llama_index [Bug]:检索评估命中率误差

zc0qhyus  于 2个月前  发布在  其他


当检索器找不到节点时,使用RetrieverEvaluator进行评估会导致错误:"Retrieved ids and expected ids must be provided."




当检索器找不到节点时,使用RetrieverEvaluator进行评估会导致错误:"Retrieved ids和expected ids必须提供。"


change `HitRate` Class to :

class HitRate(BaseRetrievalMetric):
    """Hit rate metric: Compute hit rate with two calculation options.

- The default method checks for a single match between any of the retrieved docs and expected docs.
- The more granular method checks for all potential matches between retrieved docs and expected docs.

use_granular_hit_rate (bool): Determines whether to use the granular method for calculation.
metric_name (str): The name of the metric.

    metric_name: str = "hit_rate"
    use_granular_hit_rate: bool = False

    def compute(
        query: Optional[str] = None,
        expected_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        retrieved_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        expected_texts: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        retrieved_texts: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    ) -> RetrievalMetricResult:
        """Compute metric based on the provided inputs.

query (Optional[str]): The query string (not used in the current implementation).
expected_ids (Optional[List[str]]): Expected document IDs.
retrieved_ids (Optional[List[str]]): Retrieved document IDs.
expected_texts (Optional[List[str]]): Expected texts (not used in the current implementation).
retrieved_texts (Optional[List[str]]): Retrieved texts (not used in the current implementation).

ValueError: If the necessary IDs are not provided.

RetrievalMetricResult: The result with the computed hit rate score.
        # Checking for the required arguments
        if (
            retrieved_ids is None
            or expected_ids is None
            or not retrieved_ids
            or not expected_ids
            # don't raise error
            # raise ValueError("Retrieved ids and expected ids must be provided")
            return 0.0

        if self.use_granular_hit_rate:
            # Granular HitRate calculation: Calculate all hits and divide by the number of expected docs
            expected_set = set(expected_ids)
            hits = sum(1 for doc_id in retrieved_ids if doc_id in expected_set)
            score = hits / len(expected_ids) if expected_ids else 0.0
            # Default HitRate calculation: Check if there is a single hit
            is_hit = any(id in expected_ids for id in retrieved_ids)
            score = 1.0 if is_hit else 0.0

        return RetrievalMetricResult(score=score)



class HitRate(BaseRetrievalMetric):
"""Hit rate metric: Compute hit rate with two calculation options.

  • The default method checks for a single match between any of the retrieved docs and expected docs.
  • The more granular method checks for all potential matches between retrieved docs and expected docs.

use_granular_hit_rate (bool): Determines whether to use the granular method for calculation.
metric_name (str): The name of the metric.

metric_name: str = "hit_rate"
use_granular_hit_rate: bool = False

def compute(
    query: Optional[str] = None,
    expected_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    retrieved_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    expected_texts: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    retrieved_texts: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> RetrievalMetricResult:
    """Compute metric based on the provided inputs.

query (Optional[str]): The query string (not used in the current implementation).
expected_ids (Optional[List[str]]): Expected document IDs.
retrieved_ids (Optional[List[str]]): Retrieved document IDs.
expected_texts (Optional[List[str]]): Expected texts (not used in the current implementation).
retrieved_texts (Optional[List[str]]): Retrieved texts (not used in the current implementation).

RetrievalMetricResult: The result with the computed hit rate score.
# Checking for the required arguments
if (
retrieved_ids is None
or expected_ids is None
or not retrieved_ids
or not expected_ids
return RetrievalMetricResult(score=0.0)

    if self.use_granular_hit_rate:
        # Granular HitRate calculation: Calculate all hits and divide by the number of expected docs
        expected_set = set(expected_ids)
        hits = sum(1 for doc_id in retrieved_ids if doc_id in expected_set)
        score = hits / len(expected_ids) if expected_ids else 0.0
        # Default HitRate calculation: Check if there is a single hit
        is_hit = any(id in expected_ids for id in retrieved_ids)
        score = 1.0 if is_hit else 0.0

    return RetrievalMetricResult(score=score)


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