
3b6akqbq  于 2024-01-03  发布在  其他

在R中,我创建了一个覆盖世界(不包括南极洲)的栅格,大约60,000个点,并且只保留距离其最近的4个相邻点大约100公里的网格中的点。我进一步减少了陆地上的点的数量,得到了这些点的海拔,然后我减少了海拔为0米的点的数量<2000m and >。最后,我有大约14,000个点。

library(raster) ##load package to create raster of points over entire world
library(sp)  ##load package for st_points, st_transform, st_buffer, and st_intersection functions 
library(rgdal) ##elevatr package dependency
library(elevatr) ##load package for get_elev_point function 

r <- raster(ncol = 360, nrow = 180, ymn = -55, ymx = 90) ## Remove Antarctica
points <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(r))
points.sf <- st_as_sf(points, coords = 1:2, crs = 4326) ## Convert points to sf object

## Create a bounding box for your points to set the extent for the grid
bbox <- st_bbox(points.sf) ##cannot use r, because will lose precision of Long/Lat after the decimal

## Define the desired spacing between grid points: ~ 100km
#You can convert this distance to degrees using the approximate conversion factor of 1 degree ≈ 111.32 km at the equator. 
grid_spacing_degrees <- 1

## Create a grid of points within the bounding box
x_values <- seq(from = bbox["xmin"], to = bbox["xmax"], by = grid_spacing_degrees)
y_values <- seq(from = bbox["ymax"], to = bbox["ymin"], by = -grid_spacing_degrees)

grid <- expand.grid(x = x_values, y = y_values)

## Convert the grid to an sf object:
grid.sf <- st_as_sf(grid, coords = 1:2, crs = 4326)

## Keep only the points on land
intersection <- st_intersection(grid.sf, world)
##took 2.5 hours

land.grid.points <- intersection

## Check that it worked
plot(land.grid.points, pch=20, cex = 0.00005, max.plot = 10)

## For points on land, get elevation
elevation.land.grid.points <- get_elev_point(land.grid.points, prj = "EPSG:4326", z = 6, src = "aws") #zoom 6 is ground resolution per zoom in km at a given latitude: 0° = 2446m; 45° = 1729.6m; 60° = 1223m; uses Amazon Web Services; elevation in meters
elev <- as.data.frame(elevation.land.grid.points)

elev.constrained <- elev[elev$elevation > 0 & elev$elevation < 2000, ] ## fewer than 30 points have elevation = 0m, so removing them as done here is not harmful to the overall number of points
##confirmed elevations < 0 were off the coast a bit and in water, so correct to remove elevations < 0


library(geosphere) ##load package for distVincentyEllipsoid function

# Create vertices with latitude, longitude, and elevation information
vertices <- data.frame(
  Lon = elev.constrained$coords.x1,
  Lat = elev.constrained$coords.x2,
  Elevation = elev.constrained$elevation
# Calculate great circle distances between vertices
distances <- distVincentyEllipsoid(vertices[, c("Lon", "Lat")], a = 6378137, b = 6356752.3142, f = 1/298.257223563) #meters

# Add edges to the graph using the full distance matrix
edge_weights <- as.vector(distances)
g <- add_edges(g, edges = combn(vertex_indices, 2), edge.attr = edge_weights)


# Load your existing elevation raster
# use rasterize to create desired raster
r_data <- rasterize(x=elev.constrained[, 3:4], # lon-lat data
                    y=r, # raster object
                    field=elev.constrained[, 1], # vals to fill raster with
                    fun=mean) # aggregate function

# Create a new raster to store edge lengths (great circle distances)
edge_length_raster <- r_data

# Assign edge lengths to raster cells
values(edge_length_raster) <- distances

# You now have an elevation raster with edge lengths based on great circle distances

# plot(edge_length_raster) ##checkpoint
tr1 <- transition(edge_length_raster, transitionFunction = mean, directions = 8) ##uses Moore neighborhood


h8 <- geoCorrection(tr1,  scl=FALSE)




问题是--因此撇开沿海或海上移民理论--自从人类开始在地球上漫游以来,我们的星球表面并不是静止的。当古印第安人在大约12000到20000年前从亚洲迁移到美洲时,没有Bering Strait,而是Beringia,一座陆桥。你的模型不仅要反映这样的大陆的存在--白令加不是唯一的一个,参见例如Doggerland,特别是Sunda-Wallacea-Sahul--但取决于所考虑的时间跨度以及它们的动态,如图1所示。
x1c 0d1x的数据
因此,更改地理数据基础可能更方便,并切换到paleogeographicMap,又名古Map。除了R的相应软件包-至少rgplatesmapastvelociraptr我知道-你可能对Building Palaeogeographic Maps in R感兴趣。如果你没有绑定到R,可以找到进一步的古Map软件。

  • 编辑:* 正如simpson在下面的评论中所考虑的那样,人们也可以在需要时应用igraph包中的add_edges和相关函数来详细模拟地球表面,例如,对于无法使用古Map表示的假设场景。

附言:请注意,并非所有在平均海平面下的物体都在水下,例如Caspian Depression。模型的分辨率越高,相关性就越高。
