I'm using a native query that contains a CTE to create a table in SSAS. When I use the CTE for a SSAS model in IMPORT mode, it works perfectly well. But when I use the same CTE in SSAS model in DIRECT QUERY mode, I am able to deploy the model on SQL Server but then when I try to query data from SSMS or DAX Studio I get an error as below
Executing the query ... OLE DB or ODBC error: [DataSource.Error] Microsoft SQL: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near ')'.. Run complete
Can someone help me understand whether CTE is not supported in SSAS DIRECT QUERY mode? I couldn't find any relevant info online.
;with crmhfCTE as (
lp.d_Book_Date as Transaction_Date
,hfa.OfferSelectedBase as Funding_Amount
,hfa.RealEstateActualPrice as Funded_Asset_Purchase_Amount
,N'شراء جاهز' as Product_type
,hfa.PropertyType as Property_Type_Code
,(select lookupvalue from CRM_Lookups as lup where 1=1 and hfa.PropertyType = lup.lookupcode and LookupType = 'vrp_propertytype' ) as Property_Type_Name
,hfa.SellerName as Seller_Data
,hfa.CustomerName as Customer_Name
,'750' as VAT_Amount
,hfa.ApplicationID as Transaction_Number
,hfa.FirstTimeHouseBuyer as First_Time_House_Buyer_Flag
,'-' as Annual_Statement_Of_Sold_Debts
,lp.v_type as Loan_Type
,lp.d_Extraction_Date as Extraction_Date
FROM HF_Application as hfa
FROM Retail_Loan_Contract_Hist
and v_Type IN ('RCMF')
) as lp on hfa.ApplicationID = lp.v_Application_Num
where 1=1
and hfa.IsCurrent = 'y'
Transaction_Date as 'Transaction Date'
,Funding_Amount as 'Funding Amount'
,Funded_Asset_Purchase_Amount as 'Funded Asset Purchase Amount'
,Product_type as 'Product Type'
,case Property_Type_Name
when 'Ready Built Duplex' then N'دبلكس'
when 'Ready Built Villa' then N'فيلا'
when 'Ready Built Apartment' then N'شقة'
when 'Ready Built Building' then N'مبنى'
else Property_Type_Name end as 'Property Type Name Arabic'
,Seller_Data as 'Seller Data'
,Customer_Name as 'Customer Name'
,VAT_Amount as 'VAT Amount'
,Transaction_Number as 'Transaction Number'
,First_Time_House_Buyer_Flag as 'First Time House Buyer Flag'
,Annual_Statement_Of_Sold_Debts as 'Annual Statement Of Sold Debts'
,Loan_Type as 'Loan Type'
,Extraction_Date as 'Extraction Date'
from crmhfCTE
As suggested by mxix in the question comments , creating the view containing the CTE code and then accessing this view in SSAS in Direct Query mode worked for me.