ragflow [功能请求]:关于语言、基本URL和模型工厂的一些要求:

mkshixfv  于 3个月前  发布在  其他


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  1. 支持设置默认语言
  2. moonshot 、zhipu-ai、deepseek需要支持base-ur
  3. oauth认证
  4. 文件格式
  5. 自定义模型工厂
  6. 模型下载
    支持下载的嵌入模型,比如BAAI和monic-ai系列,bce-embedding-base_v1,当前默认是存在容器的 /root/.cache/huggingface/hub
    1.Support for setting the default language
    Support setting the default language to Chinese in service_conf.yaml, and the default language of the database is also Chinese; this way, users don't need to change the language on their first login, which is very important for the user experience when many users are logging in and using the system.
    2.Moonshot, zhipu-ai, and deepseek need to support base-url
    For models that require network access, it is expected that all of them can be configured with a base-url. In internal company environments, servers are usually not connected to the internet, and access needs to be provided through an API proxy.
    3.OAuth authentication
    Support for OAuth 2.0 authentication is required, so that it can be quickly integrated with the company's internal authentication system and rapidly deployed for everyone to use.
    4.File formats
    When uploading files, filter the supported file formats in the file selector. Currently, all files can be uploaded, but unsupported formats prompt an error after uploading.
    5.Custom model factory
    It is expected to customize the model factory in the backend service_conf.yaml (not limited to the currently built-in Tongyi-Qianwen, OpenAI, ZHIPU-AI, Ollama, and Moonshot model factories). Preset the default chat_model, embedding_model, image2text_model, and asr_model, while also allowing free combination of various supported models. For example, using gpt-3.5-turbo for the chat_model and text-embedding-v2 for the embedding_model. The custom model factory needs to support the configuration of authentication information for the models.
    6.Model download
    Support for downloadable embedding models, such as the BAAI and monic-ai series, bce-embedding-base_v1. Currently, the default location is /root/.cache/huggingface/hub in the container. When the container is rebuilt, the models are lost and need to be downloaded again. It is expected to be able to map the container to an external location using docker-compose。


