147. # Calculate text length
  148. txt = self.normalize_text(txt)
  149. normalized_string = txt.replace("\r", "")
  150. styled_text_fragments = self._preload_font_styles(normalized_string, markdown)
  151. prev_font_style, prev_underline = self.font_style, self.underline
  152. prev_x, prev_y = self.x, self.y
  153. total_height = 0
  154. if not border:
  155. border = ""
  156. elif border == 1:
  157. border = "LTRB"
  158. text_lines = []
  159. multi_line_break = MultiLineBreak(
  160. styled_text_fragments,
  161. justify=(align == Align.J),
  162. print_sh=print_sh,
  163. wrapmode=wrapmode,
  164. )
  165. txt_line = multi_line_break.get_line_of_given_width(maximum_allowed_width)
  166. while (txt_line) is not None:
  167. text_lines.append(txt_line)
  168. txt_line = multi_line_break.get_line_of_given_width(maximum_allowed_width)
  169. if not text_lines: # ensure we display at least one cell - cf. issue #349
  170. text_lines = [
  171. TextLine(
  172. "",
  173. text_width=0,
  174. number_of_spaces=0,
  175. justify=False,
  176. trailing_nl=False,
  177. )
  178. ]
  179. should_render_bottom_blank_cell = False
  1. if not txt.isascii():
  2. text_lines.reverse()
  1. for text_line_index, text_line in enumerate(text_lines):
  2. is_last_line = text_line_index == len(text_lines) - 1
  3. should_render_bottom_blank_cell = False
  4. if max_line_height is not None and h > max_line_height:
  5. current_cell_height = max_line_height
  6. h -= current_cell_height
  7. if is_last_line:
  8. if h > 0 and len(text_lines) > 1:
  9. should_render_bottom_blank_cell = True
  10. else:
  11. h += current_cell_height
  12. current_cell_height = h
  13. else:
  14. current_cell_height = h
  15. has_line_after = not is_last_line or should_render_bottom_blank_cell
  16. new_page = self._render_styled_text_line(
  17. text_line,
  18. w,
  19. h=current_cell_height,
  20. border="".join(
  21. (
  22. "T" if "T" in border and text_line_index == 0 else "",
  23. "L" if "L" in border else "",
  24. "R" if "R" in border else "",
  25. "B" if "B" in border and not has_line_after else "",
  26. )
  27. ),
  28. new_x=new_x if not has_line_after else XPos.LEFT,
  29. new_y=new_y if not has_line_after else YPos.NEXT,
  30. align=Align.L if (align == Align.J and is_last_line) else align,
  31. fill=fill,
  32. link=link,
  33. )
  34. page_break_triggered = page_break_triggered or new_page
  35. total_height += current_cell_height
  36. if not is_last_line and align == Align.X:
  37. # prevent cumulative shift to the left
  38. self.x = prev_x
  39. if should_render_bottom_blank_cell:
  40. new_page = self._render_styled_text_line(
  41. TextLine(
  42. "",
  43. text_width=0,
  44. number_of_spaces=0,
  45. justify=False,
  46. trailing_nl=False,
  47. ),
  48. w,
  49. h=h,
  50. border="".join(
  51. (
  52. "L" if "L" in border else "",
  53. "R" if "R" in border else "",
  54. "B" if "B" in border else "",
  55. )
  56. ),
  57. new_x=new_x,
  58. new_y=new_y,
  59. fill=fill,
  60. link=link,
  61. )
  62. page_break_triggered = page_break_triggered or new_page
  63. if new_page and new_y == YPos.TOP:
  64. # When a page jump is performed and the requested y is TOP,
  65. # pretend we started at the top of the text block on the new page.
  66. # cf. test_multi_cell_table_with_automatic_page_break
  67. prev_y = self.y
  68. # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable
  69. if text_line and text_line.trailing_nl and new_y in (YPos.LAST, YPos.NEXT):
  70. # The line renderer can't handle trailing newlines in the text.
  71. self.ln()
  72. if new_y == YPos.TOP: # We may have jumped a few lines -> reset
  73. self.y = prev_y
  74. if markdown:
  75. if self.font_style != prev_font_style:
  76. self.font_style = prev_font_style
  77. self.current_font = self.fonts[self.font_family + self.font_style]
  78. self.underline = prev_underline
  79. output = MethodReturnValue.coerce(output)
  80. return_value = ()
  81. if output & MethodReturnValue.PAGE_BREAK:
  82. return_value += (page_break_triggered,)
  83. if output & MethodReturnValue.LINES:
  84. output_lines = []
  85. for text_line in text_lines:
  86. characters = []
  87. for frag in text_line.fragments:
  88. characters.extend(frag.characters)
  89. output_lines.append("".join(characters))
  90. return_value += (output_lines,)
  91. if output & MethodReturnValue.HEIGHT:
  92. return_value += (total_height,)
  93. if len(return_value) == 1:
  94. return return_value[0]
  95. return return_value


