bug描述 Describe the Bug
从NGC官网下载22.05的paddlepaddle版本: docker run --gpus all -it --rm nvcr.io/nvidia/paddlepaddle:22.05-py3
运行paddle的示例: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/blob/release/1.8/dygraph/mnist/train.py
执行过程中报错如下:执行命令:python -m paddle.distributed.launch --selected_gpus=0,1,2,3 --log_dir ./mylog mnist_distribution_v1.py
WARNING 2022-06-15 14:58:25,811 launch.py:422] Not found distinct arguments and compiled with cuda or xpu. Default use collective mode
launch train in GPU mode!
INFO 2022-06-15 14:58:25,812 launch_utils.py:525] Local start 4 processes. First process distributed environment info (Only For Debug):
| Distributed Envs Value |
| FLAGS_selected_gpus 0 |
| FLAGS_selected_accelerators 0 |
INFO 2022-06-15 14:58:25,812 launch_utils.py:530] details abouts PADDLE_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS can be found in ./mylog/endpoints.log, and detail running logs maybe found in ./mylog/workerlog.0
launch proc_id:5212 idx:0
launch proc_id:5231 idx:1
launch proc_id:5250 idx:2
launch proc_id:5270 idx:3
I0615 14:58:27.576098 5212 nccl_context.cc:74] init nccl context nranks: 4 local rank: 0 gpu id: 0 ring id: 0
W0615 14:58:29.451130 5212 device_context.cc:451] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 11.7, Runtime API Version: 11.7
W0615 14:58:29.460047 5212 device_context.cc:469] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.4.
loading mnist dataset from ./work/mnist.json.gz ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "mnist_distribution_v1.py", line 107, in <module>
File "mnist_distribution_v1.py", line 84, in train_multi_gpu
train_loader = fluid.contrib.reader.distributed_batch_reader(train_loader)
AttributeError: module 'paddle.fluid.contrib' has no attribute 'reader'
INFO 2022-06-15 14:58:46,935 launch_utils.py:320] terminate process group gid:5231
INFO 2022-06-15 14:58:46,935 launch_utils.py:320] terminate process group gid:5250
INFO 2022-06-15 14:58:46,936 launch_utils.py:320] terminate process group gid:5270
INFO 2022-06-15 14:58:50,940 launch_utils.py:341] terminate all the procs
ERROR 2022-06-15 14:58:50,940 launch_utils.py:602] ABORT!!! Out of all 4 trainers, the trainer process with rank=[0] was aborted. Please check its log.
INFO 2022-06-15 14:58:54,945 launch_utils.py:341] terminate all the procs
INFO 2022-06-15 14:58:54,945 launch.py:311] Local processes completed.
我推测是不是因为例子是1.8版本,而docker的环境是2.2.2 版本的,所以有API的不同,因而采用paddle v1到v2版本的转换器进行转换,将v1版本转换成v2之后,依然采用相同的命令执行并行计算,此次,报错如下:
INFO 2022-06-15 14:48:53,563 launch_utils.py:530] details abouts PADDLE_TRAINER_ENDPOINTS can be found in ./mylog/endpoints.log, and detail running logs maybe found in ./mylog/workerlog.0
launch proc_id:4501 idx:0
launch proc_id:4520 idx:1
launch proc_id:4539 idx:2
launch proc_id:4559 idx:3
I0615 14:48:55.291877 4501 nccl_context.cc:74] init nccl context nranks: 4 local rank: 0 gpu id: 0 ring id: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "mnist_distribution.py", line 109, in <module>
File "mnist_distribution.py", line 76, in train_multi_gpu
strategy = paddle.fluid.dygraph.parallel.prepare_context()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/paddle/fluid/dygraph/parallel.py", line 68, in prepare_context
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/paddle/fluid/dygraph/parallel_helper.py", line 42, in _init_parallel_ctx
OSError: (External) NCCL error(5), invalid usage. Detail: Resource temporarily unavailable
Please try one of the following solutions:
1. export NCCL_SHM_DISABLE=1;
2. export NCCL_P2P_LEVEL=SYS;
3. Increase shared memory by setting the -shm-size option when starting docker container, e.g., setting -shm-size=2g.
[Hint: 'ncclInvalidUsage'. The call to NCCL is incorrect. This is usually reflecting a programming error.] (at /opt/paddle/paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/collective_helper.cc:99)
INFO 2022-06-15 14:49:03,684 launch_utils.py:341] terminate all the procs
ERROR 2022-06-15 14:49:03,684 launch_utils.py:602] ABORT!!! Out of all 4 trainers, the trainer process with rank=[0, 1, 2, 3] was aborted. Please check its log.
INFO 2022-06-15 14:49:07,689 launch_utils.py:341] terminate all the procs
INFO 2022-06-15 14:49:07,689 launch.py:311] Local processes completed.
按照上面的提示,我设置了两个环境变量,同时增大了docker的shm-size,依然是相同的报错,此外,我用run_check 检查了机器环境,发现GPU卡间是不能p2p的,但是fluid是通过了多GPU的测试的。
>>> fluid.install_check.run_check()
Running Verify Fluid Program ...
W0615 14:36:55.247263 3184 device_context.cc:451] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 11.7, Runtime API Version: 11.7
W0615 14:36:55.254676 3184 device_context.cc:469] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.4.
Your Paddle Fluid works well on SINGLE GPU or CPU.
W0615 14:36:59.100487 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 0 to 5
W0615 14:36:59.100513 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 0 to 6
W0615 14:36:59.100518 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 0 to 7
W0615 14:36:59.797154 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 1 to 4
W0615 14:37:00.129410 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 1 to 6
W0615 14:37:00.129437 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 1 to 7
W0615 14:37:01.045341 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 2 to 4
W0615 14:37:01.045370 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 2 to 5
W0615 14:37:01.379971 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 2 to 7
W0615 14:37:02.027123 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 3 to 4
W0615 14:37:02.027153 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 3 to 5
W0615 14:37:02.027158 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 3 to 6
W0615 14:37:03.341859 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 4 to 1
W0615 14:37:03.341889 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 4 to 2
W0615 14:37:03.341893 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 4 to 3
W0615 14:37:03.343364 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 5 to 0
W0615 14:37:04.248374 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 5 to 2
W0615 14:37:04.248404 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 5 to 3
W0615 14:37:04.250039 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 6 to 0
W0615 14:37:04.250051 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 6 to 1
W0615 14:37:04.873052 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 6 to 3
W0615 14:37:04.874171 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 7 to 0
W0615 14:37:04.874182 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 7 to 1
W0615 14:37:04.874188 3184 parallel_executor.cc:617] Cannot enable P2P access from 7 to 2
W0615 14:37:17.662714 3184 fuse_all_reduce_op_pass.cc:76] Find all_reduce operators: 2. To make the speed faster, some all_reduce ops are fused during training, after fusion, the number of all_reduce ops is 1.
Your Paddle Fluid works well on MUTIPLE GPU or CPU.
Your Paddle Fluid is installed successfully! Let's start deep Learning with Paddle Fluid now
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