
s8vozzvw  于 2023-11-18  发布在  其他

演示:对于图形[('A', "BC"), ('B', "ACD"), ('C', "AB"), ('D', "B")],输出应该是"ABCBD",因为我从A开始,到D结束。

import Data.List (elemIndex)

trav :: [(Char, String)] -> Char -> Char -> String -> String
trav [] _ _ _ = []
trav graph node endNode visited
    | not (elem node visited) = trav graph node endNode (visited ++ [node])  -- repeat but after adding this node to visited list.
    | node == endNode = visited
    | not (null unvisitedNodes) = trav graph (head unvisitedNodes) endNode visited
    | not (null visited) = if (length prevIndex) > 1 then (trav graph (visited !! (getIndex (head prevIndex) visited)) endNode (visited ++ [(visited !! (getIndex (head prevIndex) visited))])) else (trav graph (head (tail (reverse visited))) endNode (visited ++ [(head (tail (reverse visited)))]))
    | otherwise = visited
        unvisitedNodes = [x | x <- getAttachedVertexes graph node, not (elem x visited)]
        prevIndex = [x | x <- (reverse visited), x < (head (reverse visited))]

getAttachedVertexes :: [(Char, String)] -> Char -> [Char]
getAttachedVertexes graph node = case lookup node graph of
    Just value -> value
    Nothing -> ""

getIndex :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
getIndex item list = case elemIndex item list of
    Just index -> index
    Nothing -> error "help"

这段代码实际上运行良好,输出了我在上面写的理想输出,输入如下:trav [('A', "BC"), ('B', "ACD"), ('C', "AB"), ('D', "B")] 'A' 'D' ""
但是,当我输入以下输入时,此代码将启动无限递归循环:trav [('A', "CDE"), ('B', "D"), ('C', "AD"), ('D', "ABC"), ('E', "A")] 'A' 'E' ""
我最初认为问题的一部分是,在回溯时,回溯到的节点被添加到了visited列表中,这意味着当我执行head (tail (reverse visited))时,返回的项实际上是当前正在遍历的同一个节点。
我把这段代码“翻译”成Python 3,这是我最有经验的语言,并把它保存为Haskell格式,也就是一个包含一系列if语句的函数,所有语句中都有一行return
接下来,我尝试修复上面的错误。它返回了我上面提到的第一个输入的正确输出({"A":["B", "C"], "B":["A", "C", "D"], "C":["A", "B"], "D":["B"]}),但是,当我尝试上面的第二个输入({"A":['C', 'D', 'E'], "B":['D'], "C":['A','D'], "D":['A','B','C'], "E":['A']})时,它再次开始了一个无限循环(嗯,至少直到堆栈溢出)。

def trav(graph, node, endNode, visited):
    if node not in visited:
        return trav(graph, node, endNode, (visited + [node]))
    if node == endNode:
        return visited
    unvisitedNodes = [x for x in getAttachedNodes(graph, node) if x not in visited]
    if len(unvisitedNodes) > 0:
        return trav(graph, unvisitedNodes[0], endNode, visited)
    if len(visited) > 0:
        prevIndex = [x for x in reversed(visited) if x < visited[-1]]
        if len(prevIndex) > 1:
            return trav(graph, visited[visited.index(prevIndex[0])], endNode, (visited + [visited[visited.index(prevIndex[0])]]))
            return trav(graph, visited[-2], endNode, (visited + [visited[-2]]))
    return visited

if __name__ == '__main__':
    graph1 = {"A":["B", "C"], "B":["A", "C", "D"], "C":["A", "B"], "D":["B"]}
    node = input("Node: ")
    endNode = input("EndNode: ")
    graph2 = {"A":['C', 'D', 'E'], "B":['D'], "C":['A','D'], "D":['A','B','C'], "E":['A']}
    visited = []
    print(trav(graph2, node, endNode, visited))





import Data.List (elemIndex)

trav :: [(Char, String)] -> Char -> Char -> String -> String
trav [] _ _ _ = []
trav graph node endNode visited
    | not (elem node visited) = trav graph node endNode (visited ++ [node])  -- repeat but after adding this node to visited list.
    | node == endNode = visited
    | not (null unvisitedAttachedNodes) = trav graph (head unvisitedAttachedNodes) endNode visited
    | not (null visited) = if not (null attachedNodesWithUnvisited) then (trav graph (head attachedNodesWithUnvisited) endNode (visited ++ [(head attachedNodesWithUnvisited)])) else (trav graph (head (tail (reverse visited))) endNode (visited ++ [head (tail (reverse visited))]))
    | otherwise = visited
        unvisitedAttachedNodes = [x | x <- getAttachedVertexes graph node, not (elem x visited)]
        prevIndex = [x | x <- (reverse visited), x < (head (reverse visited))]
        unvisitedPrevNodes = [x | x <- prevIndex, elem x [y | y <- (getAttachedVertexes graph x), not (elem y visited)]]
        nodeToGoBackTo = visited !! (getIndex (head (reverse unvisitedPrevNodes)) visited)
        attachedNodesWithUnvisited = [nb | nb <- (getAttachedVertexes graph node), (hasUnvisited graph nb visited)]

getAttachedVertexes :: [(Char, String)] -> Char -> [Char]
getAttachedVertexes graph node = case lookup node graph of
    Just value -> value
    Nothing -> ""

hasUnvisited :: [(Char, String)] -> Char -> String -> Bool
hasUnvisited graph node visited = not (null unvisited) where
    unvisited = [x | x <- (getAttachedVertexes graph node), not (elem x visited)]

count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
count item list = length (filter (== item) list)

getIndex :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
getIndex item list = case elemIndex item list of
    Just index -> index
    Nothing -> error "help"


def trav(graph, node, endNode, visited):
    if node not in visited:
        return trav(graph, node, endNode, (visited + [node]))
    if node == endNode:
        return visited
    unvisitedAttachedNodes = [x for x in getAttachedNodes(graph, node) if x not in visited]
    if len(unvisitedAttachedNodes) > 0:
        return trav(graph, unvisitedAttachedNodes[0], endNode, visited)
    if len(visited) > 0:  # needs to backtrack
        attachedNodesWithUnvisited = [nb for nb in graph[node] if has_unvisited(graph, nb, visited)]
        if len(attachedNodesWithUnvisited) > 0:
            return trav(graph, attachedNodesWithUnvisited[0], endNode, visited + [attachedNodesWithUnvisited[0]])
            return trav(graph, visited[-2], endNode, visited + [visited[-2]])
    return visited

我意识到,无限循环是由于,每当需要回溯时,程序只返回一个节点,但随后将该节点添加到访问列表中,因此head (tail (reverse visited))(或Python等效的visited[-2])意味着程序在两个节点之间不断前进。正如你在新的Python翻译中可以清楚地看到的那样,我现在去visited[-2] * 除非 * 有一个连接的节点与未访问的相邻节点。




          / \
         /   \
        /     \
       /       \
      /         \
     B-1         C-8 
    / \         / \
   /   \       /   \
  D-2   E-5   F-9   G-12
 / \   / \   / \   / \
H   I J   K L   M N   O
3   4 6   7 10 11 13 14


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- Necessary for running `quickCheckAll` as `runTests` (see EOF)

import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.All

-- Just for clarity
type Label = Char
type Node = (Label, [Label])
type Path = [Label]

-- Lazily traverse the depthOrder path, until target is found
pathTo :: [Node] -> Label -> Path
pathTo nodes target = takeWhile (not . (==) target)
                      (depthOrder nodes)

-- Find root -- node label that is not a sub of any other nodes
-- Start with root label and `cons` with expansion of root subs
depthOrder :: [Node] -> Path
depthOrder nodes = root : concatMap (expand nodes) subs
    (root, subs) = head [(l, ss) | (l,ss) <- nodes, l `notElem` allSubs]
    allSubs = concat [subs | (label,subs) <- nodes]

-- Every expansion of a sub label, recursively calls for expansion of the
-- subs that follow from that label
expand :: [Node] -> Label -> Path
expand nodes label = label : concatMap (expand nodes)
                                       (getSubs label nodes)

-- For every sub label we search the node list for a node with that label,
-- and if there is one, get the subs for that node.
getSubs :: Char -> [Node] -> [Char]
getSubs label nodes = safeHead (dropWhile (not . (==) label . fst) nodes)
  where safeHead [] = []
        safeHead ((label,subs):ns) = subs 


-- simple expansion of one label into a path, based on depth order with
-- left sub searched befor right sub
prop_expand0 :: Property
prop_expand0 = property (expand [('B',"DE")] 'B' == "BDE")

-- if there is no node label in the node list that matches, the label is a
-- "leaf"
prop_expand1 :: Property
prop_expand1 = property (expand [('A',"BC")] 'Z' == "Z")

-- expanding from a predetermined root
prop_expand2 :: Property
prop_expand2 = property
  (expand [('A',"BC"),('B',"DE"),('C',"FG")] 'A' == "ABDECFG")

-- getting depthOrder for a node list, requires first finding a root
prop_depthOrder0 :: Property
prop_depthOrder0 = property
  (depthOrder [('B',"DE"),('C',"FG"),('A',"BC")] == "ABDECFG")

-- once we have a DEFINITION of the depth order of the node list, a simple
-- 'take' of the order will give us the path to the target label
prop_pathTo0 :: Property
prop_pathTo0 = property
  (pathTo [('A',"BC"),('B',"DE"),('C',"FG")] 'G' == "ABDECF")
prop_depthOrder1 :: Property
prop_depthOrder1 = property
  (depthOrder [('A', "BC"), ('B', "DE"), ('C', "FG"), ('D', "HI"),
               ('E', "JK"), ('F', "LM"), ('G', "NO")] == "ABDHIEJKCFLMGNO")
-- which is what we predicted at the outset

-- necessary pieces for running `quickCheckAll` on all our test properties
return []
runTests = $quickCheckAll

如果我们运行:pathTo [('t',"Hr"),('h',"ij"),('q',"sT"),('i'," tE"),('T',"r"), (' ',""),('E',"!q"),('H',"e")] 'q',会得到什么?



另外一个函数remove删除了带有给定标签的节点和子节点。此外,我们之前允许节点列表包含没有显式列出为终端节点(“leaves”)的子节点。这导致了不必要的复杂性,因此我们必须坚持(通过不变量的方式)子节点作为节点包括在内,如下所示:[('A',"BC"),('B',""),('C',"") … ]

remove nodes label = [(l,[s | s <-ss, s /= label])
                            | (l,ss) <- nodes, l /= label]

因为搜索路径在最左边的分支之前展开,所以子节点的展开依赖于从它们左边的分支返回的节点列表。这意味着我们不能再像以前那样使用concatMap(expand nodes)(getSubs label nodes)对所有子节点平等地使用简单Map。现在我们需要使用一个递归函数,将修改后的节点列表传递给每个后续的子节点展开。

-- Every expansion of a sub label, recursively calls for expansion of the
-- subs that follow from that label
expand :: [Node] -> Label -> Path
expand nodes label = label : concatMap (expand nodes)
                                       (getSubs label nodes)


-- Every expansion of a subnode label, recursively calls for expansion of
-- the subnodes that follow from THAT label.
-- To avoid loops and 'visiting' nodes more than once, every expansion will
-- remove the node being expanded from derivative expansions.
-- Since leftmost branches are evaluated first, the node list is resolved
-- before passing to the next branch right, and then the branch right of it.
expand :: [Node] -> [Label] -> Path
expand _ [] = ""
expand nodes (label:ls)
  | getSubs label nodes == Nothing = ""             -- no longer in list
                        ++ expand nodes ls          -- cont to other nodes
  | getSubs label nodes == Just ("") = [label]      -- a leaf
                        ++ expand (nodes `remove` [label]) ls
  | otherwise = label : leftPath ++ recOnRSubs      -- left to right
                        ++ expand                   ---- through subnodes
                           (nodes `remove` (label : leftPath ++ recOnRSubs))
    (lSub:rSubs) = fromJust (getSubs label nodes)
    leftPath = expand (nodes `remove` [label]) [lSub]
    recOnRSubs = expand (nodes `remove` (label:leftPath)) rSubs

remove :: [Node] -> [Label] -> [Node]
remove nodes visited = [(l, [s | s <- ss, s `notElem` visited])
                               | (l,ss) <- nodes, l `notElem` visited]

注意事项:在otherwise = label : leftPath ++ recOnRSubs …这一行,我已经把最左边的子节点展开为显式的,然后再转到右边的子节点上的递归。这不是严格必要的。可以使用子节点上的递归版本来包括最左边的节点,但我喜欢左边路径的显式。我认为这有助于读者定位。
