Luckysheet [Feature request]I have an idea

e0bqpujr  于 2个月前  发布在  其他

Data verification => setDataVerification(option, [setting])

May I know when will this be available for the users? I will require it as early as possible for my current usage. Please let us know about the data verification.

Data Verification
#setDataVerification(option, [setting])


{Object} [option]: Configuration information for data verification
{PlainObject} [setting]: optional parameters
{Array | Object | String} [range]: The selection area for data verification, The format of the supported selection is "A1:B2", "sheetName!A1:B2" or {row:[0,1] ,column:[0,1]}, can only be a single selection; the default is the current selection
{Number} [order]: Worksheet subscript; the default value is the current worksheet subscript
{Function} [success]: callback function for the end of the operation

Specify the worksheet range to set the data verification function and set the parameters
