excel 展平2D数组/数据“表格”,不使用反透视

ncgqoxb0  于 2023-10-22  发布在  其他




我用 * 斜体字加了一些注解。





| 代码|日期|值|
| --|--|--|
| 1 |23年1月1日|值1|
| ……|……|……|
不幸的是,在公司最终升级之前,我也只能使用Excel 2016-但是我需要在下一个冰河时代之前完成这项工作,所以我不能使用Excel 2019或更高版本中引入的任何内容。无溢出、LET()等。



Sub makeOutput()
  Dim srcSheet as Worksheet
  Dim ctrlSheet as Worksheet
  Dim outputSheet as Worksheet 'importantly the sheet already exists and probably already contains some data, more on this later. 
  Dim i As Long, j As Long
  Dim dataHeight As Long, dataWidth As Long 'size of the block of values (red in the screenshot)
  Dim dataStart ' top left cell of the data range
  Dim outputArr()
  Dim ccRange As Range 'The range containing the CC numbers 
Dim dateRange as Range 'Range of date values 

  Set srcSheet = Sheets("Daily Sales Forecast") 'I'll either make this an argument to the function or just copy-paste the whole subroutine for each sheet that follows this pattern and change the name here. 
  Set outputSheet = Sheets("Daily Sales Output") ' as above, could be an argument so I can recycle this subroutine
  Set ctrlSheet = Sheets("Control Panel")
  With ctrlSheet
    dataHeight = .Range("Data_Height").Value ' from named cell
    dataWidth = .Range("Data_Height").Value ' from named cell
    dataStart = .Cells(.Range("Start_Col").Value, .Range("Start_Row").Value)  ' from named cells that use =CELL("row",data:range) and =CELL("col", data:range) so if anything moves the data range, it'll automatically update these selectors. 
  End With
  ReDim Preserve outputArr(3,srcDataRange.Count) 'make the intermediary output array sized 3 wide (for CC, Date, Value columns), and the height of all the value cells.

  With srcSheet ' this is where I'm starting to struggle:
    Set srcDataRange = dataStart.Resize(dataHeight, dataWidth) ' does this work..? 
    Set ccRange = .Range(" EXPLICIT_RANGE_REFERENCE_HERE") ' the CC column is probably not going to move, so I'm ok hardcoding it. It's B4:B7 in the example screenshot
  End With

  ' Now we're entering "very unsure" territory:
  ' Lets construct our output array: 
  Dim counter As Integer ' Keeps track of which cell in the srcData we're at
  counter = 0
  For i = 1 To dataWidth  ' iter cols (x-axis, in my mind)
    For j = 1 To dataHeight ' iter rows (y-axis)
      counter = counter + 1
      ' first column of output can be the value:
      outputArr(counter, 1) = srcDataRange.Cells(i, j) ' not sure if i and j are the right way around...
      ' col 2 can be the CC code:
      outputArr(counter, 2) = ccRange.Cells(1, i) ' I don't know if indexes are relative to range origin or sheet origin, if the latter then `1` is incorrect here and would need padding out or calculated to be the column index of CC column. Could do that anyway and avoid needing to define "ccRange" at all, but we're being explicit/idiot-proof here so I prefer a variable. 
      ' col 3 can be the date:
      outputArr(counter, 3) = 
  ' This is where I have truly run out of steam, I now need to paste `outputArr` into `outputSheet`'s first 3 columns, starting from row 2, such that column headers don't get overwritten. I also need to not overwrite anything in the fourth column and beyond (D+) as I'll have put some more functions in these columns by hand. 
End Sub

| 数据宽度|数据_高度|开始栏|开始_行|
| --|--|--|--|
| =COLUMNS('每日销售预测'!G4:L8)|=ROWS(“每日销售预测”!G4:L8)-1| =CELL(“col”,'每日销售预测'!G4:L8)|=CELL(“row”,'每日销售预测'!G4:L8)|




Option Explicit
Sub Demo()
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim idx As Long, k As Long
    Dim arrData, arrRes(), newCol
    Dim srcSht As Worksheet
    Dim lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long
    Const FIXED_COL_COUNT = 4 ' First 4 cols are fixed
    Const COL_COUNT = 8 ' 8 columns in output table
    Const HEADER_ROW = 3 ' Header row# in source table
    ' Extra new column name
    newCol = Array("Date", "wc", "WK No", "Value")
    Set srcSht = Sheets("Sheet2") ' source sheet, update as needed    
    With srcSht
        lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        lastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        ' load data
        arrData = .Range("A1", .Cells(lastRow, lastCol))
    End With
    idx = 1
    ReDim Preserve arrRes(1 To COL_COUNT, 1 To idx)
    ' Output table header
    For k = 1 To COL_COUNT
        If k > FIXED_COL_COUNT Then
            arrRes(k, idx) = newCol(k - FIXED_COL_COUNT - 1)
            arrRes(k, idx) = arrData(HEADER_ROW, k)
        End If
    ' Extract data
    For i = HEADER_ROW + 1 To UBound(arrData)
        For j = FIXED_COL_COUNT + 1 To UBound(arrData, 2)
            idx = idx + 1
            ReDim Preserve arrRes(1 To COL_COUNT, 1 To idx)
            For k = 1 To FIXED_COL_COUNT
                arrRes(k, idx) = arrData(i, k)
            arrRes(FIXED_COL_COUNT + 1, idx) = arrData(2, j)
            arrRes(FIXED_COL_COUNT + 3, idx) = arrData(1, j)
            arrRes(FIXED_COL_COUNT + 4, idx) = arrData(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
    ' Add new sheet to store output
    With ActiveSheet
        .Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arrRes, 2), UBound(arrRes)).Value = Application.Transpose(arrRes)
    End With
End Sub


  • 注 *:Data_Width的公式应该是=COLUMNS('Daily Sales Forecast'!G4:L8)(如果我是正确的,请更新OP)。


Option Explicit

Sub makeOutput()
    Dim srcSheet As Worksheet
    Dim ctrlSheet As Worksheet
    Dim outputSheet As Worksheet 'importantly the sheet already exists and probably already contains some data, more on this later.
    Dim c As Long, r As Long
    Dim startRow As Long, startCol As Long
    Dim dataHeight As Long, dataWidth As Long 'size of the block of values (red in the screenshot)
    Dim dataStart As Range ' top left cell of the data range
    Dim outputArr()
    Dim ccRange As Range 'The range containing the CC numbers
    Dim dateRange As Range 'Range of date values
    Dim srcDataRange As Range
    Set srcSheet = Sheets("Daily Sales Forecast") 'c'll either make this an argument to the function or just copy-paste the whole subroutine for each sheet that follows this pattern and change the name here.
    Set outputSheet = Sheets("Daily Sales Output") ' as above, could be an argument so c can recycle this subroutine
    Set ctrlSheet = Sheets("Control Panel")
    With ctrlSheet
        dataHeight = .Range("Data_Height").Value ' from named cell
        dataWidth = .Range("Data_Width").Value ' from named cell
        startRow = .Range("Start_Row").Value
        startCol = .Range("Start_Col").Value
        Set dataStart = srcSheet.Cells(startRow, startCol) ' get the top-left cell ref
    End With

    With srcSheet
        Set srcDataRange = dataStart.Resize(dataHeight, dataWidth) ' does this work..?
        Set ccRange = .Cells(startRow, "B").Resize(dataHeight, 1) ' hardcode is not recommanded
    End With
    ReDim outputArr(1 To srcDataRange.Cells.Count, 1 To 3) 'make the intermediary output array sized 3 wide (for CC, Date, Value columns), and the height of all the value cells.
    ' Lets construct our output array:
    Dim counter As Long ' Keeps track of which cell in the srcData we're at
    counter = 0
    For r = 1 To dataHeight ' iter rows (y-axis)
        For c = 1 To dataWidth  ' iter cols (x-axis, in my mind)
            counter = counter + 1
            ' first column of output can be the value:
            outputArr(counter, 1) = srcDataRange.Cells(r, c)   ' not sure if c and r are the right way around...
            ' col 2 can be the CC code:
            outputArr(counter, 2) = ccRange.Cells(r)
            ' col 3 can be the date:
            outputArr(counter, 3) = srcSheet.Cells(2, startCol - 1 + c)
    ' paste `outputArr` into `outputSheet`'s first 3 columns, starting from row 2
    With outputSheet
        .Range("A2").Resize(counter, 3).Value = outputArr
    End With
End Sub
