anyproxy forward Request to another proxy with authentication

gv8xihay  于 6个月前  发布在  其他

please add an option to add proxy (as upstream proxy) with authentication support, to handle request for someone that runs anyproxy behind proxyserver to access internet.
I'm behind "http forward proxy" that need username and password to access internet.
I want something like this:
Client --> Anyproxy --> MyOrganization proxy () --> Internet
thank you :)



Hi @behrouz-s
Did you mean an option to add authentication (usernmae:password) to the request? If the AnyProxy is running behind another one, could this be done by AnyProxy rules?

We are planning to add the auth support to AnyProxy, so it will be helpful if you can let we know the detailed requirements.

Thanks a lot:)



thanks @codingfishman for your replay
If you want to add some features to AnyProxy, this features could be applicable:
1- Add proxy ability to AnyProxy so Anyproxy can connect to the internet through open proxy or proxy with authentication, this feature could implement in configuration or interface function.
clien --> AnyProxy --> (username:password, authentication capability if required) another proxy (for example Organization proxy) --> Internet.
2- Add authentication ability to AnyProxy so users can connect to Anyproxy with username and password. If Anyproxy gets list of username and password from text file, we can add users on the fly. Anyproxy can check entered username and password with a specific function.
client --> (username:password authentication) Anyproxy --> Internet;
example interface function(username,password){if(authorized) return true; else return false;}
Thanks a lot



Any progress on this thread ?
