Link to Minimal Reproduction
Steps to Reproduce
- Go to minimal reproduction link or create chart with following options:
xAxis: {
type: 'time',
min: 1710023200000,
max: 1715876700000
yAxis: {
min: -1,
max: 1
dataZoom: [
type: 'slider',
rangeMode: 'percent'
series: [
name: 'Data Shadow error data',
data: [
[1712143200000, 0.75],
[1712393200000, 0.5],
[1712643200000, 0.25],
[1712893200000, 0],
[1713143200000, -0.25],
[1713393200000, -0.5],
[1713633200000, -0.75]
type: 'line'
- Run chart
Current Behavior
Data shadow at the bottom does not match data distribution on chart.
It seems not to respect min and max values on axis.
Expected Behavior
Data shadow should consider axis.min/axis.max when drawing.
Data shadow for given chart should look like that:
- OS: any
- Browser: any
- Framework: any
Any additional comments?
Possible workaround is to add artifical data to series with axis.min and axis.max and NaN/undefined as a value
For given example data series would be:
data: [
[1710023200000, NaN],
[1712143200000, 0.75],
[1712393200000, 0.5],
[1712643200000, 0.25],
[1712893200000, 0],
[1713143200000, -0.25],
[1713393200000, -0.5],
[1713633200000, -0.75],
[1715876700000, NaN],
But this workaround will only work after merge of: #16978
I have exactly the same bug.