ludwig ``` ValueError: Unexpected keyword arguments: top_k ```

2fjabf4q  于 2个月前  发布在  其他



{ 'input_features': [ { 'encoder': { 'model_cache_dir': 'null',
'model_variant': 50,
'trainable': True,
'type': 'resnet',
'use_pretrained': True},
'name': 'imagepath',
'preprocessing': {'num_processes': 4},
'type': 'image'}],
'ludwig_version': '0.7.4',
'output_features': [{'name': 'label', 'top_k': 1, 'type': 'category'}],
'trainer': {'epochs': 5}}



The following dependencies must be used:

  • absl-py==1.4.0
  • aiohttp==3.8.5
  • aiosignal==1.3.1
  • anyio==3.7.1
  • argon2-cffi==21.3.0
  • argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0
  • arrow==1.2.3
  • asttokens==2.2.1
  • async-lru==2.0.3
  • async-timeout==4.0.2
  • attrs==23.1.0
  • Babel==2.12.1
  • backcall==0.2.0
  • beautifulsoup4==4.12.2
  • bleach==6.0.0
  • blessed==1.20.0
  • blis==0.7.10
  • blosc2==2.0.0
  • bootstrapped==0.0.2
  • bs4==0.0.1
  • cachetools==5.3.1
  • catalogue==2.0.8
  • certifi==2023.5.7
  • cffi==1.15.1
  • charset_normalizer==3.2.0
  • click==8.1.6
  • cmake==3.27.0
  • comm==0.1.3
  • commonmark==0.9.1
  • confection==0.1.0
  • contourpy==1.1.0
  • cycler==0.11.0
  • cymem==2.0.7
  • Cython==3.0.0
  • dataclasses-json==0.5.13
  • debugpy==1.6.7
  • decorator==5.1.1
  • deepdiff==6.3.1
  • defusedxml==0.7.1
  • et_xmlfile==1.1.0
  • exceptiongroup==1.1.2
  • executing==1.2.0
  • experiment-impact-tracker==0.1.8
  • fastjsonschema==2.17.1
  • filelock==3.12.2
  • fonttools==44.41
  • fqdn==1.5.1
  • frozenlist==1.4.0
  • fsspec==2023.6.0
  • future==0.18.3
  • geocoder==1.38.1
  • geographiclib==2.0
  • geopy==2.3.0
  • google-auth==2.22.0
  • google-auth-oauthlib==1.0.0
  • gpustat==1.1
  • grpcio==1.56.2
  • h5py==3.9.0
  • huggingface-hub==0.16.4
  • idna=="3" python setuptools>=47,!=56,!=57,!=63,!=64,!=65,!=66,!=67,!=68,!=69,!=70,!=71,!=72,!=73,!=74,!=75,!=76,!=77,!=78,!=79,!=80,!=81,!=82,!=83,!=84,!=85,!=86,!=87,!=88,!=89,!=90,!=91,!=92,!=93,!=94,!=95,!=96,!=97,!=98,!=99 and sys_platform in ('win_amd64', 'linux', 'darwin') python setuptools>=47,!=56,!=57,!=58,!=59,!=63,!=64,!=65,!=66,!=67,!=68,!=69,!=70,!=71,!=72,!=73,!=74,!=75,!=76,!=77,!=78,!=79,!=80,!=81,!=82,!=83,!=84,!=85,!=86,!=87,!=88,!=89 and sys_platform in ('win_amd64', 'linux', 'darwin') python setuptools>=47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>=47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux') python setuptools>at least 47 and sys_platform not in ('win_amd64' or 'linux')
