What problem does this feature solve?
雷达图如果配置项标签过多的情况 会出现很密集且重叠的问题,能不能增加一项 雷达图外圈配置项标签名称旋转的功能,不是传统的旋转,而是 随着角度的旋转 比方说 4个角度 0 90 180 270 初始角度 0在左侧的情况 0角度的文字是横着正常看的 90度数竖着的,有点类似于画的小太阳 画光照的时候 都是随着角度转的
What does the proposed API look like?
emm 我是技术小菜鸟 就不给你们添麻烦了 如果可以希望能采纳我的建议
@tang1104542807 It seems you are not using English, I've helped translate the content automatically. To make your issue understood by more people and get helped, we'd like to suggest using English next time. 🤗
Echarts radar chart
What problem does this feature solve?
If there are too many configuration item labels in the radar chart, there will be a very dense and overlapping problem, can you add a function of rotating the name of the configuration item label in the outer circle of the radar chart, not the traditional rotation, but with the rotation of the angle For example, 4 angles 0 90 180 270 Initial angle 0 on the left side of the situation 0 angle of the text is horizontally normal 90 degrees vertical, a bit similar to the small sun painted When painting the light, it all rotates with the angle
What does the proposed API look like?
emm I'm a tech novice, so I won't bother you, and if you can, I hope to take my advice