I used to have procedure like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[do_something]
@id int
I needed to have some return value, so I changed this to:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[do_something]
@id int,
@closed int OUTPUT
But now I need to pass closed
variable every time when I want to execute this procedure.
EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[do_something]
,@closed OUTPUT
Is it possible to execute it without passing this variable (sometimes I dont need to analyse closed
In many languages you can either store return value like this:
bool result = DoSomethingAndGetResult();
or execute function without storing return value:
You have two other options to return data from a stored procedure:
statement. This is handled similar to an output variable in client code, but does not require you to assign the parameter.SELECT
the output into a result set. This can require a client system capable of checking multiple result sets if you also select other data. ADO.Net, for example, let's you do this either via a DataAdapter/DataSet or DataReader/MoveNext(), but not every library or ORM built with ADO.Net exposes the feature.nuypyhwy2#
In additional to @JoelCoehoorn's answer, you can make the output parameter optional by assigning it a default value and then you aren't required to pass it every time.
SQL Server Docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/stored-procedures/specify-parameters?view=sql-server-ver16#-specify-parameter-default-values