vllm 在批量处理与单个句子处理中,文本生成结果不一致,

xvw2m8pv  于 2个月前  发布在  其他


  • VLLM 版本:v0.2.7
  • HF 版本:4.37.0
  • 使用的模型:teknium/OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B
  • Python 版本:3.10.13
  • 操作系统:Linux-5.10.201-191.748.amzn2.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.26
  • 驱动版本:535.129.03
  • CUDA 版本:12.2



from vllm import LLM
from vllm.engine.arg_utils import EngineArgs
from vllm.sampling_params import SamplingParams

engine = LLM(model="teknium/OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B")

prompts = [
    "Towards the end of the video, the focus shifts to the character in the blue and silver suit. This character is shown in a close-up shot, with a serious expression on their face. The close-up shot emphasizes the intensity of the moment and the character's determination.",
    "Overall, the video captures a dynamic and action-packed scene from a superhero-themed production, with characters in superhero costumes engaged in a battle against a backdrop of an urban environment.",

a = [(0,), (1,)]
b = [(0, 1)]
sampling_params = SamplingParams(**{
    "max_tokens": 200,
    "use_beam_search": False,
    "temperature": .0,
def print_batch(prefix, batch_idx):
    prompt_subset = [prompts[i] for i in batch_idx]
    result = engine.generate(prompt_subset, sampling_params, use_tqdm=False)
    for p, r in zip(prompt_subset, result):
        print(prefix, "\nprompt: ", p, "\nresult: ", r.outputs[0].text)

for batch_idx in a:
    print_batch("a: ", batch_idx)
for batch_idx in b:
    print_batch("b: ", batch_idx)




prompt:  Towards the end of the video, the focus shifts to the character in the blue and silver suit. This character is shown in a close-up shot, with a serious expression on their face. The close-up shot emphasizes the intensity of the moment and the character's determination. 
result:   The music also changes to a more dramatic and intense tone, further enhancing the emotional impact of the scene.

The character in the blue and silver suit is likely meant to represent a hero or a protagonist. The serious expression on their face and the dramatic music suggest that they are facing a difficult challenge or obstacle. The close-up shot also emphasizes their importance and the significance of their actions.

Overall, this scene is designed to create a sense of tension and excitement. The use of close-up shots, dramatic music, and a serious expression on the character's face all work together to create a powerful emotional impact on the viewer.
prompt:  Overall, the video captures a dynamic and action-packed scene from a superhero-themed production, with characters in superhero costumes engaged in a battle against a backdrop of an urban environment. 
result:   The video is well-edited and features a variety of camera angles and shots, which helps to create a sense of excitement and tension.

The video also features a number of special effects, including explosions, smoke, and flashes of light, which add to the overall impact of the scene. The use of music and sound effects also helps to enhance the mood and atmosphere of the video.

One of the standout aspects of the video is the choreography of the fight scenes, which is well-executed and engaging to watch. The actors involved in the video appear to be skilled in martial arts and stunt work, which adds to the realism and excitement of the scene.

Overall, the video is a great example of how to create an action-packed and visually impressive superhero-themed production. The combination of well-executed fight scenes, special effects, and strong editing makes for an engaging and exciting viewing experience.
prompt:  Towards the end of the video, the focus shifts to the character in the blue and silver suit. This character is shown in a close-up shot, with a serious expression on their face. The close-up shot emphasizes the intensity of the moment and the character's determination. 
result:   The music also changes to a more dramatic and intense tone, further enhancing the emotional impact of the scene.

The character in the blue and silver suit is likely meant to represent a hero or a protagonist. The serious expression on their face and the dramatic music suggest that they are facing a difficult challenge or obstacle. The close-up shot also emphasizes their importance and the significance of their actions.

Overall, this scene is designed to create a sense of tension and anticipation. The use of close-up shots, dramatic music, and a serious expression on the character's face all work together to create a powerful emotional impact on the viewer.
prompt:  Overall, the video captures a dynamic and action-packed scene from a superhero-themed production, with characters in superhero costumes engaged in a battle against a backdrop of an urban environment. 
result:   The video is well-edited and features a variety of camera angles and shots, giving viewers a sense of the excitement and energy of the scene.

The video also features a catchy and upbeat music track that adds to the overall atmosphere of the scene. The music is well-suited to the action-packed nature of the video and helps to create a sense of urgency and tension.

In terms of production quality, the video is very impressive. The special effects, such as the explosions and the flying characters, are well-executed and add to the overall impact of the scene. The costumes and makeup are also very well-done, with the characters looking like they have stepped straight out of a comic book.

Overall, the video is a great example of how to create an engaging and exciting superhero-themed production. The action-packed scene, combined with the music and special effects, make for a thrilling and visually


遇到了与qwen 72b模型类似的问题。



Pls did you solve this problem



Gemma 7B也存在同样的问题。
